January to May 2024
Do-Good has recently secured a project from The Asia Foundation. The CSO strengthening project will fund the following activities.
The program aims to enhance respect, attention, cooperation, motivation, concentration, and conflict resolution skills among students. It also seeks to decrease bullying and violence while fostering positive changes in teacher-student and student-student relationships both in and out of the classroom.
Moreover, the program will assist parents in understanding the influence of values on themselves, others, and the community. It will equip them with values to cultivate environments of kindness, peace, trust, and belonging.
This initiative is tailored for students in grades 8, 9, and 10, as well as parents from four secondary schools in Hulhumale'.
A lot of effort was put into introducing LVE to various relevant stakeholders and many target community groups through orientation programmes.
Our main objectives are:
- Conduct Living Values Education Program for grade 8/9/10 Students and Living Values Parenting Program for the parents of these students.
- Conduct Living Values Educator Training focusing on 2 Teachers from each school and all the Counsellors working in Hulhumale’ Schools.
- Install values bill boards / signage in parks and beaches. Six bill boards will be placed in selected areas in Hulhumale’, Male, and the Airport.
Activity 1.1
28th December 2023: A meeting was held with Housing Development Cooperation (HDC) to get their support from CSR to conduct the program in Hulhumale’. HDC is the developer and oversee everything that occurs in Hulhumale’. The meeting was attended by Azzam Latheef – Assistant Director, and Samha Naseer – Manager.
Activity 1.2
16th January 2024: A meeting with Education Ministry Senior Officials. This meeting was held at Ministry of Education to give an overview about the project and get permission to conduct these programs in Hulhumale’ Schools. In the Meeting, Aishath Safoora-Minister of State, Aminath Maria -Deputy Minister, Aminath Azza-Director General, Ahmed Naseem-Zone Coordinator participated. And the Maldives focal for Living Values Education, Aminath Ismail also joined and presented the work done so far in Maldives.
Key discussion points were as follows:
• Given the overview of the program and did a presentation on what the program is about and the previous experience was shared.
• Given permission to coordinate with Hulhumale’ School Principal’s and arrange the Schedule
• Inform the Ministry number of participants from each school.
• A representation from Ministry will be present at the principal meeting.
Activity 1.3
19th January 2024: A meeting with Maldives Police Service – Crime Prevention Unit to joined with the school program to share their knowledge on crime prevention. The meeting was attended by Fathimath Nashwa -Chief Superintendent -Head of Crime Prevention
Activity 1.4
Prior to the Orientation session for the School Principal, individual meetings were held to give an overview of the program and requesting for their support to conduct the sessions to parents and the convenient time to have the meeting with all principal.
Following are the meeting days and the attended personal from each school:
• 21st January 2024: meeting with Ms.Fasana Mohamed (Deputy Principal / Acting head of Huravee School)
• 22nd January 2024: A meeting with Ms.Basheera Mohamed (Principal of Ghaazee School)
• 24th January 2024: A meeting with Mr.Nazim Abdulla (Principal of Rehendhi School) along with Deputy Principal Rameez.
• 25th January 2024: A meeting with Ms.Nasiha Idhrees (Principal of S’alaah’udhdheen School)
• 31st January 2024: A meeting with Ms.Mariyam Mohamed (Principal of Gasim Pre-School)
• 31st January 2024: A meeting with Ms.Fathimath Leena (Principal of Kaamil Didi Pre-School).
Activity 1.5
27th January 2024: Living Values Education program for Grade 10 students of Ghazee School was held. A total of 76 students participated (35 girsls, 40 boys, 1 did not mention gender). A pre and post evaluation question was done and the report was compiles and shared to Ghaazee School and to Ministry of Education.
You can download the full report for Maldives Ghazee School Grade 10 program here
Activity 1.6
3rd May 2024: A panel discussion was held on the challenges faced by the younger generation, particularly in parenting, instilling values, and revitalizing societal norms. Emphasizing the significance of instilling values that act as a moral compass in society and inspire the next generation.
