India Country Report - Asia


Focal Point for Living Values Education: Indu Gupta
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Living Values Educators training - February 5 & 7, 2024

Living Values Education India acknowledges Percy Cardozo (Project Lead, Inclusive Education Projects, Sangath), Genesis D’Silva (Manager, Adarsh V.V. High School) and Svetlana Borges (Principal, Adarsh School) for their support in bringing together 27 teachers from 27 schools around South Goa for a two-day experiential workshop on creating a values-based atmosphere. The workshop took place at Adarsh V. V. High School on 5 &7 February 2024.

This collaboration enabled us to sow the seeds of LVE with its unique approach ('Explore, Experience, and Express' our universal values) and offering ways for the teachers to creatively introduce values in their teaching.

Sangath is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation with primary focus areas in child development, adolescent and young health, and mental health.

Through various reflective activities, games and small group discussions, teachers explored the needs of a child and how to create a values-based atmosphere, contributing to the holistic development of a child. The sessions on active listening, conflict resolution and lifeskills provided teachers with tools to deal with some of the many challenges they face - in their personal development, and in their interactions with children and parents.

LVE India trusts that the experience of this unique workshop will remain etched in the teachers’ hearts forever and will serve as an impetus for more such LVE workshops in the future. Through this beautiful collaboration with Sangath and Adarsh V.V. High School, we envisage further sowing of the seeds of human values in the schools of South Goa which will bloom into beautiful trees contributing to the overall human development index of Goa.

We invite you to view the full video report on our YouTube Channel here.

India TTE course feb 24

Noticing each others qualities through their words and their eyes

India TTE course feb 24

Sharing and discussing visions

India TTE course feb 24

Discussing the basics needs of a child

India TTE course feb 24 India TTE course feb 24

Activity in active listening

India TTE course feb 24 India TTE course feb 24

Activities to develop harmony, cooperation, attention, discipline and coordination

India TTE course feb 24



Living Values Educators training - January 29-30, 2024

Living Values Education - India is pleased to present a video report showcasing a successful two-day teachers' workshop held in partnership with Sangath (a Goa based organisation that fosters child development and physical and mental health of young people) and Udaya Public School in Ayodhya on 29-30 January 2024. The workshop centered on the experiential approach of Living Values Education, focusing on self-reflection through the 'Explore, Experience, and Express' method and offering a transformative experience for educators.

During the workshop, teachers engaged in a variety of activities designed to deepen their self-awareness and understanding of Living Values Education. They explored children's needs, discussed the qualities of effective educators, and highlighted the importance of parental involvement, fostering stronger connections with students and nurturing a positive learning environment. Interactive sessions and discussions provided educators with the tools necessary to establish a values-based atmosphere conducive to children's holistic education.

As the workshop concluded, participants expressed motivation and readiness to embark on a journey of personal development and to empower their students with essential life skills and values.

The collaboration between Living Values Education - India, Sangath, and Udaya Public School in Ayodhya has laid a solid foundation for promoting a culture of respect, compassion and responsibility in the field of education in India.

We invite you to view the full video report on our YouTube Channel here.

India TTE course march 24

Train the Educator Course, India

India TTE course march 24 India TTE course march 24

LVE Methodolgy: Explore, Experience, Express

India TTE course march 24

Creating a Values-based learning environment: What are the basic needs of a child?

India TTE course march 24 India TTE course march 24

Reflect on the attitudes and actions we can use to fulfill this need of our children / students




Living Values Education Activities in Goa, March 2023

Helen Sayers's visit to Goa was an enriching experience for all. She interacted with teachers and NGO representatives who were eager to learn more about Living Values Education. 


LVE workshop for staff at the Bookworm Library, Panjim, Thursday 2 March 

Established in 2005, this is an award-winning library and registered non-profit organisation promoting stories and love for books. 'Our vision is to inspire and develop a love for reading as a way of life, nurturing humane engagement in every girl and boy'.


