Our Vision
All Associates and Focal Points, membership have a Vision of where they would like to focus their energies, for some this in encouraging school teachers to adopt Living Values activities, some building partnership with education departments in their country, introducing Values into the curriculum of the Teaching Universities, some on prison reform, within relationships, others are called to seek involvement in the refugee crisis. Business can benefit from introducing Values in the management and workplace, in Human Resources. Parental guidance for better family life and Green Values for the environment.
The world offers a fertile field for the creation of Values Based Atmosphere, the expansion of Values Awareness.
No matter where or how, it all starts with desire and inspiration.
2024 - July
DFT Study Group Report
In July, the whole 17 team members of the LVE School undertook the DFT Study Group 12 week Course.
This report describes the experience of Karuna Bali Foundation staff as the first Study Group in Indonesia to have the opportunity to participate in Distance Facilitator Training (DFT) Study Group for 12 weeks. The 12 values reflected during the process are Peace, Respect, Love, Tolerance, Honesty, Humility, Cooperation, Happiness, Responsibility, Freedom, Simplicity, and Unity. Each week, the staff conducts a study group to reflect on one of these values in sequence. The reflection process is led by a facilitator and uses guidelines from the DFT reflection materials.
Impact of the Activity on Participants
According to the participants feedback after participating in DFT Study Group for 12 weeks, it is obvious that this activity has made a significant impact on participants lives. They experienced various positive impacts, especially in terms of self – reflection and understanding of values. They become aware of their actions, behavior, and speech, and more connected to the values that they believe are important. This activity helps participants to be present and focus on the current situation. In addition, participants also felt closer to themselves because many things that they never thought before became the reflection points.
Each week the participants are given one value to explore, which helps them recognize and live the values in their daily lives. Although there are participants who haven’t felt the real impact of this activity, but they said there was an increase in awareness and ways of communicating with themselves. Overall, this activity provided a reminder and positive encouragement that helps participants to live life more guided by the values they believe in.
Sharing sessions for participants
Memorable Experience
During this activity, participants found it most memorable when relating the values that they reflect on each week to their real-life situations. The questions that were asked, though simple, require deep reflection and become important reminders in the face of challenges.
The combination of personal reflection and group activity is greatly appreciated, as it provides support and encouragement through togetherness. The art activities in small groups are also meaningful, even if it seems simple, but capable of providing creative experiences and deep reflections. Additionally, the togetherness and sharing sessions provided new insight and strengthened the sense of connection between participants.
Art expression in the group
Challenges Faced
From the participants responses regarding the challenges faced during the DFT activities, there were some major challenges, both in terms of practicalities and the process of self-reflection. One of the challenges frequently encountered is the difficulty of applying the values learned in everyday life. Although participants understand these values, maintaining consistency in applying them to real actions remains an obstacle.
Some participants also found it challenging to attend DFT activities regularly due to their involvement in other activities. As a solution, they completed the DFT activities individually in their spare time.
Another challenge was the difficulty in being truly honest and reflecting from the heart, as some participants tended to rely on logic and think in terms of true or false when answering reflection questions, which hindered the ideal reflection process. In addition, the limited time to conduct in depth reflection was also an obstacle for some participants. Some of them also struggled to respond the reflection points, mostly because the reflection questions sometimes seemed complicated or difficult to understand.
To overcome these challenges, participants tried to follow the flow of the activities, complete the reflections individually, and listen to their heart rather than overanalyze logically. They also took advantage of help from other participants if there were things that they didn’t understand. Participants also tried to manage their time better and kept checking and living the values that they practiced when they had the opportunity.
Participants reflect on self-reflection questions
Group Interaction
Overall, group interaction was helpful in increasing participants' understanding through the sharing of different experiences, ideas, and perspectives. Discussions allow participants to see the value and reflection points from different perspectives, which often brings new insights. The collaboration of ideas within the group also allows participants to share with each other, especially when facing a challenge in understanding or responding to the reflection questions. The discussion breaks down the confusion and provides concrete actions that can be implemented.
In that sense, group activities create a fun and enjoyable atmosphere, making participants enthusiastic to participate in these activities. The togetherness of the group is a source of motivation and support. In art and group activities, this interaction opens up space for opinion and collaboration, allowing for diverse and deep creative expression.
However, 1 of the 14 participants felt more comfortable doing this activity individually, as it allowed more time to reflect and optimize understanding without the pressure of time. Even so, the majority of participants felt that the group interactions were able to build connections between participants, creating an atmosphere where they could understand each other and feel connected to each other, both personally and in the context of the values being explored.
Participants dancing together
2024 - Jan-June
There was only one LVE workshop held at the beginning of this year in Yogyakarta with 10 participants.
Before the workshop Associate (LVE Admin) sent the administration package to trainers, such as a registration form, a media consent form, an evaluation form, a post workshop report form, and the registration number for the certificate. We also requested the trainers to prepare a Term of Reference (TOR) before the Associate gives the certificate number and also asked them to send the workshop documentation after its finished.
There are two LVE trainers who actively held LVE workshops in the beginning of this year, those are Muqowim and Ziadatul Husnah.
LVE workshop at House of Wisdom Yogyakarta
Translation of LVE materials
There are ongoing translation process for the Rainbow Booklet for Children ages 3-7 and 8-14 years. The translation has been done by a translator. The Rainbow Booklet translation has been edited and proofread by several proofreaders outside of the Karuna Bali Foundation. Now, the final check is ongoing by LVE Admin. The Rainbow Booklet for Children ages 3-7 is in the queue, while the Rainbow Booklet for ages of 8-14 years is completed.
LVE Indonesia Trainers Profile
We posted 16 LVE Indonesia trainer profiles on www.lveindonesia.org. Before we posted it, we sent some questionnaires to the trainers and requested them to send us their photos. We also sent each of them a media consent form before we posted it as proof that they had consented for their writing and photos to be posted.
LVE trainers profile on www.lveindonesia.org
Website (www.lveindonesia.org) Updates
We made some updates on our www.lveindonesia.org website. These changes included simplifying the trainer profile page, uploading the 2024 event schedule, changing the contact person, and changing the password on the trainer only page.
Some more aesthetic adjustments made included: changing the title of the Menu bar, changing the font so that it uses same type of font throughout, and organizing spaces between paragraphs to make it more clean and easier to read. We also changed the written information into Bahasa Indonesia since some of them using English (considering that www.lveindonesia.org is aimed for people in Indonesia, we decided to use the same language).
Articles of LVE Indonesia
We have wrote 4 articles about LVE Indonesia (for activities in 2022, 2023, and 2024) and posted them on www.lveindonesia.org to keep the website updated, because the last news that was posted on the website was the 2021 news. We also wrote one article and posted it on LVE social media, such as Instagram and Facebook.
Trainers Meetings
Trainer meetings were held via zoom, meetings are held twice a month according to the date chosen by each trainer. This meeting discussed the challenges and excitement faced by trainers in LVE, what LVE will look like in 2024, and plans for the LVE Educator Workshop which will be held in 4 cities, in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Ambon, and Ubud to fulfill the minimum requirement of 12 hours of workshop sessions for trainers to avoid losing their accreditation.
Promoting Values through LVE’s Value Card
Apart from LVE workshop. Associate also provide values card which can be ordered by the trainers. The virtue cards are provided in Bilingual and Trilingual. The minimum donation for each box of virtue cards is Rp 25.000. So far, we have received requests for: Bilingual - 87 boxes, and Trilingual - 23 boxes (from Bali, Jakarta, and Bogor). We have received donations of Rp. 3.675.000 from all those LVE’s Values Card.
In 2020 Karuna Bali Foundation was offering it's Values-based programme for financially challenged young people, had classrooms filled with young students embracing the KB brand of English language classes, and a variety of multiple-day workshops. Then it all ceased. Covid precluded all these activities and yet the Associate for Living Values International in Indonesia did not slumber it turned inwards using this unique opportunity to capacity build within the KB Team.
We are pleased to share the latest Karuna Bali newsletter which could be called simply, "Awakening". You can download a copy of the report here
Foreword - Sure it's been tough, yet...
2022 in Bali started with another movement restriction by Government related to the increase number of positive cases of Covid. Central Government released an instruction for school to do the online learning again or mixed between half-class capacity and online learning. For Karuna Bali the face-to-face learning is done in English Short Course class and since September 2021 we have applied the maximum of half-class capacity.
Since January 2022, Karuna Bali has run with new organization structure and rotation of staff with new position as Coordinators also one new Department, Capung Melajah (activating Campuhan Long-Life Learning with new name and concept). We decided to choose Indonesian- Balinese mixed name because this department is targeting Indonesian people, mainly Balinese.
As found and planned through Strategic Planning, staff capacity building will be the focus in 2022, especially in strengthening staff capacity in facilitating for values-based activity and in practicing the skills to create values-based atmosphere. Practices for facilitation and skills (life-skills and communication skills) has been scheduled for staff.
The first three months of 2022 will be used to discuss between Director, Finance, Coordinators, KB Admin & HRD and LVE Officer about operational management, the coordination between program and finance system.