You can download the full report for Maldives Panel Discussion here
Living Values Education has been found to be very relevant for the Maldives in a time of social and political transition where many changes have been seen in the behaviour of children, posing challenges for teachers and parents in handling them.
A lot of effort was put into introducing LVE to various relevant stakeholders and many target community groups through orientation programmes.
A number of voluntary programmes were conducted across the country by Hand in Hand Ngo - HIH (the ALIVE Associate in the Maldives). Over the years, finally the words "Living Values Education" have emerged into society and it has become seen to be a useful and a much needed programme. Today it has reached out to more than forty thousand people including small and large groups, organizations and island communities.
The following are some highlights of how Hand in Hand has collaborated with different organizations to build capacity in the community through four main programmes:
1. Values-Based Youth Programme
2. Values-Based Parenting Programme
3. Values-Based Teacher Trainer Programme
4. Values-Based Education Programme for school children
Values-Based Educator Training Program in partnership with Maldives Police Services
In 2013, which was a transitional time in the Maldives, as Maldives Police Services (MPS) took the initiative to begin a community level programme for local communities. Hand in Hand proposed an orientation on its Values Education International Programmes to MPS. This was well received as it applied to the Maldivian context and social situations. Then a strategic action plan was formed to involve parents, teachers and students and in which youth would be taught Values-Based Education with some other essential skills such as cybercrime awareness, fire and rescue and grooming, amongst others.
The main facilitators from HIH kept conducting the sessions in the first two years. A number of requests for LVE from communities made it necessary to build capacity in the MPS which led to HIH conducting a Values Based Educator Training workshop for 34 police officers including commanders and police staff. This made the event very smooth as all those involved in the camp had the same mindset while dealing with the target audience. Logistics such as travel and accommodation were covered by MPS while HIH provided facilitators and conducted the programmes voluntarily without any fees.
Each island had three Values-Based Programmes. These were for Parents, Teachers, and Students (13-15 year-olds, upper secondary). Youth Camps were conducted in some islands while some ad hock youth camps were conducted upon demand.
The following are some highlights of the programmes conducted for island communities in partnership with MPS:
- The total number of people reached in communities across the nation from 2013-2016 was 11,109.
- The same model continues in the Maldives Police Services till now, independently, with MPS' own officers being trained by Hand in Hand.
- From 2017 - 2023 the total number of persons reached across the nation was 26,267.
- To date, LVE activities have been conducted for 37,376 persons across the nation through this partnership venture.
After the training, each trainer, in pairs, prepared his/her own lesson plans and delivered them in front of their groups and received feedback from the trainers and other participants.
Comments after the Values-Based Educator Training Workshops for the Police Service
These are some comments from officers who completed the Values-Based Educator training workshop for community activities. The training included power point presentations, lectures, real life drama scenarios, group work and individual and group sharing.
"This friendly programme has brought a new perspective while dealing with communities who are so distressed... I have become more open minded and a less stressful person myself."
"I use more listening skills and I listen from my heart more now."
"...dealing with children in the field has made it so much easier now."
"The training has made me practise more values in my life both at work and in the field."
Training of 37 Police Officers to conduct Living Values Education activities
'Blues for Youth' Programme
'Blues for Youth Programme is one such initiative that we began in 2013 with the Maldives Police Services. 'Blues for Youth' provides an opportunity to 120 youth at a given time to camp for 240 hours in a stretch while guided and nurtured by professionals from various agencies and civil society organizations.
The role of HIH is to conduct values education activities based on the LVE Approach. The main age group in this programme is 16-30 years. The sessions include teaching core values of peace, respect, honesty, responsibility, love, cooperation and unity. Our values educators conduct these sessions by allowing the youth to engage in artistic expressions, imagination, real life scenarios, lectures and role plays and we have found that they allow participants to explore themselves more to bring out the best in them. This increases their motivation and determination to be the best in the community. Other sessions in the camps by other stakeholders included were on fire and rescue, community engagement and other self-development and safety topics.