It was an enjoyable workshop held by Helen Sayers on living values education which helped us a lot. The manner in which the session was conducted allowed us to reflect deeply on several values. The introductory 'visiting card' activity allowed us to interact with each other and share how we feel about another person and the qualities we observed in them. I also appreciated a creative exercise which enabled us to think about values using the parts of a tree as metaphors for certain aspects of our lives. There is a lot of potential to explore this segment in the school. 

india bookworm workshop march 23 india bookworm workshop march 23


Follow-up workshops for facilitators who attended TTE training workshop in 2022 

Several TTE participants came together for a number of half-day workshops at Peace Cottage, a beautiful venue where they were warmly invited by host Eleanor Viegas who has been supporting LVE activities for over ten years. The sessions were designed to reinforce the skills and application of values that had been explored at the TTE, to encourage participants to share their experiences in the field, and to provide additional support and imagine new horizons together. 


The session at Peace Cottage on 3rd March was an in-depth learning experience. Sharing of a variety of challenges faced professionally and in daily life were discussed. Values contribute to provide us with the required strength, spark and positive energy to overcome and face difficult times. Helen shared values-based anecdotes, stories and experiences that were extremely inspiring, empowering and motivating. The reflection time was a treat and a great boost, energising us from within. We left the session feeling valued and enriched. 
Brenda D'Cruz - LVE facilitator


india bookworm workshop march 23 india bookworm workshop march 23

The workshop I co-facilitated with Helen gave me an opportunity to reflect on my personal values observe how I am applying them. I experienced a safe and supportive environment and felt encouraged to share my thoughts and experiences without fear of judgement or criticism. Overall, living values sessions have been an enriching and rewarding experience for me , helping to deepen my understanding of my own values and develop practical skills for living those values in my daily life. 
Anjescia Rodrigues - LVE facilitator

india bookworm workshop march 23 india bookworm workshop march 23


The LVE workshop touched base with our communication skills and how we can consciously work on improving them. We learnt that having values-based communication skills is highly likely to promote positive health for ourselves as well as for those around us. The practice session highlighted how a non-productive conversation can develop when we give too much advice, ignore, interrupt and criticise the other. The reverse is possible when we listen and speak with respect. The quality of our communication is directly linked with our own state of mind and vulnerability at the moment. Repeated practical sessions (started at Peace Cottage and then at home) drove this fact into my consciousness and I could mindfully guide myself in a positive direction and see my own values developing and changing the dynamics of any communication. The fantastic take home message from the workshop with Helen and Eleanor was that a Better Communication with others improves our own self-confidence and self-worthiness. 
Jacqueline Fernandes - LVE facilitator

Helen asked us to spend time in silence in the garden looking for things that interest us and connect them to ourselves. Since I was attending the session with Nasya, my daughter, I could not move around the garden so I observed a tree and connected it to the different areas of my life: Roots being the values I have been brought up with and that I believe strongly in, moving deeper into the areas (soil) where I could get more knowledge (nutrients) to develop; Bark being the support system - my family and even Eleanor (Peace Cottage) which helps me stay strong and flourish; Stems - spreading my wings to different areas of life and spreading knowledge, guidance, love and values to others around me (moving towards different directions), it also resembled my students taking the knowledge ahead into the space and flourishing. The leaves are something that provide the tree with food - so this is related to LVE and my mentors who provide so much in terms of resources and help (food to our soul, mind and heart) that keeps us going; Flowers and fruits - the goals and achievements that we accomplished, the raw ones to remind me that I still need to grow in some areas to ripen (shine or be experienced) in those areas as it will require more time. The one that could not ripe or fell from the tree - giving me hope for improvement and accepting my failures; the buds - those dreams and achievements that are bidding up; the ones I need to be ready for as they could bring me new challenges, my dreams and achievements that I still need to work on and start planning to turn them into reality. 
Anisha Rodrigues- LVE facilitator and coordinator 



Train the Educator Workshop

For teachers, consultants, NGO representatives.

When: 24th - 25th September 2022

Conducted by: Living Values Education- India

Supported by: The Association for Living Values Education International (ALIVE)

Venue: Coconut Groove Beach Resort, Goa

Download a copy of the workshop report here



Living Values Programme for School Students in Tuticorin

May 2018

PALMS is a soft skills training organisations based  in Tuticorin, Tamilnadu, India, providing a range of training services to Corporates, Professionals and Students in the region.


Living Values Programme for School Students in Tuticorin


We regularly organise Summer Camps for School Children and this year we organised a Summer Camp based on the Living Values Education programme, between 16th and 19th May 2018, at PALMS Centre, Tuticorin. It was a 3 day programme, planned for the children of ages 8 to 14.