After hibernating in 2020-2021, we see that 2022 is going to be a learning year for all staff of KB (full-time or part-time). Combining the best practices from the past and piloting of new initiative or ideas. Thank you for the patience, trust and support that has been given to us in our hibernating years.
With warm regards,
On behalf of all staff of Karuna Bali Foundation,
Associate for Association for Living Values Education International
November 2022 Update
- Workshops
There were 16 LVE workshops in 2022 held in Bali, Yogyakarta, Maluku and West Sumatra with total participants of 285. Associate before the workshop sent administration package to trainers such as registration form, media consent form, evaluation form and the registration number for the certificate. We also asked the trainers to make Term of Reference (TOR) before Associate give certificate number and documentation during the workshop. There were 8 LVE trainers who actively held LVE workshop this year: They are Muqowim, Ziadatul Husnah, I Made Perdana Scholastika, Ni Wayan Yeniari, Eklin Amtor de Fretes, Fitria Laurent, I Wayan Rustiasa, and Taka Gani.
- Translation
There is an ongoing translation process for Rainbow Booklet for children ages 3-7 Years, 8-14 Years, and Young Adults as well as the LVE Distance Learning materials. Translation has been done by translators. The Rainbow Booklet for Young Adults were checked and the LVE Distance Learning materials is on progress to check by LVE team.
- English Value Activity Videos
We made 3 videos of value activities on April 5th and November 1st 2022. The videos are currently in the editing process with our Multimedia Production (MMP) team.
- Rabu Sejuk 'Cool Wednesday'
Rabu Sejuk is an on-line values activity, presented via Zoom every Wednesday (10-11am Bali Time). It was created in mid-2021. In 2022, we ran the 3rd Cool Wednesday and there has been 33 online activities (9 March - 23 November 2022). Total attendants 30 participants and each session the number of participants varied between 1-7 people.
There were many positive impacts felt, both by participants and facilitators. Participants said that they are being calmer, more peaceful, more valuing of what they are doing (so they don't just pass the day without getting at least a lesson from it), are more able to learn from mistakes, more grateful, can control their emotions to make them more stable, fresher, more confident, understand that everything not always happen like what they want, happier, get new insight from other participants, willing to listen to different perspectives more, feel more valuable, know how to deal with problems, can communicate clearly, interact socially with confidence, happy, assertive, more courageous in making decisions, more patient and able to appreciate diversity, and more careful when communicate with others.
The facilitator said that they can be more present with their heart and their mind to the participants, calmer, relaxed, light, be more open, confident, connected to peace more quickly. The universe seems to bring the facilitators into a circle with safe adults who live value-based environment, can control themselves, are aware of feelings that arise, and can accept and understand what ever is happening in their lives.
- Social Media LVE Instagram & Facebook
Posted benefit of LVE weekly on Instagram - articles on Monday, Carousel of LVE skills on Wednesday, Reels Reflection points on Friday, Story reflective questions, updated values highlights based on answers from LVE's IG followers.
- Articles of LVE in social media
18 articles and we sent the contributors LVE merchandise as a token of appreciation.
- Promoting values
We promoted values through LVE's value cards for public outside Bali and on International Values Day 2022. Bilingual: 182 cards, Trilingual: 38 cards (buyers from Bali, Padang, East Jakarta)
- Consultation on Applying LVE in a formal education setting
For a newly established school of Food & Beverages (1 year program) in North Bali.
Karuna Bali - 6 month progress (1 April to 30 Sept 22)
The Karuna Bali Progress Reflection report is the highlight of the evaluation and reflection which is done in 26 October 2022. Two weeks before the presentation day, all departments were give Term of Reference (guidance) on how to do the reflection and evaluation and what kind report written from the reflection and evaluation.
On 31st March 2022 we did our three months reflection and evaluation. We did not do the 6-month reflection and evaluation since the agenda in June 2022 was so full. However, we managed to have a light conversation to check-in together.
You can download a copy of the report here. It includes highlights from:
- Vision, Mission, Goal, Values
- Karuna Bali Operational Team 2022
- Organizational Structure
- Program Structure 2022
- Short Course (SC)
- Capung Melajah (CM)
- Human Resources & Development (HRD)
- Finance & General Affairs (FGA)
- Multimedia Production (MMP)
- Living Values Education (LVE)
- DLCC Amisewaka
- Sharing of Progress from Yowana Students
- Sharing from Yowana Facilitators
- Beneficiaries of Karuna Bali (Direct & Indirect)
February 2022: Who is Who in Karuna Bali now
Name | Role 2022 | |
1 | Ni Nengah Widiani | Coordinator - Finance & General Affairs |
2 | Ni Kadek Endriyani | Accounting Staff |
3 | I Kadek Juliarta | Logistic & Maintenance Staff |
4 | Ni Nengah Sri Hastuti | Cleaning Service 3rd Floor |
5 | Gede Ayodi Suriawan | Cleaning Service 2nd Floor |
6 | Ita Wulandari | Coordinator - Short Course |
7 | Ni Nyoman Triantari | Head Admin Short Course |
8 | Ni Komang Tri Agustini | Admin Short Course |
9 | Dewa Putu Ardika | Security |
10 | Kdk I.K. Wira Putra | Coordinator - Multimedia Prod |
11 | IB Ngurah Pustaka Pramana* | Staff Multimedia Prod |
12 | I Gede Supardika | Coordinator - Capung Melajah |
13 | Ni Wayan Yuniari Putri | Team Leader Life Skills |
14 | Ni Wayan Yeniari | Team Leader Youth Program |
15 | I Wayan Januarta | Team Leader Youth Program |
16 | Kadek Salendri | LVE Officer |
17 | Ni Made Puspa Dewi | Karuna Bali Admin & HRD |
18 | Chusnul Savitri*** | Personal Assistant to KB Director |
19 | Taka Nurdiana Gani | Karuna Bali Director |
Life Goes On - Our Internal General Activities
Activity: Morning Gratitude
Frequency & Duration: Daily, 30 minutes, 09:00 - 09:30
Description: Personal reflection in what we are grateful about from:
- Self
- God or anything chosen on the moment which stronger than the self
- Surrounding (universe/environment/people/ anything)
Then share in groups or pairs. Staff take turn in leading.
Activity: Values-Based Activities
Frequency & Duration: Every Friday, 90 minutes, 09:45 - 11:00
Description: Using LVE Values-Based Activities, staff will take turn to facilitate the activities. This activity is a collaboration of HRD, Life Skills and LVE.
Activity: Karuna Bali Clean
Frequency & Duration: Friday, every 2 weeks (alternates with Waste Management), 2 hours, 15:00 - 17:00
Description: Thorough cleaning in the building by all staff, Finance & Logistic lead the activity and choose what particular spot and type of cleaning is needed.
Activity: Waste Management
Frequency & Duration: Friday, every 2 weeks (alternates with KB clean), 1 hour, 16:00 - 17:00
Description: All staff sorting the waste in KB while learning the importance of sorting waste from the smallest organizational structure and so we will be able to apply it in our daily lives.
January - March 2022 Workshops
3-4 January 2022: Staff Orientation
Participants: 19 Staff
Lead Facilitator: Taka
Co-Facilitator: Widi, Puspa, Juli
10-13 January 2022: Self Managing Leadership
Duration: 4 half-days
Participants: 18 Staff
Facilitator: Taka
17 January 2022: Vision-Mission Orientation
1.5 hour session for Short Course Facilitators
22-24 February 2022: Living Values Education Participants: 18 Staff and 4 Short Course English Facilitators
Lead Trainer: Taka
Co-Trainer: Yeni
Small Group Facilitators: Gede, Salen, Puspa
10-11 March 2022: Compassionate Communication
Participants: All Karuna Bali Staff and Interested Short Course Facilitators
Lead Facilitator: Taka Co-Facilitator: Yeni, Gede
Department Updates
Short Course:
The classes of English Group 1 - 2022 started on 24 Jan - 24 Mar 2022 with half to maximum capacity. The schedule are Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 11.00 - 20.30 WITA. The security staff helps to maintain security, tidy up parking, make sure students have washed their hands, wear masks, and check students' body temperatures.
The classes in Short Course:
a. 6 Levels of English Class (Starter 1-2, Movers 1-2, Flyer 1, Intensive1-2-4), 84 students and 6 English Facilitators and
b. 1 Intensive Computer Class (2 students) with 1 Facilitator.
A Pre-class activity is carried out before new students learn in class. In the first English Group 1-2022, both new and advanced level students were involved in pre-class. This is because, for two years the pre-class had not been held and many advanced level students have not taken the pre-class. The goal of this pre- class is to introduce the program and how the course runs as well as facilitate students to identify themselves and live the values that will help them to achieve their goal of being able to speak English.
Pre-class Documentation
Mulitmedia Production
Up until 29 February 2022, Multimedia Production run with only 1 staff (Wira-Coordinator). Basically Coordinator assist other departments according to their needs.