According to the youth who joined the sessions:
- It helped them to have fun away from daily stressors.
- It helped them to think about values and reflect on different values in themselves and areas to work on for themselves, their families, friends and the community.
- It helped them to understand that they do have choices to make responsible decisions.
- It helped them to make positive peer friendships with a mindset to push them for good.
Many of these youths now have jobs in the government or private sector.
Values-Based Parenting Programmes for Parents
Living Values Education Parenting Programmes are led by experienced educators who help parents explore their own values and wishes for their children and assist parents to:
1. Explore common issues faced in parenting;
2. Identify problems;
3. Assess which values are most important to them;
4. Determine which values they want to impart to their children;
5. Build awareness about how children learn about values;
6. Develop understanding and skills that parents can teach values to their children.
Feedback from parents:
"It's very tiring and boring to come to programmes after a busy day so we didn't really want to come. But we feel so energized now!"
"It's very hard to accept our own mistakes. But I am able to reflect on my own values and the values of my children. Now I understand how they conflict and now I can solve it."
"I like the group discussion. I feel I am heard and people accepted my thoughts."
"I like the way the lessons are taught. The energizer game was fun. It woke me up!"
"Parents need to limit screen time and we learnt many skills for parenting."
"We need more men to join these programmes. Men should be encouraged more to come. Joint parenting is very important."
"I never presented a paper or spoke in public but I feel very confident now to speak."
"We know values are good, but this is the first time we thought about it on a conscious level."
Values-Based Teacher Educator Programmes
Values-Based Teacher Educator programmes were conducted for professional teachers who already have existing skills in educating students and adults. The main objective was to:
- Become competent with Living Values Education style of teaching and a framework within which values can be implemented within the system;
- Explore skills to create a values-based atmosphere;
- Ways of modelling;
- To introduce values activities for children;
- Create enthusiasm and motivation among teachers to continue the chain of teaching towards values-based education.
Feedback from teachers:
"With the heavy curriculum that we are following we don't actually have time to teach about values. But knowing these core values and knowing about teaching in a values-based atmosphere, I am sure I can bring about positive changes in my students."
"I worry a lot about my students and their changing behaviour. I don't know how to address them while doing my teaching duties. I loved the lesson on active listening skills and conflict management skills ... I think it will help me a great deal."
"Sometimes one class of mine will have 20-30 students ... managing a large group is so hard ... I'm glad I came to know about group dynamics, role plays, dramas and how to do those ... it will ease my pressure on delivering my lessons."
Living Values Education Teacher Educator Programme
Values-Based Education Programmes for Students
The main age group covered in the Living Values Education programmes was from 13 to 16 years old as this involves the highest grade students who are about to go out of school and are considered as a risk group. Students enjoy these camps as they can freely communicate and the programme is more activity based.
Feedback from students:
"We thought the programme would be boring. We liked the games and lessons."
"The groups discussions were good."
"We made new friends and it's nice."
"We learnt a lot about values and how to have those values in daily life."
"The relaxations were very good. I can focus more than the first time I did it."
"It's very hard for me to sit without any movement.
Thank you for telling us it will become easier in time. It actually did."
"Our parents yell a lot. It disturbs me a lot. I think this programme will be helpful for our parents."
Living Values Education Programme for Students
Values-Based Education Programmes for Outreach - 26th April 2023
Two educators who were trained in Living Values Education in 2015, and have also done a lot of training in areas of Self Development, initiated Values-based Coaching for Effective Parenting.
A session held on Zoom was open for the public and attracted a total of 27 participants. It was well organized by Pcoma Maldives and educations components were included by providing an opportunity for the public to ask questions. A number of questions were asked about Living Values Education.
Media Programmes 2022-2023
HIH contributed to the National Radio Station specifically on Values-Based Parenting. The main aim was to broaden the spectrum of spreading Living Values Education Parenting nationwide and a series of discussions were conducted on deciding the themes, dramas and resource persons.
