Universities and Colleges Implementing the 'LVE Approach'

LVE Values-based Atmosphere Online Training Course

Values-based Atmosphere Course 2 Flyer

At the heart of Values Education is the concept of building a values-based environment - VbA. The multi-facet aspects of this VbA are now available to Universities, Colleges and Schools through a new Online Video Course that takes 8 hours to engage, or through breaking down the fourteen, 30-minute training presentations by some of the world's leading people in Values Education, can be stretched as the teacher and time dictate, one Values aspect, a week or month.

In addition to the Course, Living Values Education, also supports the Course with a wide range of Values educational materials for classroom visual presentation, and values activity development books.

For the teacher and the Uni, College or School, there is no admin or pre- and post-communication required for the Living Values Education Values-based Atmosphere Course. This is a stand-alone certificated educational programme for any headmaster teacher, trainer, or facilitator who wants to awaken the concept and ownership of values in their classroom(s).

To demonstrate the depth of this Course and the diversity of aspects it offers, we have created a special 5-minute online video that explains how to use the LVE - Values-based Atmosphere, which can be customised for YOUR University, College or School.

Please enjoy this short video [click here to view].

The Living Values Education VbA Course is available on demand anywhere. Trial participation is invited.

Click here to find out more.


Exploring Your Interest in the LVE Approach

We are pleased you and your university are exploring interest in implementing the Living Values Education Approach. The impact of values in our lives, and on our community, country and the world cannot be overstated. Values affect every aspect of our lives, from our personal decisions and relationships, to the growth of justice and equality in communities and the nation or the growth or corruption and inequality, to harmony within and between countries or its lack, and how we treat the Earth.

Perhaps you have read about Living Values Education online, learned about it from a colleague, or attended an LVE Seminar or Training. The next step is to learn more, and then discuss LVE with your colleagues and perhaps a few student leaders. Procuring a copy of the Living Values Education Training Guide and Living Values Education Activities for Young Adults, Book 1 would be quite useful. These books are available at amazon.com.

You may want to download Living Values Education: The Values-based Atmosphere from the livingvalues.net site and share it with colleagues who are not aware of the positive transformational effect of LVE. This booklet shares didactic information about LVE as well as stories from educators in several different countries who implemented Living Values Education.

Ask key stakeholders to join with you to:

  • inform them about the LVE Approach,
  • facilitate the values awareness exercise on page 132 of the LVE Training Guide, and
  • discuss how a living values atmosphere in which every person is cared for, respected, valued, understood and safe would affect learning and relationships on campus.

If there is a strong sense of the importance of values, read the first few pages of Chapter 8 in the Living Values Education Training Guide and begin exploring goals and possible implementations in your university. Think about who could be members of an LVE Implementation Team.


Begin LVE Training for the Implementation Team and Explore Your Most Important Values

  • Engage key professors, administrators and student leaders willing to be part of the Universities LVE Implementation Team in an LVE Training. It is advised that the Implementation Team take a two-day LVE Training, be it in-person or on-line through LVE Distance. Include in the initial training professors or graduate students who would be willing to facilitate some of the awareness sessions or replicate the LVE Training.
  • Professors and graduate students that would be replicating the LVE Training would need to take another 3-day LVE Training in person or online through LVE Distance
  • The Implementation Team would plan and then give the LVE Awareness sessions to members of the faculty, staff and key students. What are the values that are most important to the students and professors?


What University-wide Implement of the LVE Approach Looks Like


One: An emphasis on values on the campus - create buy-in with LVE Values Awareness Sessions

It is suggested that a focus on values and their importance can be introduced in a variety of ways, as the universitiess leadership and LVE Implementation Team decide together. However, it is highly recommended that if you want everyone to buy into values that all faculty members, staff and students participate in the LVE Values Awareness Session. A special version of this for Universities is available. This includes a short introduction to the LVE Theoretical Model. The premise of the LVE Theoretical Model is that when all people are treated in such a way that they feel loved, respected, valued, understood and safe they will move toward their potential. In an atmosphere in which people are treated in such a way that they feel inadequate, hurt, afraid, shamed and unsafe, wellbeing and productivity decrease.


Two: That all students take one Living Values Education Course

A one-quarter or one-semester course in LVE would allow university students to explore values and their ramifications in relationship to themselves, their relationships, the community and the world. It is suggested that the activities for this course be drawn from the values lessons in Living Values Education Activities for Young Adults, Book 1. While the university may elect to provide a full year of LVE activities to students, it is advised that certain lessons be included in the first mandatory course in order to explore peace, the ramifications of honesty versus corruption and develop some intra- and interpersonal communication skills, such as active listening, conflict resolution, and relaxation/focusing exercises to care for the self. A list of the recommended lessons is available.


Three: That the University choose one value of focus every quarter or two values of focus every semester and that professors apply that value to the concepts and material they are teaching, as appropriate

The last pages of each values unit in Living Values Education Activities for Young Adults, Book 1 contains ideas for the application of values to different subject areas. At the University level professors would be able to vastly expand these ideas using current and past events, application of their subject area to society, ethical concerns, etc.


Four: The LVE Implementation Team Would Continue to Monitor and Encourage

The LVE Implementation Team composed to professors and student leaders will want to keep aware of issues on campus and events that are impacting the lives of those on campus or in the community. The Implementation Team may also wish to hold special events on campus on the value of focus or showcasing some of the innovations that have been a result.

Unexpected events such violence, discrimination, suicide or a myriad of other issues can occur. When they do, LVE offers a framework to help process emotions to difficult events and find a constructive viewpoint or direction.


Five: Integrating the LVE Values-based Atmosphere throughout the Campus

Adopting the LVE Approach in any organization or university involves working cooperatively to create and sustain a Values-based Atmosphere at all levels, within and between the administration, faculty, staff, students and community. LVE resources, materials, workshops and activities provide each of the steps to the implementation of a Values-based Atmosphere.


Six: Optional Service-learning Opportunities for Students

A couple of university professors in different countries have provided four-day LVE training to students in their senior year in order to prepare them to teach values to children. In Caracas, Venezuela, university students did LVE activities with children in marginal areas around the city. In Boston, USA, university students did LVE activities with fifth graders in elementary schools. Both projects were quite successful. You may want to consider other outreach and service projects for students, with younger students or perhaps providing community forums to help people understand climate change and learn how to help our planet.


LVE Training Opportunities

Level 1.  LVE Values-based Atmosphere - a one-day online Course for groups and individuals to explore the essence of the 'Atmosphere', to learn how it may change our lives, and how it can be implemented into the classroom or home environment to bring abut a better world living dynamic.

Level 2. LVE Train-the-Educator - A two-day in-person or Zoom-scheduled online interactive gathering is offered to all teachers, counselors, and school administrative staff to understand the values of The LVE Approach with immediate personal and collective benefit.

Level 3. LVE Distance Facilitator Training Course for Individuals - Personal growth exploration for practical implementation of the delivery for LVE activities. An accredited LVE Facilitator role. Undertaken individually in their own time over twelve weeks.

Level 4. LVE Students Creating Change - Training for nominated exemplary second-and third-year university students to form a cohesive team of certified LVE Facilitators to undertake special sessions and drive the LVE Approach within the student body.

Level 5. LVE Train-the-Trainer Seminar - A three-day Zoom online gathering offered to teachers, counselors, and school administrative staff for delivering the LVE Approach in the University after having taken the initial LVE Train-the-Educator Session.


If your organization would like to explore this further please contact: Roger Miles, ALIVE Deputy President, Association for Living Values Education International for a consultation at distance@livingvalues.net