The process of recruitment for one staff has started since 2nd week of January. It started with internal opening for the alumnae and its network. Four applied but none passed the technical requirements. Beginning of February, we launched the job vacancy through paid platform and we received 37 applicants. Coordinator choose 10 applicants based on closes location and experience. We decided to interview five applicants first. The interviewers are Wira, Gede and Taka.
One person is chosen based on the technical ability, mainly on video production. The person will start on Monday 7 March 2022.
Living Values Education
- Values-based activities in English has started once and will start again in mid-March.
- Rabu Sejuk (Cool Wednesday) - an onine values-based activities will run on Phase 3 starting 9 March. Two facilitators has ran it since June 2021 and there will be 3 additional facilitators (one volunteer alumnae Group 14 and two staff from Capung Melajah)
- There are two volunteers: one for Cool Wednesday and one for creating reels in Instagram (for three months, 1 Feb - 30 Apr 2022)
- Rainbow Booklet Part 1 is being translated by paid translator.
- Self-Reflection part of Distant Learning is translated and will be used in staff capacity building.
- Workshop LVE offline has started few times for: Refugees who teach at Hope Learning Centre Cisarua (Nov 2021), Rumah Kearifan Jogja (Dec 2021), English Language Faculty Univ Mahasaraswati Bali (Feb 2022)
- Discussion on Video Production with Multimedia Production team for ALIVE International will continue in mid-March 2022, a week after the new Multimedia staff start.
- Trainers online gathering will be held on end of March to discuss about LVE in Indonesia.
Campuhan Melajah
The idea of this department came out during Strategic Planning when we reflect on CL3 (Campuhan Long-Life Learning). No one seems to know what it is and remaining staff weren't involve in the birth of this department. We research the meaning of the "dragonfly" logo, the words "long=life learning" and try to understand from the chart account under the heading of "teacher training'.
We then give a new meaning from the department after understanding the meaning of the dragonfly logo. We chose also to open this department not only for teachers but for anyone who would like to learn about themselves and recognize their potential to be used for themselves and others.
"Capung" is Indonesian word for Dragonfly. "Melajah" is made from two words: 'Melajah' (Balinese for Learning and 'Menjelajah' (Indonesian for Exploring). Capung Melajah means to learn about the inner self then explore the outside world is an ongoing process.
We choose to use Capung Melajah as the main name because it will be promoted to Indonesian, mainly Balinese. We would like the name sounds familiar and rise curiosity for people to ask more. It has two sub-department: Yowana Program ('Yowana' is Balinese for Youth) and Life Skills (we still has not decide for its name).
Yowana (Youth) Program: is going to be a pilot project on July-December 2022. The proposal is in the final stage and will be finished on mid-March. We will send the concept paper between 7-11 March.
Life Skills: For 2022, it is a collaboration program with HRD and LVE related to staff capacity building.
Life Skills
Waste Day: Cleaning and Sorting Waste
LVE Workshop for Staff and Part-time Short Course Facilitators
Weekly Values-Based Activity
Celebrating January's Staff Birthday: Endri, Janu, Yeni
LVE Workshop for Refugees Teaching at Hope Learning Centre at Cisarua Assist by Yeni and Gede (29 Nov -1 Dec 2021)
The two year hiatus during 2020/2021 with Indonesia's Covid restrictions required an enforced hibernation of the traditional Karuna Bali Foundation's Values educational activities. Sadly, this also impacted so much of the Associate's Living Values role and stifling of activities in Indonesia. Yet, we discovered a benefit: A time to feel into what we do, reflect on what we have done and consider where we want to go in the future - all this resulting in a strategic overview of the Organisation's purpose, an invitation to the team's participation in re-creating KB's future. Here then is the butterfly emerging from the chysalis - where we are heading into 2022 and beyond.
LVE Workshops for Educators Ubud, Bali, Indonesia; January and February 2020
An LVE Workshop for Educators was conducted at Campuhan College, Ubud, Bali for 25 students of the College's One Year Professional Programme on 20-22 January 2020 by Ni Wayan Yeniari with co-facilitation by I Wayan Januarta and I Gede Supardika. The purpose was to allow students to practise the LVE skills that can help them support each other in class and to strengthen their relationships with their family and the people they served during the "Seeds of Kindness" project that they carried out.
One of the participants, Ni Kadek Dwi Darmaniti, commented: "This LVE workshop helps us to be active listeners", explaining that giving an ear to her friends could encourage them to be open with her. "It creates a friendly, warm and comfortable atmosphere at school or a workplace" she continued, emphasising that in such supportive circumstances a school or a business would flourish and that it is important to connect with values in every moment and situation. "Pay attention to your surroundings. Looking at the relationship between people and dogs I learned about loyalty. I saw ants moving in a line and this told me about cooperation. This workshop reminded me always to be aware of my values", she concluded.
The following month a LVE Workshop for Educators was held by Yayasan PUSPADI Bali on 7 - 9 February 2020 at Annika Linden Centre in Tohpati, Denpasar, Bali for 25 participants including Community Assistant and Management staff. The workshop was facilitated by I Made Skolastika and Philip Yusenda from Karuna Bali and aimed to prepare staff to be more aware of their values while implementing programmes and activities. PUSPADI Bali is a Non-Governmental Organization providing mobility aids, education and training services for 'diffable' (differently-abled) people and running quality advocacy programmes in Bali and Eastern Indonesia.
Educators Workshop - Ubud, Bali, Indonesia; 23-25 August 2019
A successful LVE Workshop for Educators was conducted by Karuna Bali's Long-Life Learning (CL3) team in Ubud, Bali. The workshop was attended by 16 participants including representatives of organisations such as ISCO Foundation, PUSPADI Bali and Kasih Peduli Anak. This experiential and interactive workshop comprised 16 hours of core sessions with a focus on the skills to create a values-based atmosphere that participants can then apply in their daily lives.
Karuna Bali's representative to ALIVE opens the workshop
Sharing thoughts about values made for a happy small group discussion
Whispering values to another in the Tunnel of Love activity
LVE Workshop for Educators - Ciputat, South Tangerang, Indonesia; 13-15 September 2019
Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat (LSAF), an organisation that focuses on reviewing and developing democracy and human rights in Indonesia held an LVE Workshop for Educators at Madrasah Raudhatul Irfan Jl. Kerosin V pondok ranji, Ciputat, South Tangerang, Banten. Twenty five educators and college students participated in the two-day event which was led by Iqbal Hasanuddin, Robbi Muhammad, Via Elga Susilawati, Muhammad Usman, Khoerotun Asyaroti and Ummal Khairoh.
Smiles all round during the break!
Facilitator Iqbal Hasanuddin (middle back row) with happy participants
94 School Educators and six LVE Trainers at Pre-school workshop! - Jakarta, Indonesia; 10 - 12 October 2019
An LVE Workshop for Educators was held for teachers from Kiddie Planet Preschool Sunter, Gading, PIK and Graha in North Jakarta on 10 - 12 October 2019 and the 94 participating teachers were divided into three groups, with two facilitators for each group: Taka Gani and Rifah Zaenani (Group 1), I Wayan Rustiasa and Sony Jethnani (Group 2) and Philipus Yusenda and Irma Makarim (Group 3). The workshop aimed to help teachers learn and understand the importance of values, support them in consciously living by values in their school as a role model for their students.
Participants enjoy a session on 'Transition to Values-based Discipline' with Irma Makarim
Everyone's favourite activity: Making a World Peace Cake!
Lets' TALK
Lets' TALK is a project that is intended for one-year students as services to the community and the application of knowledge acquired during studying at CAMPUHAN College. The Professional Program students teach and accompany the elementary students grade 4 and 5 in teaching English and sharing the value-based atmosphere. The project is held every Saturday. It is started from 2nd February - 27th April 2019. For this year, this program is implemented at SDN (Elementary school) 2 and 5 Kedewatan. Bali. In conducting this activity, there are several stages or process that are carried out such as preparation, activities, and farewell.
First, the first step of starting this project is preparation. The facilitator conducts a meeting of introducing the project. We gave them a highlight of the project. We divide the team into two. We let them free to choose the coordinator for each team. The coordinator has responsibility to supervising their team and give a report to the facilitator. Moreover, they have to manage the PIC (Person in Charge) for each meeting. Then, the students send the proposal to the schools. after the school agreeing the project, the facilitator and the students come to school to get a deal. Mostly the teachers welcome us greatly. They are really proud of the PP students as they are scholarship students who are motivated and willing to grow. In this stage, the PP students learn how to conduct and meet a new people, and organize a meeting.
Second, in facilitating, the students have some steps to do such as pre- activity, main activity and post- activity. In pre- activity, the PP students have 2 steps, Micro teaching and rehearsal. Micro teaching is a part where the students can learn to teach English. In this part, the students who get a chance would prepare the material and teaching steps independently. Of course, they also have a freedom to ask the facilitator and get feedback. Beside teaching English, the PP students also have a chance to facilitate the silence moment (invite the students to presence), Game (facilitate the ice breaker), Story telling (facilitate the story), dairy writing (facilitate to write their feelings about the activity) and reflection (facilitate the reflection about the hole activity). Every student has the same chance to facilitate. They also responsible to prepare the properties related to the activity. Rehearsal is an activity that the students do a day before teaching. In this part, the students have to rehearse all steps. For the main activity, the students start teaching at 10 AM. In this stage, they students cooperate to succeed the activity and make sure that it runs well. After the main activity is post - activity. Here, the students conduct a meeting which lead by the coordinator. The coordinator should send the meetings' result to the facilitator. Then, I would be followed up every week.