Each episode is designed by the radio station with a drama piece, educational component and questions and answers to receive from the community. The programme began from 2022 and has been going on till now. We have been providing technical resources.
Two books will be published soon for kids on LVE for which a team has contributed graphics.
Values-Based Parenting Episodes by National Public Service and Media Channel
Living Values Education in the Workplace - 7th February 2023
A two-day workshop on creating a values-based environment was held for a growing company in the Maldives whose owners wanted their staff to develop a growth mindset. A total of seventeen staff, including the senior, middle and junior management, joined the event which was activity-based with discussion, relaxation, lectures and energisers.
The main topics covered were peace, respect, conflict resolution, active listening, love, honesty, responsibility and cooperation. The values were selected after assessing the needs of the company and at their request. Further sessions will be held every three months throughout the year.
Meemu Atoll Program - 25th to 30th October 2022
Meemu Atoll is in the south-central area of the Maldives, on the eastern side, 135 kilometres directly south of Male and LVE activities were held on three islands:
Date | Island |
Parent Programme participants |
Children Programme (aged 11-15yrs) participants |
25th October 2022 |
Veyvah |
47 | 17 |
26th October 2022 |
Maduvari |
30 | 23 |
27th October 2022 |
Naalaafushi |
25 | 13 |
TOTAL | 102 | 53 |
The main programmes conducted for these islands were on peace, respect, responsibility, love and active listening. It was found that parents had the concern, as in other atolls, that their children might indulge themselves in risky or bad behaviour such as drug taking, bullying and lack of interest in their studies.
The children who participated were mainly pre-teenagers and teenagers. It was found that they had a lot of questions on how to deal with peer pressure and conflict resolution. The peace activities were conducted in an exciting and friendly environment which resolved some long-lasting conflicts among participants.
Meemu Atoll Programme participants
Values-Based Workshop for Hospital Staff - 23rd August 2022
A values-based workshop was conducted for 53 nurses of the main private hospital of Maldives. The main values covered were peace, respect, love, active listening and responsibility and the session ended with a few relaxation activities.
A values-based environment was created in which participants shared at personal and professional levels. They felt it was a stress-releasing session after a tough time with COVID, a refresher and good self-reflection.
The company wishes to conduct a second workshop for the remaining staff.
Values-Based Programme for Hospital Staff
Experiences Learnt and the Way Forward
HIH has learnt:
- Partnering with other stakeholders helps to ease logistics when conducting sustenance events for a mass audiences.
- Building capacity in organisations helps to reach out on a larger scale.
- A needs assessment or an orientation session helps to understand the audience better before conducting a programme.
- Activity-based sessions help participants enjoy the programme, rather than loading them with more information.
- Monitoring and evaluation help to continue programmes for a longer period of time.
- Teaching in a values-based atmospheres helps participants absorb more and to reflect on values.
HIH has reached more than 40,000 participants over the past seven years. However, the social situation, hierarchical changes and COVID delayed some activities and receiving data from the organization concerned. To overcome this obstacle HIH has been working on some strategies including a holistic rebranding exercise for better results in future.
Living Values Education in Business Program, 2nd March 2022
Thilafushi & Gulhifalhu Employees, Hulhumale' Rep. of Maldives By Aishath Liziyan / LVE Distance Facilitator
The program was conducted under Skill Pros Program initiated by the Human Resource Management of Housing Development Corporation (HDC), which is the master developer for three pivotal islands of the Maldives: Hulhumale', Thilafushi & Gulhifalhu. To introduce LVE in Business the introduction Program was shared with the Talent Development team of HDC.
24 Employees for Thilafushi and Gulhifalhu Operations joined the program. Based on the participants feedback the most important 6 values to be seen in the organization is RESPONSIBILITY, RESPECT, UNITY, HONESTY, COOPERATION, and PEACE.
Other Thoughts and Feedback:
- More time required
- Have more programs like this
- Time is less compared to a training like this
- Sharing some experience from the attendees how their difficulties and their stories
- Time needed
- The venue must be changed
- Very nice
- I have no idea, but simply perfect
- More time needed
- Very good
You can download the full report here.
