Living Values Education - Country Reports

Africa | Asia | Europe | Americas | Middle EastArchives

You are not alone! There are many other people around the world who are concerned about the values that society is living by and are doing something about it, whether reflecting on and becoming more aware of their own values or organising activities that touch the lives of thousands. We ask our Associates and Focal Points to tell us about how they are using Living Values Education in their country and every so often their news and updates are collated in a Country Report which gives an overview of Living Values Education in that country. For the latest news since the last Country Report please refer to News.

Whether reading about a relief programme for children in earthquake-stricken Himalayas, a new Living Values Education prison group in California, the expansion of teacher training in Indonesian universities or much more the stories in these reports are a wonderful source of inspiration and upliftment and it is both refreshing and humbling to read of the efforts made by people, often in very challenging circumstances.

You can also read how Living Values Education has been used in previous years in other countries at From the Archives.

You are welcome to contact the relevant ALIVE Associate or Focal Point for Living Values Education for more information about Living Values Education in their country at the email address shown or to contact the relevant Regional Support as follows regarding countries in:

Regional Support:

  • Africa - email
  • Asia and the Pacific - email
  • Europe - email
  • North America and Canada - email
  • Central and South America, and the Caribbean - email
  • Middle East and North Africa - email



Asia and the Pacific


Central and South America, and the Caribbean

Middle East and North Africa


From the Archives

Click here to read the reports on Living Values Education activities previously carried on in countries where there is currently no active Associate or Focal Point.