The last is farewell. In this stage, the students try to organize the ceremony started from the budget, the run down and the entertainment. The purpose of the activity is to thank the school for the chance and support. Moreover, it is the time for the assisted students (elementary students) to show what they have learnt during the program. Most of the students are excited and confident to show their best. it proves that the PP students succeed to accompany their students. This is not about how smart they are in delivering the material/lesson, but their willingness to grow both individually and group. That is a glimpse of the Let's TALK project, Thank you.
Educator Workshops in Bali and Jakarta
Elis Huwa, of the ALIVE Associate in Indonesia, reported on a flurry of activities across the country as follows
LVE Educator Workshop in Bali - January 2019
Sixteen people from Lombok, Bali, Tangerang, Jakarta and Kutai Kartanegara enthusiastically participated in a three-day LVE Workshop in Ubud, from 25-27 January 2019, facilitated by Wayan Rustiasa co-founder of Karuna Bali, the ALIVE Associate in Indonesia. The ALIVE President, Chris Drake, who happened to be in Ubud, attended the opening session and emphasised the importance of putting our values into action rather than just words and how we can use them to help us set a good course in life. "Values can serve as a compass that helps point us in the right direction in life. When we are at a crossroads in life it is often not easy to decide which way to go but if we think about if carefully our values can help show us the right way to go and keep us on track", he said.
The participants listen enthusiastically to the facilitators
Thanks for being with us, I can feel your values.
Chris Drake greets the participants and shares thought in the introduction session.
A happy participant receives a certificate as a LVE activities facilitator!
LVE Workshop for Teachers in Kiddie Planet Pre-school, Jakarta - March 2019
Kiddie Planet Montessori Preschool, Jakarta hosted an LVE Educator Workshop from 19-21 March 2019 for 12 Pre-school teachers facilitated by Wayan Rustiasa and Sony Jethnani. It was a great success and as one participant put it: "I humbly and genuinely thank you for sharing with me the art of active listening. I am very sure that this skill is going to enhance my relationship at home as well as where I teach."
Group sharing provides each participant with a safe space in which to express their thoughts and feelings.
A recipe for peace!
Visualization gives a few moments to reconnect with our dream in the Rekindling Dream session.
Smiles all round amongst workshop participants!
Values-based College for Financially-challenged Students in Bali
Karuna Bali Foundation, the ALIVE Associate in Indonesia, runs Campuhan College a school in Ubud, Bali, and uses the LVE Approach as the foundation of its teaching and learning activities. Many of the College's students are high school graduates in financially challenged circumstances who do not otherwise have access to further education and they are offered a fully-sponsored one-year full-time Values-based Leadership course. One of the features of the course is focused on the concept of "Paying Forward" with an annual event to support the cost of sponsoring students for the following year. In August, at the beginning of their course, each of the 25 students selects his/her own values and commits to "living in" those values for the year. The students are taught about five basic emotional needs, namely being loved, understood, valued, respected and safe, and they and the course facilitators then collectively decide on what best practices can help ensure that those needs are met.
A safe space to play in Padang
We gladly received a short update from Fitria Laurent, an LVE trainer in Padang, West Sumatra who has run many LVE workshops. After a workshop held in February 2018 with 16 participants, Fitria made arrangements for them to share and put their LVE skills to good use with 385 children, aged 6 to 12, in Padang city with support from a foundation called Yayasan Anak Shaleh. She wrote: "Divided into six groups, the children enjoy fun-activities facilitated by 2-3 facilitators for 3 to 4 hour a day, 4 days a week and this has been going on as an after-school activity for about 6 months now. I am happy to be a volunteer for this activity because the children did not have a safe space to play. Now, they have this special little space to spend their after-school time while the 16 facilitators have a chance to practise and expand their facilitating skills."
Indonesian commemorates the 73rd Independence Day in August 2018. LVE trainers from all areas celebrated Independence day in different ways. Some fun activities were held to express, explore, and at the same time nurture the spirits of peace, happiness, and freedom. In this country update we would like to share and accentuate the three interconnected values which emerged from the stories; peace, happiness, and freedom.
From Maluku with the Peace Tales
Since January to August 2018 Jalan Merajut Perdamaian (JMP) community has done a series of values activities in some areas in Maluku islands (the Moluccas). Eklin de Fretes, a young leader of JMP and an active LVE trainer, together with 5 to 7 facilitators created and implemented the peace program voluntarily. By August 16th 2018, JMP has reached out 72 spots all over Maluku to share the spirit of peace with children through fun-activity called Peace Tale. This program was started to promote unity and harmony among children from different communities.
Eklin and the other JMP's facilitators realized that many children who were born after the period of conflict to some extent inherit the feeling of segregation with people from different group (religion) while the adults keep repeating the narratives of segregation. Many generation in Maluku including JMP's volunteers noticed that some children have been labbelling and treating each other as opponents, using negative terms which were taken from old narrative frequently retold by the adults. These young volunteers understand that there are always consequences of assembling hurtful memories, experiences, or episodes within the narrative; it might generate the ideas of exclusion towards others and themselves. They invited everyone who search for peace in Maluku to put an end to this negative cycle. They relentlessly promote values through fun and creative activities. They tried to make the children and adults to reconnect with their authentic values and at the same time to build children's character of peace in the most possible way. "I call it Peace Tale. Children from different backgrounds share peace stories. I started this storytelling program on January 2nd, 2018 in front of interfaith community in Seram island." Eklin added, "On 17th of August, 2018, together with young people from Taman Baca Haturessy, Negeri Tulehu, we held the summit event of the series of activities entitled 73 Peace Tales Spots as a celebration of 73 Years of the Independence".
Besides collaborative storytelling, there were also various programs performed in the event such as poetry musicalization, theatrical performance, singing, and a small offerings procession from youth interfaith community. To conclude the event, a charity activity was held as an expression of compassion and solidarity to the people in Lombok who were recently affected by the earthquake. "JMP appreciates and is very grateful to all participants in this program. May God bless us. Let's love Indonesia in one or many other ways!", Eklin concluded.
Independence Day for the Happiest Indonesia! - Sharing Our Values via Social Media
To celebrate the 73rd Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Yayasan Indonesia Bahagia (YIB) dan InLOVE Community, created a video as a campaign tool. The purpose of this video is to interpret the meaning of independence in today's context and to promote the spirits of happiness of Indonesian society. The video has been disseminated since 17th of August, 2018 using Intagram account @indonesiabahagia.id. Afni, one of the videomaker, stated "We present influential figures from different professions narating the meaning of independence day". It is aimed to promote happiness through Indonesia Bahagia campaign. The organizer of the video making is the InLOVE Community. InLOVE community is a group of 6 young LVE trainers who focus on social media content development. "We hope the value of independence we want to convey through this activity can raise the value of happiness. The key message we wanted to share is each individual has the right to be free, independent, and happy" Afni added.
Yayasan Indonesia Bahagia has been doing the campaign called Gerakan Indonesia Bahagia (GIB), an initiative to promote value of happiness for Indonesian society. Rani Anggraeni Dewi, the initiator of this campaign and coordinator of YIB, worked closely with other 8 LVE trainers: Kamalia, Fathurrahman, Milastri, Afni, Eka Zamani, Tantri Maharesi, Dini S, Yudhy W. and Ita Mucharam. They believe that nowadays, the society need to closely reconnect with the values of respect, tolerance, freedom to nurture the values of happiness. "GIB is one of practical implementation of LVE trainers' knowledge and skills. These knowledge should not stop in the form of workshops and campus-based activities. I want to make it more inclusive. We conducted many activities in public space like in city parks, like the one we held to celebrate the International Happiness Day", she added.
Links to the video samples:
A safe space to play in Padang
We gladly received a short update from Fitria Laurent, our LVE trainer who lives in Padang, West Sumatra. Fitria has facilitated numbers of Living Values Educator workshops. After LVE workshop held in February 2018 with 16 participants, Fitria coordinated the 16 values activities facilitators to share and practice their LVE skills voluntarily with 385 children on the age of 6 to 12 years old in Padang city with the support fromYayasan Anak Shaleh. The children enjoy fun-activities facilitated by 2-3 facilitators with the duration of 3 - 4 hour per day, 4 days a week. These children are devided into 6 groups. The after-school activity has been conducted for about 6 months now.
The volunteer from this workshop, Fitria, remarked that she feels happy to be a volunteer for this activity because the children did not have a safe space to play. Now, they have this special little space to spend their after-school time. "The 16 facilitators for this fun-activities are those that I have trained myself in LV Educator Workshop. I'd like to give them space to practice and expand their facilitating skill", said Fitria.