We decided to cover the 12 Values in 3 days. Each day we covered 4 values. Each session was for 90 minutes with refreshment and lunch breaks in between. We made it totally activity based so that the children could engage in the learning process, which would help them to better imbibe the value.

To do this programme we involved a mix of professionals such as Teachers, Doctor, Lawyer, Entrepreneurs  and home makers, who would be in a position to handle these sessions. We were lucky to find a number of them to volunteer to be a resource person. We had a resource team of 9 people and 4 people to play a supportive role. We had a few preliminary discussion meetings, to make sure the programme shaped out well in a holistic manner.

Day 1 - 16th May 2018

1. Peace - Ms. Ramya

2. Respect - Ms. Rajeevi

3. Love - Ms.Meena

4. Tolerance - Ms.Ramya


Day 2 - 17th May 2018

5. Happiness - Ms.Vani

6. Responsibility - Ms.Rajeevi

7. Cooperation - Ms.Divya

8. Humility -Ms.Vigneswari


Day 3 - 18th May 2018

9. Honesty  - Adv.Sornaltha

10. Simplicity - Ms.Jeyanthi

11. Freedom - Dr.Nirmala

12. Unity - Ms.Meena


Living Values Programme for School Students in Tuticorin


The following teaching methodologies were adopted:

  • Group discussions and presentation
  • Questioning
  • Role Play/ Drama
  • Games/ Activities
  • Story telling
  • Songs, Music and Dance
  • Drawing
  • Chart paper work
  • Visualisation exercise
  • Video clippings
  • Minimal use of powerpoint presentations

Living Values Programme for School Students in Tuticorin

We had 24 participants and we formed them into 4 groups of 6 each (age wise). Each group was assisted by a resource person.

We had a token system, to motivate the student to participate fully. Each token value was 100 points and we said the group that gets the maximum tokens will get a prize, at the end of the three days. This made the students to actively participate in all the activities.

The programme was well received by the students and the feedback was very positive. It was an overall enjoyable learning experience.

D. Senthil Kannan
Director, PALMS


India: Living Values Education Workshops in Bangalore, Gadag and Jaipur

"A two-day workshop in late January was held at Inventure Academy, a prestigious school in Bangalore, with 25 primary school teachers," reported Uma Sridhar, the Focal Point for Living Values Education in India. "It was great fun and a creative learning experience. Rekindling the dream exercises brought out some fantastic imaginative dream schools with very good sharing on best teaching practices. Active listening was an eye opener for many and was very well received. The participants reflected honestly about their own listening skills and were determined to work on it. The teachers were also keen on creating a kindness culture in the classrooms and school after a session conducted on bullying. The school is contemplating including values sessions in its curriculum."

Another Living Values Education Workshop was held the 11th and 12th of April at Bala Vinayaka Vidhyaniketan in Gadag, Karnataka State. Mrs. Sridhar reported, "The workshop was at a small upcoming school with very enthusiastic teachers intent on learning how to create a loving and nurturing learning environment. The teachers started off a bit inhibited to speak due to being unfamiliar with expressing themselves in English, but soon overcame this by combining English with Kannada, the local language, once a fun, encouraging and non-judgmental atmosphere was established.

Games were played, stories and experiences were shared followed by reflections. What really impressed me was the beautiful and convincing way value activities were undertaken by the participants. Each group came up with historical stories to enact a value. New skills and insights were the take away. The workshop days were two happy, fun-filled learning days with the teachers determined to make their classroom learning a joyful experience."


A creative four-hour workshop with the theme "Empowering Ourselves to Empower the Youth" was organised on the 11th of April for TAABAR with the support of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation in Jaipur. Ms Shahina Parveen, the Project Director of TAABAR, spoke of the work of the organization in the field of effective child care services. Participants from the organization included teachers who teach at Day Care Centres being run for deprived children in various urban and suburban areas of Jaipur, counsellors and day wardens who are engaged in institutional care services for children in need of care and protection and children in conflict with law and project officers and project coordinators who shoulder responsibilities of implementing and managing the project as well as human resource. Facilitated by Helen Sayers, an Living Values Education International Trainer, and Indu Gupta, an Living Values Education Facilitator in India, they engaged participants in an introduction to Living Values Education, a value awareness session, and an active listening skill-building session as a precursor to conflict resolution. Participants were also asked to reflect on one of the key constructs of Living Values Education's Theoretical Model, that is, when we create an environment in which each young person is loved, respected, valued, understood and safe, we are empowering them to move toward their potential. Thank you TAABAR and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation for your work for young people and your love for values.