Living Values Educator Workshop: One Day Program, 16th September 2021
Rehendhi School, Hulhumale' Rep. of Maldives By Aishath Liziyan / LVE Distance Facilitator
Program Overview:
The program was conducted as an initiative from the management of Rehendhi School, which is one of the largest government schools in Hulhumale' with over 2000 students and 200 teachers. To introduce LVE Program to the school a presentation was made in the presence of Principal and Deputy Principal. This was the first program which was conducted in Rehendhi School on LVE.
10 Foundation Stage Teachers
01 Leading Teacher
01 Counsellor
04 Librarians
Defining Values (Personal Definitions)
Wheel Activity
Value Awareness - Our values; Values Development in Children; Expolring Values as Educators.Creating a Values-based Atmosphere - Rekindling the Dream; A Toolkit
Thoughts and Feedback:
Very Interesting.
Program is very informative.
Very useful lesson.
It was a good training program for everyone.
It was educational and eye opening. Hoping to learn more.
It's a very effective program.Excellent session.The training was very interesting.
This is reaaly useful in helping yourself as well as others in recognising and educating what values are.
You can download the full report here.
Maldives 2017: An LVE-Inspired Preschool and Preventative Programs with Teens on the Atolls
"As years pass by I have come to realize the value of Living Values Education more and more," wrote Aminath Ismail, the President of Hand in Hand, the NGO which is the ALIVE Associate for the Maldives. "We need to continue this effort."
In 2013, Aminath and her team created The Living Values Education Preschool. She noted that it is a challenge sometimes, but is starting to flourish. An inclusive school, a number of children with special needs attend, including some children with speech delays and others who are visually impaired or autistic. In addition to LVE, they follow the national curriculum, emphasize a values-based atmosphere, and conduct parent education programs. The Facebook page for the school: https://web.facebook.com/Lvep.school.maldives/
Hand in Hand has expanded its LVE programs to the atolls. Their preventative programs with young adults and parents are well coordinated with the Maldives Police Service and other agencies concerned with prevention. Aminath noted, "The work is not easy, however the LVE Program keeps us motivated. It is always worth it. Sometimes there are awards, too. I am happy to let you know that we won three shields for Community Contributions from the Police Service during their anniversary celebration for delivering LVE programs."
The Facebook page: https://web.facebook.com/Hand-in-Hand-NGO-Maldives-959005027512348/
Maldives: LVE Outreach with Students, Teachers, Parents and Policemen
"We recently covered four island communities of one of the largest atolls in Maldives," reported Aminath Ismail, the Director of the ALIVE Associate in the Maldives, HandinHand. "I was fortunate enough to go by myself and deliver most of the sessions to parents and students plus teachers. We were able to do LVE orientation sessions and six core values for students between 8 and 15 years of age in separate groups, their teachers and parents. I would say they all fell in love with the program. Some of these sessions were also conducted by the educators trained by our NGO. The policemen involved are from the Crime Prevention Unit of Maldives. It was lovely to see how much they have accepted LVE as part of their outreach program."
Maldives: Two LVE Model Schools Help Children with Disabilities and Create ALIVE Medicals
Hand in Hand, the ALIVE Associate in the Maldives, led by Aminath Ismail and Rizna Ibrahim, continue to powerfully implement LVE in a variety of ways. They have two established two LVE-based preschools, Living Values Education Preschool and Glow Preschool. Both schools use have a values-based atmosphere, use Living Values Activities for children 3 to 7 and conduct Living Values Based Parenting Programs.