Some updates from The Asia Foundation
To participate in the National Children's Day, some LVE trainers carried out a series of LVE fun-activities in an event which took place in Surabaya on 20th to 22nd of July, 2018. The event was organized by The Asia Foundation's PEDULI program. Budhy Munawar-Rachman, Mochamad Ziaulhaq, Eklin De Fretes, and Yudhi Widdyantoro facilitated some values activities for children which also include children with disabilities, focusing on values of Peace and Tolerance. These activities allowed the children to explore, experience, and share those values. By conducting the activities, the trainers provided a space for children to express their values creatively using images, poetry and dance. At the end of the session, the children got the opportunity to present their work pieces in front of the audience.
The Asia Foundation also participated in a National Workshop entitled Religious Moderation Mainstreaming as the Implementation of the United Nation Human Rights Council Resolution 16/18 was held by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia on 27 of July, 2018. Taken place at the Royal Kuningan Hotel, Jakarta, this workshop was facilitated by Budhy Munawar-Rachman and Mochamad Ziaulhaq. This workshop introduced the Living Values Education approach to the members of the Ministry of Religion. Zia emphasized the importance of living and sharing values among one another through social activities. "Let's bring positive contribution to our society", Zia added.
Since mid-2017, some LVE trainers contributed in developing a guidebook entitled Pendidikan Nilai Pancasila (Pancasila Values Education) under the project of The Asia Foundation and Badan Pembinaan Ideologi Pancasila (BPIP). The development of the guidebook was prepared by Dr. Budhy Munawar-Rachman, Mochamad Ziaulhaq, M.Ag, and Dr. Bambang Qomaruzzaman, M.Ag. This guidebook prioritizes the strengthening of the knowledge about LVE Theoretical Scheme and values based activity skills. This method has two main functions: providing a value-based atmosphere simulation in the educational process and living the values of Pancasila in the learning space (internal function) so that the participants can experience the Pancasila values-based atmosphere and to implement it in their social life (external function).
A series of FGDs, seminars, workshops, and training were conducted in several Islamic Religious Universities by Dr. Muqowim, and Rani A. Dewi, MA. following the development of the guidebook. In August 2018, this book was used in some trainings for lecturers and teachers of Pancasila subject at Pusat Pengembangan Madrasah Kanwil Kemenag Jawa Barat dan Prodi Religious Studies Pascasarjana UIN SGD Bandung, Institute for Southeats Asian Islamic Studies (ISAIS) Riau, Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher Training, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, and PUSAM, Postgraduate program of Muhammadiyah University, Malang.
Stories from Karuna Bali Foundation
Another three days successful Living Values Educator workshop was held in Campuhan College on 20-22 July 2018. It was facilitated by LVE Accredited Trainer of Living Values Education Indonesia, Muqowim and Wayan Rustiasa. The workshop participants came from Bali, Pekanbaru, Jogjakarta, and Lombok. They experienced a deeper understanding of how values live and guide their life. The various background of participants including academics, midwife, young enterpreuneurs, acupuncturist, and psychologists, in this workshop enriched the process of growth for each person. Together they practiced to create a safe zone during each session. The positive atmosphere helped every person to share with one another, something that is not always be experienced in everyday life. Conversations got deeper as each day passed and understanding about core values were increased.
One of the participant from Riau mentioned that from this LVE workshop, he can learn to appreciate himself better like he has never done before. He believed that his entity consists of the body, soul and spirit, and he has to give attention to these three. The appreciation for himself is fulfilled during this workshop. Another participant said that by joining the workshop she would be able to recharge her life energy, be more powerful, and understand more about the 5 basic feelings needed by each person, feeling loved, understood, valued, respect, and safe. As they weaved through the journey of understanding the values and living them; the sensation, the feelings, and the friendship are the ones they will cherish and hold dear for the rest of their lives.
Campuhan College Students Activity: Creating Collaborative Rules
During the first week of August 2018, 24 new students of One Year Professional Program and all of the facilitators engaged in a series of activities in Campuhan College's Open Heart space from morning until late afternoon. The facilitators introduced the Living Values Education methods as the foundation of teaching learning activities applied in Campuhan College. In that event, each students selected their main values to be nurtured during their study.
In the session of Creating Collaborative Rules, the students were invited to explore and experience their five basic emotional needs i.e. feeling loved, understood, valued, respect, and safe. The facilitators and students also decide the best practical way to fulfill those needs. One of the students, Sky, stated that "The most memorable session was when I can recognize my five basic emotional needs, I also surprised to know that people also have the same needs like I do." By understanding their needs and needs of others, the students are allowed to take part actively in maintaining a supportive teaching learning environment with the assistance of the facilitators. Hopefully that their spirit of togetherness and willingnese to respect to eachother are getting stronger from time to time.
Komunitas Ramah Anak: Fitria Laurent
The Asia Foundation: Muhammad Ziaulhaq, Budhy Munawar
Jalan Merajut Perdamaian (JMP) Ambon: Eklin de Fretes
InLove Community: Afni Nurul Ikhsan
Karuna Bali: Novenia, Elis
Next Events:
- September 3rd - 5th, 2018: Branding Awareness Working Group follow-up meeting, Karuna Bali, Ubud, Bali
- September 6th - 8th, 2018: Living Values Educator Workshop, SMU Rosma, Karawang, West Java.
- September 28th - 30th, 2018: Living Values Educator Workshop, Campuhan College - Karuna Bali, Ubud, Bali.
- Refresher Course for LVE trainers and facilitators - Jogjakarta Cluster, November 2018, Rumah Kearifan (House of Wisdom), Jogjakarta.
- Refresher Course for LVE trainers and facilitators - Ambon Cluster, November 2018, Parakletos - Ambon.
- Series of LVE workshop - weekly basis (every weekend), November 2018 to January 2019, Greenschool, Bali.
Postponed Event:
- LVE Train the Trainer Workshop (TTT) 2018 will be conducted next year.
Indonesia Newsletter June-August 2018
LVE's Amazing Expansion Deepens and Continues
Trainers Meeting
Living Values Education Indonesia "” Karuna Bali (LVEI) expresses its great appreciation and respect to the 17 trainers and the committee for their contributions at the LVE Trainer Meeting 26 - 27 January 2018 in Yogyakarta. Entering the year of 2018, the meeting became a special moment for trainers from five areas of Indonesia (Moluccas, Bali, Jakarta, West Java, Jogjakarta, and Sumatra) to review the implementation LVEI's mandates. There are four main areas of concern for the next five years.
The first is Serving the Servant, LVEI's main mandate for nurturing the seeds, the trainers. It focuses on maintaining a good relationship among trainers and providing them with support such as consultation and advance trainings. The second is Branding Awareness. The associate should maintain the uniqueness of LVE as an educational approach, activity, and source of course material. The third is Knowledge Production, focusing on developing and providing access to various activities, books, articles, lessons, modules, etc. It also provides space for and encourages trainers and users to share knowledge and reflection from the field. The fourth is Data and Information Management. The associate needs to manage data and information from trainers for trainers and other users.
Follow-up on Letter of Intent of PIAUD and ALIVE International
As stated in the last update, 15 members of the Association of Early Childhood Islamic Education (Asosiasi PIAUD) have signed the Letter of Intent (LoI) with ALIVE International. Led by Muqowim, the initiator of LoI signing, two of fifteen signatories began by conducting an LVE workshop within their academic institution. After the workshop, the Indonesian Associate received an invitation to take part in the National Seminar in Tuban, East Java, 5 April 2018. Budhy Munawar, Muqowim, and Philip Yusenda gave speeches at the event. There was also a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) prior to the seminar which included five representatives of Signatories and the Associate of LVE Indonesia. After the FGD, all participants joined a WhatsApp group set up by the associate to initiate long distance sharing and discussion. The FGD became a small step forward to see the potential collaboration in developing LVE in each area.
LVE for Educator Workshops
Eleven LVE Educator Workshops have been conducted by several organizations and universities in East Java, Jakarta, West Java, Jogjakarta, and West Sumatra during the period of January through April 2018. A group of active trainers from Yayasan Indonesia Bahagia, Yayasan Humanisti, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, The Asia Foundation, and Karuna Bali facilitated these workshops. Activities consisted of some of the following:
The area of East Java
Supported by The Asia Foundation, an LVE Educator Workshop was conducted by the Center for the Study of Religion and Multiculturalism (PUSAM) of Muhammadiyah University, Malang (UMM) 22 - 24 January 2018. Around 30 individuals participated in the workshop which was facilitated by Muqowim and Syamsul Arifin. The workshop was repeated 12-13 April 2018 in Muhammadiyah University, Surabaya. The workshops were facilitated by Muqowim, Budhy Munawar, Bambang Q. Anees, M. Ziaulhaq, Rani A. Dewi. The uniqueness of the two workshops, called LVE Pancasila, is that the courses were combined with courses about Pancasila. Pancasila is a foundational philosophical theory of Indonesia which contains five interrelated principles. Using the LVE approach, the participants were invited to discover and enliven their personal values and at the same time to revitalize the fundamental values of the nation of Indonesia within the Pancasila philosophy.
