Living Values Education is a 'not-for-profit' organisation and provides 'download' materials free of cost. We simply ask you to login, give your email address, and ask you a couple of questions that allow us to know how and where the material is being used, and if we can assist further. Your information is secure and only used by Living Values Education. Please know that by downloading the materials you are accepting to receive our quarterly newsletter, which you can unsubscribe if you choose.
For Values assistance contact us click here to email or contact your closest Associate or Focal Point found in the Contact Us section.
On this page you will find a storehouse of Living Values Education materials for a variety of use.
- Values-based Atmosphere: The Key to a Better Life
- ALIVE Events & Activities Book 2024
- Take our 15 min Quiz...
- Climate Change and Values
- Regional Asia Gathering Conference
- In Community Study Groups
- Materials For Schools
- Rainbow Booklet Values Library
- LVE Model Schools
- Materials For Businesses
- Materials For Distance Online Courses
Association for Living Values Education International Brochure
Please download and read the ALIVE brochure for an overview of the organisation, its vision and aims, and how the Living Values Education Approach may be used in a wide variety of settings and ways including in schools, at home, and to support care for the environment. There are also brief introductions to our professional development courses for teachers, workshops, various online offerings, and extensive resource materials, all of which are designed to help nurture humanity's inherent goodness and made available around the world through our network of member organisations and supporting individuals. Download ALIVE eBrochure print version
Values-based Atmosphere Book
Responses from the LVE community have allowed us to publish this beautiful 52-page book dedicated solely to LVE's approach to a Values-based Atmosphere.
The book offers different perspectives from different teachers, trainers, practitioners and parents as they share their thoughts and experiences with LVE over the past years and respond to some of the questions above. It's a must read for everyone involved with children and also to all of us seeking to improve our own lives!
Download FREE Values-based Atmosphere Book (pdf file)
ALIVE International Events & Activities Book 2024
ALIVE would like to thank all of the ALIVE Associates and the Focal Points for LVE who have contributed news of their recent activities.
We are proud to share your country reports which are a wonderful source of inspiration and upliftment and it is both refreshing and humbling to read of the efforts made, often in very challenging circumstances.
To view the Events and Activities for 2024, download your FREE copy of the booklet below.
Download FREE ALIVE International Events & Activities Book 2024 - Annual Edition (pdf)
To read more reports from countries with current Living Values Education activities click here.
Why do I need Values? Take our 15 min Quiz...
How self-aware are you?
Try for yourself, and perhaps together with family members, this simple 15-minute"Living Values Awareness Quiz" to see the important role values play in all our lives.
The 'Wheel of Life' can show you where and how your ride is through life, whether smooth or bumpy, and most importantly, highlights where corrections can be made.
This simple and quick to engage quiz was requested by our friend Guma from Uganda. Guma was seeking a means to capture the attention of people in his village bringing them to see the important role values play in all our lives.
Download FREE 15 Min Quiz (word doc)
Climate Change and Values Book
Reflect for a moment on the world your heart longs for...
How might the values of peace, love, respect, honesty, cooperation and freedom create a social fabric of harmony and change?
Climate Change is no longer coming, it is here now and the majority of the seven billion people on the planet are aware to varying degrees. Large numbers of people are in some way starting to experience the dynamic of a world fast disintegrating into a very real potential of global deprivation and terror for many.
Climate affects food production, extreme weather and temperature, the safety of homes, floods, fires and safe water supplies. These events result in mass migration, a reduction in sustainable living and the destruction of flora and fauna that support the biosphere. We, together with our children are at risk of a devastating future.
Einstein said that you cannot solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it. If this is true then we need to look not at a quick fix to each drama that unfolds, rather at the reason we have created this experience. Clearly, our collective Values need to be addressed and change the way we live our lives.
Embracing Values in our daily life directly impacts how we live on the planet. We could be the change we want to see in the world, with a goal to change the way we live and start to give our Earth and Her Oceans the opportunity to heal.
This book is dedicated to that objective - to bring awareness through engaging these carefully thought-out activities for children and adults to create understanding, affirm our Values and stimulate positive action in our daily lives before it is too late.
Download FREE Climate Change and Values Book (pdf version)
ALIVE Regional Asia Gathering Conference Book
In May 2023, Sri Lanka plays host in celebration of the launch of Living Values Education in their country. During this week Sri Lanka hosts 11 Asia country LVE representatives for a regional council of shared activities, including two LVE "Train the Trainer" 3-day workshops for Sri Lanka school educators and University Values Trainers.