Read the full report of this workshop with TAABAR


Living Values Education Workshop in Tuticorin Uses Theater of the Oppresseds


In Tuticorin, 30 educators from ten schools participated with great enthusiasm during a two-day Living Values Education workshop, 23 and 24 August. They were open to learning and contributed with their experience. Inspiring stories were shared and the teachers were highly motivated to bring about positive changes in their classrooms.

Uma Sridhar, the Focal Point for Living Values Education in India, reported, "We tried out the Forum Theater from Theater of the Oppressed for the first time to address the issue of bullying in schools and found it to be very effective. Many teachers are seeing it in their schools and were eager to try it out in their respective schools. The LVE skill-building segments were found to be very useful and were much appreciated. The rekindling the dream exercise was a lot of fun for the participants who turned child-like to draw and color."



Living Values Education Workshop at the Podar International School in Bangalore, December 2013


An Living Values Education workshop, led by Uma Sridhar, was held on 23 and 24 December 2013 at the Podar International School in Bangalore. It is an upcoming school with about 550 students.Twenty teachers participated in the workshop.

The teachers took part in the workshop with great interest and participated in the activities with zest and enthusiasm. The values activities served as good bonding exercises and also helped the teachers to interact well with each other at a different level. Some of the issues the teachers were facing were addressed and solutions suggested.

Interestingly, the workshop made the teachers aware of their behavior at home and how they could better deal with family concerns, especially with their own children. After the skills segment on the first day, many of them went home and tried out a different behavior which was very positively accepted. The teachers returned a happy bunch the next day! Theystated that they would continue to make positive changes and be more appreciative of the family.

The workshop ended in high spirits with an exchange of Christmas gifts, appreciation of each other and warm hugs. It was a lovely beginning to the Christmas holiday.

Joy and Practicality - Living Values Education Workshops in Bangalore and Indore, September 2013

"We had an amazing Living Values Education Workshop on the 24th and 25th of May at Bright Beginnings at Whitefield, Bangalore," wrote Uma Sridhar, the Focal Point for LVE in India. "It was an invocation for the teachers before the start of school year. The energy was astounding, with teachers participating with enthusiasm and zest. There was lots of sharing and exploration of individual values. The teachers were given value activities to do in the form of skits, mind mapping and using hands to demonstrate the values of Love, Respect and Honesty for children aged 3-6. These highly motivated, creative teachers were interested in learning how to inculcate values into the little ones with fun, laughter, music, skills and all the tools LVE has to offer.

The conflict resolution methodology was well received and tested. The teachers felt it could work well with children to diffuse tension. The Active Listening segment made the teachers reflect on their own behavior. They realized how involuntarily they use the blockers and stoppers which affect active listening. There was so much love and bonding for the new and existing teachers by the end of the workshop. Solutions and some changes for the school were discussed and will be tried out. We created a LUVRS (loved, understood, values, respected and safe) environment and went home happy and in high spirits."

The Indore Living Values Education training was held from June 3-5th with 28 participants, including teachers, parents and youth, and was organized by the Submission Society, a social welfare organization.

It was a fabulous experience with lots of sharing, bonding and learning. There were youth stepping into work life and some just graduating from school. The age was no barrier for them to actively participate and interact with the older participants, settled in life and work. Some of the parents were surprised at how articulate the youth were and confident about their values.

One mother tried out the conflict resolution with her children and shared with us at how well it worked on the last day of the workshop. Some found active listening sessions to be an eye opener as they reflected about their own way of responding and listening. Others found the sharing immensely satisfying as it gave them the opportunity to talk and listen in a value based environment.

The workshop ended on a high note with lots of laughter and joy with the promise of implementing it in their daily lives and work.

A wonderful experience!

Chandigarh Living Values Education Workshop, August 2013

An Living Values Education workshop was held at St. John School for all the teachers of Junior and Senior School with the total number of participants over 90. The school has an impressive values program in place with very dedicated and motivated teachers.