Still in East Java, an LVE workshop was presented at STAI Mifthul Ula, Nganjuk 10-11 February 2018. Around 40 members of the Kindergarten Teachers Education Study Program (Prodi PGRA) took part in the workshop which was facilitated by Muqowim from Islamic State University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Jogjakarta. Muqowim also facilitated another workshop at STAI-Al-Hikmah, Tuban 17-18 March 2018 where 15 people attended. A few weeks after the workshop, one of participants, Laily Kustur, shared the impact she felt after joining the workshop. "I am aware that I became more patient, especially during hectic days preparing campus event with my colleagues. We remind ourselves about our values. We have learned to understand to each other, taking deep breaths when something happens beyond expectation."
The area of Bali
The Karuna Bali Foundation conducted an LVE workshop in Campuhan College 5-7 January 2018. The participants were eight women. Most of them were educators or future trainers of young people. They learned how to enliven the values and integrate them into their lives. The workshop was facilitated by Wayan Rustiasa and Philip. The three-day training was closed with an activity focusing on the realization of values and sharing what values participants want to implement in their jobs and lives for the future.
An LVE workshop was also conducted by Campuhan College Professional Program 29-31 January 2018. Facilitated by Ni Wayan Yeniari and I.G.A Putri Meiyani, the workshop brought together 24 students of Campuhan College to reflect on their values, reviving them both individually and as a community. Marsya, one of the students, stated, "At the beginning I was very hesitant to mentor the children in the Let's Talk program ... after the LVE workshop I was more relieved. I am increasingly aware of the importance of fulfilling the five basic emotions for myself and for the mentored students."
Throughout Nov 2017 to January 2018, Green School hosted a Living Values Education workshop for local educators on a weekly basis. Initially, 85 participants came to the Saturday session from 09.00 to 12.00. Ultimately, 53 passed all the weekly sessions and were awarded certificates of participation. At this stage, the local education agency has been supportive of the workshops. This workshop will be conducted annually in the future.
The area of Jakarta and West Java
In the area of Jakarta, an LVE Educator Workshop was conducted by Zakkier Foundation on 16-18 February 2018. Sixteen participants actively joined the workshop. This three-day workshop was successfully done and brought joy to both participants and trainers. It was facilitated by Rani A. Dewi, a very active trainer, and assisted by Ita S. Mucharam and M. Nur Jabir. Rani A. Dewi continued the journey from Jakarta to Tangerang, Banten, West Java, where the Humanisti Foundation hosted a second workshop for 18 on 26-27 February 2018. Dini S. Eka and Satria Zamani acted as co-facilitators in this workshop.
Another LVE workshop was held in Garut, West Java, 8-10 February 2018. It was hosted by Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Garut and supported by The Asia Foundation and PUSAM Muhammadiyah University Malang. Twenty-eight students from different faculties were actively involved in the workshop. All of them will form a core team for community service organized by the college. They will teach at nearby schools, showcasing alternative teaching methods for local teachers. The workshop was facilitated by Philip Yusenda. M. Ziaulhaq and Rofiq Azhar acted as co-facilitators.
Still in West Java, an LVE workshop took place at the Pesantren PERSIS (PERSIS Islamic Boarding School), 21-22 March 2018. Facilitated by Epah Maspupah and Iqbal Hassanuddin, 18 educators enthusiastically took part. The facilitators were very encouraged by the enthusiastic response of the participants, "as well as their desire to attend the workshop again if there is a chance". A kindergarten principal added, "it would be better and effective if the entire school in the region gets this course."
The Area of Sumatra
Rumah Anak Sholeh Foundation located in Padang, West Sumatra hosted an LVE Educator Workshop 6-7 January 2018. It was facilitated by Fitria Laurent who presented to 15 participants.
The Area of Jogjakarta
Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) Al-Ashfa, Jogjakarta, hosted an LVE Educator Workshop 10-11 March 2018. The workshop was facilitated by Muqowim and assisted by Ziadatul Husnah, a trainer candidate. There were 30 students involved in the workshop. Romli, one of the students, stated that the workshop had awakened his awareness that life is precious and should be livened up by values. "We cannot just follow the routine without being aware of what is valuable for our life," Romli said.
Submitted by Elisabeth Natalina Huwa.
A Strategic Plan to Further a Culture of Peace
"As we enter 2018, LVE Indonesia is engaged in an in-depth process of organizational reflection. After eight years of presence in Indonesia, association leaders are looking at the journey. Some questions have come up: How well are we at fulfilling our mandate? How will we grow together as living examples? How can we contribute to emerging a culture of peace in Indonesia in the future? A preliminary Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was initiated by Budhy Munawar Rachman on September 11, 2017 in Jakarta. It engaged nine active LVE trainers. One of the recommendation for LVE Indonesia was to develop an organizational Strategic Plan (SP) for 2018 - 2022.
There is an expectation that LVE future programs and activities will be able to provide the educational approach, philosophy and practice to promote a positive atmosphere at different levels: personal, inter-personal, institutional, and community levels. On October 2017, we invited trainers and partners to take part in providing input and sharing thoughts via a questionnaire, WhatsApp group, emails, etc. The associate wants to find all possible ways to improve its service for its many LVE trainers throughout Indonesia. The next step will be a Trainer Meeting for Strategic Planning on 26-27 January 2018. About 20 active trainers were invited to share ideas, identify challenges and opportunities and define a common purpose. Hopefully, we can find strategic ways to optimize and at the same time to measure the impact of the LVE program in the future.
From the Bali area:
A series of LVE activities for a Local Educators Workshop began in November 2017 at Green School. This workshop will be completed by the end of January 2018. It is being conducted by Kulkul Connection, Green School, and facilitated by I-Made Perdana Skolastika. Seven of a series of nine LVE activities for local educators have been delivered to 60 students of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Bahasa (Foreign Language College) in Saraswati Denpasar. On Saturdays the students gather in Green School's open hall for the activities from 10 AM to 1 PM. The aim of the workshop is to provide basic knowledge and skills about how to generate a values-based atmosphere in the classroom for students who are going to be English teachers.
From the Yogyakarta area: National collaboration and ALIVE involvement
A number of LVE trainers from both Indonesia and abroad took part in the Gebyar Ilmiah 2017 (Scientific Feast 2017) in Yogyakarta on December 11-13, 2017. It was a successful international academic event held by Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan (FITK), Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN), and Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta (Faculty of Islamic Education and Teaching Methods, Sunan Kalijaga Islamic State University). The event was divided into 15 parallel activities such as conferences, seminars, Focus Group Discussions and LVE for Educators workshops. About three hundred people, including students, lecturers and various educational activists, participated in the event. There were several organizations supporting the event, including The Asia Foundation (TAF), Association for Living Values "‹"‹Education (ALIVE) International, LVE Indonesia/ Karuna Bali Foundation, PUSAM UMM (Center for the Study of Religion and Multiculturalism of Muhammadiyah University) Malang, Organic Yoga, Asosiasi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (AGPAI stand for Association of Islamic Education Teachers) and Rumah Kearifan. At the end of the event, the initial step for collaboration was taken by the signing of the Letter of Intent (LOI) between 15 agencies of UIN networking and ALIVE International. Also related to International events, Indonesia become the host for the ALIVE Board Meeting held on 15-16 December 2017 in Yogyakarta.
Chris Drake, President of ALIVE International, inviting paticipants to a refresher exercise called "Mango Tree" before starting his presentation.
Signing the Letter of Intent (LoI) between ALIVE and 15 UINs
LVE for local educators - Green School - Bali - November 2017 - Januari 2018.
Ratna, Wayan, dan Yatno, facilitating LVE Workshop for students of UIN (Islamic State University) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Philipus Yusenda form LVE Indonesia, one of presenter in the seminar entitled "Values-Based Digital Literacy in Millennium Era".
Upcoming events in Indonesia:
One: Trainers Meeting on Strategic Planning, 26-27 January 2018, Yogjakarta. It is organized by Karuna Bali. It will involve 20 trainers.
Two: LVE for Educators, 22-24 January 2018, in Malang, East Java. It will be attended by around 30 Lectures of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Muhammadiyah University - Malang).
Three: LVE for Educator, 16-18 February 2018, Jakarta. It will be conducted by Zakhir Foundation. 15-20 teachers and management staff are expected to attend the workshop.
Four: LVE TTT, 19-23 March 2018, Jakarta. The focus will be on non-active LVE trainers who want to be active again."
Braving storms, LVE trainers Conduct 26 Three-day Workshops in Three Months
Warm greetings from Bali, Indonesia! Here we have some very unseasonal weather patterns, sometime there are torrential rain, even some ice and snow, interspersed with scorching heat. Rain does affect workshops here, as they cause quite a disruption of sea and air travel, two travel modes that are most common here. But it does not stop LVE trainers all over Indonesia in delivering workshops.