Aminath recently wrote: "Through these few years it is found that children with disabilities such as autism, hyperactivity, speech delays and Down syndrome is becoming more. The challenge is that often times there are difficulties to accommodate these children in government and private schools. Therefore, during the last two years we have been strategically planning and working to build the capacity in our two LVE based schools. We started accepting these children too after sensitizing their parents. We have now established two SEN special needs classes for severely challenged children. These classes from last year are equipped with special educators and therapists. However, we recognized that the special needs children also needed group therapy and medical care. We now have doctors and therapists working with these children and other children in our LVE based schools. Therefore, in June 2014 we registered an attached medical model, medical and psychosocial clinic registered in the Ministry of Health. It is called ALIVE MEDICALA in honour of our work."
Hand in Hand is also very involved in a Safe Island Model project which they do in cooperation with Maldives Police Services, using LVE universal values and interventions to reduce violence. We will update you on the stages of implementation and our findings soon.
Aminath wrote, "I salute you all for being together and helping me out all throughout. Change is possible and with the values of tolerance and responsibility, and practicing other values, there is success."

An LVE-Inspired Preschool and Preventative Programs with Teens on the Atolls
The ALIVE Associate in the Maldives began another new initiative, a preschool for children ages 2-6 years called, "Living Values Education Preschool, Maldives". The school was registered in the Ministry of Education of Maldives on February 2013. We have a total of 112 students in the school covering the national curriculum with three formal languages (English, Dhivehi and Arabic). The school classroom settings are with 15 students and two teachers.
Currently, we get a lot of students with different disabilities for whom we are able to provide additional educators such as counselors and special educators. We also conduct monthly programs for parents where we give the home package for parents on LVE. These packages help the parents while in parallel the students also take up the same value through LVE activities in school. The school conducts extra activities which most students enjoy for confidence building. As a result, we are thinking of replicating this initiative at the end of the year.
For more information, please visit our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Lvep.school.maldives
Living Values Reaches Soccer Players through the Soccer Diplomacy Project

LVE trainers from Hand in Hand, an NGO in the Maldives, and an ALIVE Associate, have been traveling to different islands in the Maldives as part of conducting LVE programs. This has been possible under the auspices of the Soccer Diplomacy Project and with funding from the US Embassy at Hanimaadhoo. The objective of this program was to establish good conduct and decrease violence among young people. Partners of this project were the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Maldives Police Services and Hand in Hand. Living Values Activities for young adults and parents will continue.
With an enthusiastic and dedicated team of LVE trainers, Hand in Hand is also worked on another LVE program with funding from UNDOC. The project involved training all counselors at the Drug Rehabilitation Centre and Community Service Centre in Malè. Risa Ibrahim Manik reports, "These counselors are going to start two programs for 40 clients and, in addition, we will be providing a parenting program for parents of these clients. We are also starting a program for adolescents at an all-girls school this month, followed by a big workshop for all stakeholders."
In addition to the above initiatives mentioned, this ALIVE Associate continues to operate LVE classes at their centre for children. Congratulations!
Living Values Holiday Camp
This year's twelve-day holiday camp introduced twelve values through a variety of activities and games. On the first day, the children were introduced to peace and their normal behavior was discussed. To understand various ways peace can be observed and practiced, 'musical chairs' was played. The Peace Star story was read and each child was given the opportunity to become their favorite peace star. Most of them opted to become happy, joyful, smiling stars. The day ended with children being introduced to relaxation.
Each day, the children were taken through a journey of self-exploration; understanding their own good qualities and what it means to respect others. In one activity, each child was given four papers to write good qualities about their classmates and invited to paste them on the others. Each child was given the task of listing everyone's responsibility at home. They also identified their own responsibilities at home and learned to value what others are doing.
With the values of cooperation and unity, group work and working together as a team were introduced. As a cooperative event, the children visited a 'local market' to gather information on local products. Through tolerance, we looked at different cultures and how to accept differences among us.
The children visited a National Museum to understand our own culture, learn about our historical heroes and how the country has gained independence. Through the values of humility and honesty, the children explored telling the truth. They dramatized incidents where they had lied and determined how they would act in the future.
The Camp ended with the children exploring their understanding of freedom. They expressed their views on paper, making an outline of themselves on which all the children wrote good qualities about one another.