This the first international ALIVE (Association for Living Values Education International) Regional event since the start of Covid in 2020. To bring attention to the Living Values activities in the Asia region, and to welcome Sri Lanka into the LVE Family, a small booklet has been brought together by main regional participants in the expansion of Values Awareness in their country.
To view the exciting accomplishments underway, download your FREE copy of the 'ALIVE in Asia Regional Gathering 2023' booklet below.
Download FREE ALIVE in Asia Conference Booklet - May23 (pdf version)
Living Values 'In-Community' Study Group
Association of Living Values Education International (ALIVE) contribution to the 2023 World Values Day:
It's a free, no experience required, opportunity to make a difference, just a desire to help others and yourself and bring awareness for values into the community. Good for all ages. Make new friends, in a local group, or be bold and create your group online. If you like our international LVE Certificate at the end of your 12-week Study Group, please send your Application (which you can find in the Guidelines book) to join.
Download your FREE 'In-Community Study Group Guidelines' booklet
Materials for Schools - Free Downloads below
Designed to address the whole child/person, Living Values Education activities engage people of all ages in exploring, experiencing and expressing values so they can find those that resonant in their heart, and build the social and emotional skills, which enable them to live those values.
The universal values explored are of Peace, Respect, Love, Cooperation, Happiness, Honesty, Humility, Responsibility, Simplicity, Tolerance, Freedom, Unity and more.
The initial set of five books known as the Living Values Education series are:
- Living Values Education Activities for Children Ages 3-7
- Living Values Education Activities for Children Ages 8-14
- Living Values Education Activities for Young Adults
- LVE Educator Training Guide
Values Activities for Children Ages 3-7, 8-14 and Young Adults
Recognising the many challenges faced by teachers today with all ages of young people we have created a Library of Values Activity booklets which are essentially 'classroom aids' providing ideas, using activities to assist in dealing with specific classroom issues, capturing student imagination, participation and discussion, perhaps bringing our young people to a different; more caring and responsible space.
Each value activities booklet of approx. 40-56 pages is easily printed on school printer as A5 booklet/pocket book size, landscape, 2 up, colour cover and b/w inside. If you have a machine that staples great, if not a long-nose stapler will do the trick. Alternatively, you could download the files and order your choice of booklets from your local photocopy shop (one colour) for about $3 each.
Download Rainbow Booklets Library Overview
Children Ages 3-7
Rainbow Library Activities Booklets for Children Ages 3-7, Book 1
Free Downloads - eBook download for reading online or self-print option and copying. Provide Activities For Everyone - Teachers, Care Givers, Parents, Individuals, Special Interest Areas, Living Values for Self and Community Development.
Materials and activities in these booklets are adapted from Living Values Education Activities for Children Ages 3-7, Book 1
Introduction and Overview
Part B Appendix
Unit 1 Peace
Unit 2 Respect
Unit 3 Love and Caring
Unit 4 Tolerance
Unit 5 Honesty
Unit 6 Happiness
Unit 7 Responsibility
Unit 8 Simplicity and Caring for the Earth and her Oceans
Download the full set of Rainbow Booklets for Children Ages 3-7, Book 1
Posters for Children Ages 3-7
Living Values Education posters are Reflection Points for each value. They are offered to assist and remind students and others seeking values awareness the various qualities of each value. They can be printed as an A4 page in colour and easily displayed. They can also be increased in size to A3 (bigger) and used as display posters in the classroom.
Download Posters: The .docx versions allow for language translation.
Happiness | docx | |
Honesty | docx | |
Love | docx | |
Peace | docx | |
Respect | docx | |
Responsibility | docx | |
Simplicity | docx | |
Tolerance | docx |
Download FREE Songs (.mp3 files)
A variety of songs are included in the LVE lessons for children ages three to seven. You can download the songs to hear the melody or to play them for the children. Children benefit in many ways from learning and singing the songs together - and doing so builds feelings of happiness and belonging.
Friends Make the World Go "˜Round
Download FREE Stories used in Living Values Education Activities for Children Ages 3-7, Book 1
The creators of the Joy of Reading Project kindly gave permission to the Association for Living Values Education International for the posting of some of their stories on this website. They also gave their permission to offer them for free download. The stories below were chosen because of their relevance to a particular value. Each pdf file states the values unit and lesson in which the story is included; the name of the story and author are stated in the relevant lesson of the book.