During the period of January to April 2017, there were 26 3-days Educator Workshops happened all over Indonesia. There were 589 participants, consisted of teachers, lecturers, principals, deans of teaching faculty, university students who will become teachers, and parents. A special mention to The Asia Foundation (Mr Budhy Munawar-Rachman and others) for running the program to build the capacity of lecturers in Tarbiyah Faculties (Teacher Training Faculty) of State Islamic University all over Indonesia. These lecturers in turn will train future teachers which will become the backbone of Indonesia's education system.
There's also Yayasan Indonesia Bahagia (Happy Indonesia Foundation, Ms Anggraeni Dewi and her team) which focused on providing training for young parents in Jakarta area. While on the eastern side of Indonesia, Parakletos Foundation (Ms Elsye Syauta Latuheru and team) bravely sailed the Mollucan sea to deliver workshops in nearby islands, inn Bali, Green School (with Mr Made Perdana Skolastika as trainer) also got into the act by delivering their CSR (corporate social responsibility) by delivering free LVE workshops for teachers of several nearby local schools.
With all these works we have to deal with, we really need LVE trainers. That's why now we at Karuna Bali Foundation (the ALIVE associate in Indonesia) decided to make Train-the-Trainer workshops an annual event. This year we held the TTT workshop in Bandung, West Java, in order be close to the State Islamic University of Bandung, where most of the candidate trainers teach. From 15 to 19 March 2017, 21 candidates train themselves under the guidance of Ms Taka Gani as lead trainer and Mr Philip Yusenda and Mr Mohammad Ziaulhaq as co-trainers. These candidates have prepared themselves for the last two years by attending educator workshops and interning under one of the senior trainers. Out of 21 participants, 20 new trainers were willing to sign the contract to become volunteer trainers of LVE Indonesia.
Upcoming event: We're re-translating and editing the Indonesian version of the Living Values Activities books, the "LVEP Educator Training Guide", and "Living Values Parent Groups: A Facilitator Guide". We're hoping to release them by September 2017. That's all the news from Indonesia, folks! Warm regards from Bali!"
Philip Yusenda
LVE Coordinator for Indonesia
The Seed of Kindness Day Benefits Others All Year
The one-year students of Campuhan College in Ubud, one of the programs of Karuna Bali, did a special project this year on April 23rd called The Seed of Kindness. An annual project of these LVE students, one purpose is to raise awareness in the surrounding community about values application in daily activities. They use seeds as symbols of values with the aim of also cultivating environmental values in celebration of Earth Day.
The students noted, "We treat the seeds with so much love and happiness. Each seed represents one value. For example, dragon fruit represents strength, star fruit represents happiness, and mulberries represents togetherness. We invite everyone to buy the seeds and then cultivate the values of those seeds for at least a month. One proceeds from this project are fully dedicated to help a one-year professional program student at CAMPUHAN College."
They raised enough money last year to sponsor one of this year's students. They have demonstrated their values, showing that the essence of values is perpetuated. Acting in our values does great things and changes lives. Congratulations to all the young adults at Karuna Bali.
The Facebook page for The Seed of Kindness Team is https://www.facebook.com/theSeedofKindness/?fref=ts
2017: The History of LVE in Indonesia - Amazing Partnerships and Growth
The History of LVE in Indonesia can be traced back to 1997 when Ms Helen Quirin (1946-2016) started using LVE methods in her school and neighboring schools. With Ms Dana Streetman, Helen also translated and recorded LVE songs into the Indonesian language.
When Ms Taka Gani return from TTT in Oxford on 2002, LVE started to grow outside of the school system, especially in community development programs. Ms Diane Tillman, one of the initiators of LVE, especially came to Indonesia to give a workshop on LVE for Street Children for eight days in the same year.
In 2003, LVE was used in a peace building and trauma healing program. This project was designed for children in Ambon and Seram, where communal war wrecks the community, under the coordination of CARDI and Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Indonesia. Up until today, LVE methods are still in use for peace building in the area, both by Parakletos Foundation and Ambon Reconciliation and Mediation (AMRC) of IAIN Ambon.
In December 2008, Karuna Bali Foundation, based in Ubud, Bali, was approved as the Indonesian ALIVE Associate of the Association of Living Values Education International. The national LVE association is also known as ALIVE Indonesia, and has the mandate to develop and maintain the LVE trainers network in Indonesia. The Associate works with a number of organizations that are in line with the LVE vision, one of which is The Asia Foundation (TAF) with its implementing partners in Jakarta (Paramadina Foundation, Paramadina University, PPIM UIN Jakarta, LSAF), Yogyakarta (LKiS, Mata Pena, Puskadiabuma UIN Yogyakarta), and Ambon (ARMC IAIN Ambon, Parakletos Foundation) . Another cooperating organization is Jesuit Refugee Service with its accompaniment of internally displaced people (IDP), refugees and asylum seekers in several nodes of Indonesia.
From 2009 to 2014, The Asia Foundation and its partners actively supported LVEP development through its "Pendidikan Menghidupkan Nilai" program, with LVE workshops for teachers and lecturers of madrasah, Islamic boarding schools, schools, and universities. One of the program's goals is mainstreaming high quality values-based education where values can be implemented directly in daily life. Great attention was given to character based education by integrating the approach in all subjects. During the program, at least 10,119 teachers and 1.423 lecturers from schools and universities all over Indonesia were involved. The evaluation of this program was published in a book format titled "Success Stories" by TAF in the Indonesian language.
Parallel to TAF programs, JRS since 2009 also intensively using LVE methods in its accompaniment of post disaster and post conflict communities in Aceh province. Many schools benefited from this program. As one of the teachers put it: "I learned new effective ways to deal with the kids without hitting them." The report of this program for schools in vulnerable areas was published in a book format titled "Menanam Pohon Perdamaian" (Planting the Peace Tree) by JRS in the Indonesian language. Beside communities, JRS also uses LVE methods for asylum seekers and the refugee community (those who await refugee status approval and resettlement to third countries) and in immigration detention centers.
Karuna Bali Foundation as the Indonesian ALIVE Associate also implements LVE in its program, especially on Campuhan College (a one-year program for high school graduates who wish higher education) and EduCare (accompaniment for schools in rural areas which want to implement LVE). A lot of lessons have been learned, especially the need for educators to live their values totally before facilitating values awareness in students. All this ensures that the Karuna Bali Foundation can become the gold standard for implementation of LVEP in Indonesia.
Beside these programs under the foundations named above, there are many requests for training from schools and institution from all over Indonesia. In 2015, there were 48 LVE workshops, from the eastern most point of Palembang to the western most point of Ambon. In 2016, there were 41 workshops involving 1055 people. This only counts three-day Educator Workshop. There are many more one-day seminars and professional development courses.
The numbers suggest strongly that LVE has been accepted in many educational institutions. There are many challenges ahead, but the LVE trainer network in Indonesia will keep on transforming education in their beloved country.
Report prepared by Philip Yusenda, Budhy Munawar-Rachman and Mochamad Ziaulhaq
300 LVE Facilitators Do Peace Education Work with 10,000
Prior to Celebrating World Interfaith Harmony Week in Ambon.
For the last three years, the Peace Education program in Ambon, a collaboration of The Asia Foundation, State's Islamic Institute of Ambon, and Parakletos Foundation, has been working hard in sowing the seeds of peace in the land broken up with strife. More than 300 facilitators of LVE and Peace Education have been trained, more than 10.000 students, teachers, and members of communities have been involved in peace education activities.
During the World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW) on 30 January - 7 February 2015, there was a big celebration. Emphasizing some of the old traditions was designed to enhance inter-communal ties. Check out the video below and to enjoy the celebration:
Read the PDF version to understand the story behind the celebration
Let's hope that next year, we can expand this Peace Education program even wider.
By Budhy Munawar-Rachman, ALIVE Indonesia Accredited Trainer
Integrating LVE into the Curriculum of State's Islamic University in Bandung
Since January 2015, LVE Indonesia has partnered with the Religious Studies Post Graduate Program of State's Islamic University (UIN) Bandung. The partnership was designed to ensure the creation of Peaceful Society in Indonesia, especially in West Java province. This partnership focused in integrating LVEP into the Living Values, Spirituality, and Religions (LVSR) coursework. This pilot program will end by May 2015.
The LVSR program has several milestones: (1) LVE becomes a course in Religious Studies Post-Graduate Program at UIN Bandung that can provide a growing space for academicians who truly live their religious values in a peaceful way. (2) LVE becomes an alternate method for lecturers, educators, and wider communities to shape community character. (3) LVSR becomes a model that is applicable in many more class rooms.
LVSR itself was developed from LVEP Educator Training Guide, Diploma of Education in Values and Spirituality, Living Our Values, Interfaith Dialogue, and several other pedagogy approaches that support LVE materials. All this material was combined into a new reference called Modul Living Values, Spirituality, and Religions.
The direct beneficiaries of the LVSR program are the students of the Religious Studies Program. The indirect beneficiaries are the lecturers, religion instructors, educators, and social facilitators that give communal services. The knowledge of LVE and peace building methods enables them to assist their communities to create a peaceful and respectful living, in a very practical daily ways!