The Values exploration session was very interactive with teachers actively sharing their views along with the activities undertaken at various levels at school. Active listening segment was well received. The Tower building activity showed the enthusiasm of the teachers and the fun they had at it. 

The teachers went back from the workshop a happy lot and with appreciation for each other. It was a great opportunity for the Junior and Senior school teachers to get to know each other and bond. It was a lovely experience for the facilitator as well.

Living Values Education Training Bangalore, May 2013


"We had an amazing Living Values Education Workshop on the 24th and 25th of May at Bright Beginnings at Whitefield, Bangalore," wrote Uma Sridhar. "It was an invocation for the teachers before the start of school year. The energy was astounding with teachers participating with enthusiasm and zest. There was lots of sharing and exploration of individual values. The teachers were given value activities to do in the form of skit, mind mapping and using hands to demonstrate the value of Love, Respect and Honesty for children aged 3-6. These highly motivated, creative teachers were interested in learning how to inculcate values into the little ones with fun, laughter, music, skills and all the tools Living Values Education has to offer.


The conflict resolution methodology was well received and tried out. The teachers felt it could work well with children to diffuse tension. The Active Listening segment made the teachers reflect on their own behavior. They realized how involuntarily they use the blockers and stoppers which effects active listening. There was so much love and bonding for the new and existing teachers by the end of the workshop. Solutions and some changes for the school were discussed and will be tried out. We created a LUVRS (Loved, Understood, Values, Respected and Safe) environment and went home happy in high spirits."

Living Values Education Training Indore, June 2013


An Living Values Education training in Indore was held the 3rd, 4thand 5th of June with 28 participants. Organized by the Submission Society, a social welfare organization, the workshop included teachers, parents and youth. Mrs. Sridhar wrote: "It was a fabulous experience with lots of sharing, bonding and learning. There were youth stepping into work life and some just graduating from school. Age was no barrier for them to actively participate and interact with the older participants, settled in life and work. Some of the parents were surprised at how articulate the youth were and how confident they were about their values.


One mother tried out the conflict resolution with her children and shared with us at how well it worked on the last day of the workshop. Some found active listening session to be an eye opener as they reflected about their own way of responding and listening. Others found the sharing immensely satisfying as it gave them the opportunity to talk and listen in a value based environment.

The workshop ended in a high note with lots of laughter and joy with the promise of implementing it in their daily lives and work.

A wonderful experience!

An Living Values Education Workshop in Lucknow brings skills, insights and happiness


"We wove the magic of Living Values Education during the workshop that left us warm, happy and glowing by the end," wrote Uma Sridhar, Living Values Education's Focal Point for India.  "The training was held at a lovely place with lush green gardens filled with all kinds of trees and flowers. I also spotted peacocks!

Twenty mentors, caretakers and teachersof the organization COME took part in the training. They were from Delhi, Lucknow and Ghorakpur Homes. Most of them had rural backgrounds and were not sure what to expect. Initially they were reticent to share their views, as women culturally do not speak up especially in front of men and strangers, but by the end of the first day, they had dropped their inhibitions and were actively taking part. There was much laughter and amusement at the games we played which they felt turned them into kids again!


Rekindling the dream with the visualization of a dream school was wonderful and also touching. Most of them drew schools with big playgrounds and lots of greenery and teachers being attentive and caring. One of the young teachers from a village drew toilets! A basic facility which is taken for granted and yet a luxury for a village school. 

The active listening exercise brought about considerable awareness of one's own behavior and the participants practiced the communication skills with great interest. The tower-building challenge was a big hit; they were very enthusiastic and went all out, demonstrating fantastic team work and cooperation.

The conflict resolution model was new to them and they were eager to try it. They felt it would help children calm down and try to resolve issues peacefully. Mind mapping was seen as very useful for bringing clarity about values and anti-values and its effects on self and other others. It was found to be simple and effective for children to understand.


Many specific questions related to the current problems faced by the Homes were discussed. Many new measures are going to be put in place.

The workshop was a wonderful success and I am truly blessed to be a part of Living Values Education. I would like to add one comment from a young participant after the Rekindle the dream visualization. She said she was surprised how she could reproduce her dream in a drawing. If said that if she could do it on paper, she could do it in her life too! It gave her so much confidence in herself. It was a wonderful moment!"