Peace I, Ages 3-4, Lesson 7 . . . "The Way I Feel" by Janan Cain
Peace I, Ages 3-7, Lesson 9 . . . "Simon's Hook" by Karen Gedig Burnett
Peace I, Ages 3-7, Lesson 14 . . . "Because of You" by B. G. Hennessy and Hiroe Nakata
Respect I, Ages 3-6, Lesson 7 . . . "Hands Are Not for Hitting" by Martina Agassi and Marieka Heinlen
Respect I, Age 7, Lesson 7 . . . "Bully B.E.A.N.S." by Julia Cook
Love Ages 3-7, Lesson 3 . . . "The Invisible String" by Patrice Karst
Love Ages 3-7, Lesson 9 . . . "Little Mouse, I Love You" by Dugald Steer
Love Ages 5-7, Lesson 9 . . "Library Lion" by Michelle Knudsen and Kevin Hawkes
Love Ages 6-7, Lesson 9 . . . "Lin Yi´s Lantern" by Brenda Williams
Love Ages 3-7, Lesson 14 . . . "My body belongs to me from my head to my toes" by Pro Familia
Tolerance Ages 5-7, Lesson 8 . . . "Suki's Kimono" by Chieri Uegaki
Tolerance Ages 3-5, Lesson 8 . . . "Whoever you are" by Mem Fox and Leslie Staub
Honesty Ages 3-7, Lesson 11 . . . "Jade and the Giant" by Todd Rice @1995, 2005 - in mp3 format
Honesty Ages 3-7, Lesson 12 . . . "One Seed" by Rosemary Phillips
Simplicity Ages 3-6, Lesson 8 . . . "Mortimer's First Garden" by Karma Wilson
Simplicity Ages 3-7, Lesson 8 . . . "A Caterpillar Grows Up" by Edith Hunter; adapted from The Family Finds Out
Simplicity Ages 6-7, Lesson 8 . . . "Anju and the Stream" by R. P. Subramanian and Tamal Basu
Children Ages 8-14
Rainbow Library Activities Booklets for Children 8-14, Book 1
Free Downloads - eBook download for reading online or self-print option and copying. Provide Activities For Everyone - Teachers, Care Givers, Parents, Individuals, Special Interest Areas, Living Values for Self and Community Development.
Activities in these booklets are adapted from- Living Values Education Activities for Children Age 8-14, Book 1
ATTENTION TEACHERS PLEASE NOTE: for Rainbow Booklets in other languages we are able to provide the document in Word Docx so that it may be translated into any language using Google Translate. Request from
Introduction and Overview
Unit 1 Peace
Unit 2 Respect
Unit 3 Love and Caring
Unit 4 Tolerance
Unit 5 Simplicity and Caring for the Earth and Her Oceans Part 1
Unit 5 Simplicity and Caring for the Earth and Her Oceans Part 2
Unit 6 Honesty
Unit 7 Happiness
Unit 8 Responsibility
Download the full set of Rainbow Booklets for Children Ages 8-14, Book 1
Posters for Children Ages 8-14
Download Posters: The .docx versions allow for language translation.
Cooperation | docx | |
Freedom | docx | |
Happiness | docx | |
Honesty | docx | |
Humility | docx | |
Love | docx | |
Peace | docx | |
Simplicity | docx |
Download FREE Stories used in Living Values Education Activities for Children Ages 8-14, Book 1
The creators of the Joy of Reading Project kindly gave permission to the Association for Living Values Education International for the posting of some of their stories on this website. The 11 stories below were chosen because of their relevance to a particular value. Each pdf file states the value's unit in which the story is included; the name of the story and author are stated in the relevant lesson of the book.
Permission to share these stories and make them available for free download was kindly given by the Joy for Learning Project.
Respect 8-10 . . . "A Christmas I'll Never Forget" by Linda DeMers Hummel
Love 8-12 . . . "Enemy Pie" by Derek Munson
Love 8-14 . . . "The girl with a brave heart: A Tale from Tehran" by Rita Jahanforuz
Love 8-14 . . . "Chicken Sunday" by Patrica Polacco
Tolerance 8-10 . . . "One Green Apple" by Eve Bunting
Tolerance 8-11 . . . "The Royal Bee" by Frances and Ginger Park and Christopher Zhong" Yuan Zhang
Tolerance 12-Young Adults . . . "Brothers in Hope "” The story of the lost boys of Sudan" by Mary Williams
Happiness 8-14 . . . "The Boy Who Grew Flowers" by Jen Wojtowicz
Happiness 8-14 . . . "Can I catch it like a cold? coping with a parent's depression" by Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Responsibility 8-14 . . . "Running Shoes" by Frederick Lipp
Responsibility 12-14 . . . "Rickshaw Girl" by Mitali Perkins
Young Adults
Rainbow Library Activities Booklets for Young Adults, Book 1
Free Downloads - eBook download for reading online or self-print option and copying. Provide Activities For Everyone - Teachers, Care Givers, Parents, Individuals, Special Interest Areas, Living Values for Self and Community Development.
Activities in these booklets are adapted from Living Values Education Activities for Young Adults, Book 1
ATTENTION TEACHERS PLEASE NOTE: for Rainbow Booklets in other languages we are able to provide the document in Word Docx so that it may be translated into any language using Google Translate. Request from
Introduction and Overview
Unit 1 Peace
Unit 2 Respect
Unit 3 Love and Caring
Unit 4 Tolerance
Unit 5 Simplicity and Caring for the Earth and Her Oceans Part A
Unit 5 Simplicity and Caring for the Earth and Her Oceans Part B
Unit 6 Honesty
Unit 7 Happiness
Unit 8 Responsibility
Download the full set of Rainbow Booklets for Young Adults, Book 1
Posters for Young Adults
Download Posters: The .docx versions allow for language translation.
Cooperation | docx | |
Freedom | docx | |
Happiness | docx | |
Honesty | docx | |
Humility | docx | |
Love | docx | |
Peace | docx | |
Simplicity | docx |
Living Values Education Values Cards
The simple values cards (setup as four per A4 page) are used as reminders for what the values offer to us and we offer to the values. Ideal for printing off and using one value each day for a week to remind ourselves of the treasure they can bring to our lives. The values cards are ideal for creating a point of focus in group situations, passing around and sharing with one another about what the particular value means to us, thus opening the doors for mutual discussion and self-discovery.
Living Green Values, Activities for Children and Young Adults - Free Downloads
These Living Green Values activities are intended to help young people be more aware of the importance of taking care of the Earth and her resources. Part of that process is awakening love for nature and her creatures and learning about specific ways that they can help be a friend to the Earth.
Download Living Green Values book | Download this book cover
Rainbow Booklet Values Library - Free Downloads
Free Download - eBook download for reading online or self-print option and copying. Provide Activities For Everyone - Teachers, Care Givers, Parents, Individuals, Special Interest Areas, Living Values for Self and Community Development.
Booklets available now:
Download Living Values Education For Young Adults - (Taken from Activity Books)
Download Living Values Education The Living Values School Experience - (LVE Criteria, Kuwait And Bali)
Download Living Values Education 'Respect' for Children Age 8-14 - (Taken from Activity Books)
LVE Model Schools - Free Downloads
Free Download - eBook download for reading online or self-print option and copying. Provide Activities For Everyone - Teachers, Care Givers, Parents and Individuals.
Download Living Values Education Criteria For LVE Model Schools
Download Living Values Education Improving Facilitation Skills
Materials for Businesses - Free Downloads
Free Download - eBook download for reading online or self-print option and copying. Provide Activities For Special Interest Areas, Living Values for Self and Community Development.
In today's business world, no matter whether a mum and pop corner store or a large corporate, the essential ingredient for success is Values. We must build a Values Based Atmosphere in our workplace. The source of all this is based on your organisation's dedication to your business at all levels; management, workforce, and customers must be one intrinsically linked unit with defined and lived-in Values that guarantee a happy and efficient environment, a quality product, and most important, service satisfaction. In this small booklet, discover the simplest ingredient. the one value that will bring success to your business.
Download Living Values in Business - For Associates, Focal Points and Facilitators
The purpose to this 52-page book is to bring to the attention of LVE facilitators the opportunity of assisting business of all types and size to the importance of values in business, to provide support information and how the material can be used.
Download Living Values in Business - For Owner / Managers
Of all the Values one would assume are important in the business environment perhaps the Value of Happiness would not be the first that comes to mind, yet as the booklet demonstrates the value of happiness is intrinsic to the wellbeing of very organisation from the mom and pop corner grocery store to the large corporate environment - without happiness in the workplace, employees and management, a multitude of dangerous potentialities emerge to destroy the customer and workmate relationship.
Download Implementation of Living Values in Business
We are pleased you and your Organization are exploring interest implementing the Living Values Education Approach. The impact of values in our lives, and on our business, community, country and the world cannot be overstated. Download to see how to integrate the LVE Values-based Atmosphere throughout your organization or campus.