By Mochamad Ziaulhaq, ALIVE Indonesia Accredited Trainer, West Java Cluster Coordinator
From Bandung, Peace Education in Asia and Africa
Thirty-two heads of state and 92 delegates of Asian and African countries arrived at the 60th anniversary of the Asia Africa Conference on April 23rd, 2015, in Bandung, West Java. The first conference was in Bandung 60 years ago. History has noted that the Asia Africa Conference held here inspired the world for a more peaceful world, respecting the sovereignty of all humans, especially in Asia and Africa. Today, Bandung has become a city that inspires peace and respect of sovereignty.
To live up to the "Spirits Bandung", the West Java Cluster of ALIVE Indonesia established two movements to create a model of Peace Culture Education based on Living Values Education.
The first movement is the comprehensive theoretical study of LVEP at the Religious Studies Program of State's Islamic University Bandung. Besides touching the students, the educator workshops provided through this program have also involved Islamic religion instructors from the Religion Department and teachers from the Education Department.
The second movement, initiated by West Java Cluster of ALIVE Indonesia, the Values Institute Foundation, the Religious Studies Program of UIN Bandung, and the Education Department of Bandung Municipality, is the declaration of Resolution of Bandung Teachers to Create Peace Culture Education in Asia Africa and recommend a Conference of Asia Africa Teachers for the following year. As the implementation of this declaration, 12,000 teachers in Bandung Municipality will receive LVEP trainings, so they will be able to create peaceful values based atmosphere at their school and community. The greater aim of this movement is to create a society that is respectful and able to live together peacefully in West Java as a model that is applicable in Asia and Africa. Here are the full text of the Declaration:
Declaration of Bandung Teachers Resolution for Peace Education in Asia and Africa
We the teachers of Bandung, emphasize again that Bandung has the spirit that liberates Asian African countries. As a spirit, it's not just a nostalgic memory, but also an energy that demands a continuation. The 60th anniversary of Asia Africa Conference is not just a remembrance of the bravery of a group of people to gain their independence, but it is an unfinished historical marker that demands completion.
We understand that after independence, the problems of a nation are not finished. Independence means to create our own destiny with heads held high, full of pride. But today, most countries in Asia and Africa have the same conditions: human resources that are baffled by globalization, natural resources nearing depletion, and sectarian violence. After independence, nations in Asia and Africa face a complicated challenge: how to live together in peace, love and respect.
We acknowledge that the "Dasasila Bandung 1955" (10 Points of Bandung 1955) has not anticipated education as the basic ingredient of independence. Thus we, the teachers of Bandung, would like to remind all teachers of Asia and Africa that there is a need to create an education system that respects freedom. Education is not just a tool to fill industrial vacancies, it is not a barrier to child growth, and it is not a space to learn hatred toward anything different. In the Asia Africa Conference we hold hands together regardless of race, skin color, and beliefs. Education in the Bandung Spirit is an education full of love toward all humanity, respecting plurality as the most beautiful divine blessing, and always working with peace in all aspects of life.
We believe, if the teachers of Asia Africa base their education on the "Bandung Spirit", that is, full of love, peace, respect, and values, the youth of Asia Africa in the future will become individuals that can beautify the world with peace achievements. We believe if the education world and the daily world is built upon the spirit of love, everyone will feel safe and valued. If life and education is built upon peace, understanding and respect will grow from it.
So today, all teachers and educators of Bandung reaffirm that the Asia Africa Conference is our shared spirit, a spirit that demands to be realized in loving and peaceful education. We wholeheartedly shout out to all teachers in Asia and Africa, join us in the same spirit: to fill and beautify our independence with a loving and peaceful education! "Silih Asih, Silih Asah, Silih Asuh" That is, Love Each Other, Educate Each Other, Nurture Each Other.
Replanting Peace in the Molluccas and a Inspiring TTT in Bali
When Karuna Bali Foundation undertook the role of the Indonesian Associate for the Association of Living Values International back in 2008, one of the things that really haunted us was the enormous scope of the work. Indonesia is a country wide enough to have 3 time zones, scattered enough to have 13,000 island in its archipelago and big enough to have more than 250 million people with diverse cultures, languages, and religions. But as some wise people said, change can be made, one small step at a time.
The Train the Trainer workshop held between September 22nd and 26th in Ubud, Bali was a reflection of this situation. There were only 9 people participating, few enough to make ensure an effective group of intense learning. The candidates came from 3 different time zones, the farthest taking 4 hours to fly to Bali. Each of the candidate trainers works in challenging situation. Some challenges arise from the different cultures that live together in a single area. Some challenges are geographic; to reach their community, some have to take a boat for 5 hours and then continue for 4 hours on a dirt bike. Two of the candidate trainers came from 2 communities in Mollucas which, during the riot in 1999-2004, created long-lasting hatred from a conflict rife with killing and burning. Both of them use LVE methods as peace education methods and, bit by bit, they are dismantling the hatred and replanting it with love and communal cooperation.
The five days of the workshop was a time for all of the participants to make mistakes safely. They tried out their skills in delivering the LVE Educator Workshop. Each of the standard sessions was played out, after which a review session was shared among participants. Under the guidance of Ms Taka Gani as lead trainer, the participants learned many techniques for delivering adult learning sessions. There was also an ice-breaker sharing session, where participants shared the games that they used in workshops. A lot of new ideas were flung around, and the participants contributed much enjoyment!
As Ms Fitria Laurent, a junior high teacher from Subang, West Java, said, "I've been delivering some of the sessions, and I learned a lot in this workshop. I felt more ready to deliver the Educator Workshops for teachers around my area." Mr Abidin Wakano, a lecturer at the Islamic Religious Institute in Ambon, Mollucca province, added, "I've been using Living Values methods to rebuild the bridge between Moslem and Christian communities, and I want to use it to replant peace in all over Mollucas." Ms Elsye Latuheru, a Christian minister from Ambon, Mollucca, also said, "Bit by bit, using Living Values methods, we will work together to bring the Molluccas back as one family, a family that cares for each other." (*)
An Enjoyable LVE Workshop in Bali
A Living Values Education Workshop was organized by the Campuhan Life Long Learning (CL3) team between August 22 and 24, 2014 at Campuhan College. The workshop facilitators were Made Perdana Skolastika and Philipus Yusenda. The participants came from Bali and Jakarta. Twelve were teachers and the others were from the EduCare team (EduCare Batch 13).
Living Values education is a method of creating a values-based environment either at school, in the home or workplace. It departs from the assumption that values cannot be taught but only modeled, so adults living or working with children are expected to recognize the values within themselves and consciously change them.
There were many sessions in this workshop. The first session on the initial day was What is the Living Values Education Program (LVEP), a session telling the participants about the vision and mission, and why LVE is important for us to know. Then we continued with Values Awareness. We invited the participants to tap into and acknowledge their inner values and to live those values and apply them to their daily lives. The next session was Create a Value-based Atmosphere (Rekindle the Dream). We invited the participants to imagine their dream school. What did the school look like and how did the students and the teachers behave? We also told them to observe the values that were implemented in their dream school.
We started the second day with a Value Activity (Past, Present and Future Values). We invited them to write down one of their values which deeply influences their lives, and then to share it with other participants who had the same value. The next session was The Components of Living Values Education. We told the participants about the components of Living Values Education and held a discussion about them. We continued with Create a Value-based Atmosphere Skills (Revive the Positive Attitude). It is essential to revive a positive attitude as an example to the children. In this session we thought about what we should do to fulfill children's five basic needs: to feel loved, safe, valued, appreciated and understood. After that we continued with Create a Value-based Atmosphere Skills, Active Listening, inviting them to respect other people through listening. We don't just need to listen to others, but to respond when someone talks to us. Many people don't realize how important listening is, which often leads to misunderstandings. The next session was Create a Value-based Atmosphere Skills, Conflict Resolution. In this session, we gave an example of how to resolve conflict using the mediation method. The issues became real for them when we demonstrated them through drama, an effective tool to make the participants interested and help them understand.
The last day was really unforgettable. We begin with Transition to Value-based Discipline. We invited the participants to realize that we need values in our activities, and that we apply those values in our activities through our discipline. We continued with Evaluation of Living Values Education Workshop. We invited all the participants to give their impressions (approval and recommendations) during the workshop. Then we introduced the Action Plan. In this session they created their own plan after learning about and understanding Living Values Education. We ended the day with Values Activity 'Creating From Nothing'. All the participants loved this session because they produced a performance with their group. They sang songs together and read poetry. It was lots of fun. Although the participants came from different places and were of different ages, they came together in this workshop and enjoyed it regardless of their ages. When they discussed things they may have had different opinions, but when they sang and played games together they were really cohesive.
One of the participants said that he felt very lucky to attend the LVE workshop. His name was Ngakan Wardana and he was a teacher at SD1 (Elementary School) Number 1 in Tampak Siring, Gianyar. He attended the workshop because he was invited by the EduCare team. He never imagined he would take part in a workshop about living values. "At first, I thought I would be bored, but early on the first day I really began to enjoy the workshop and was eager for the second and third days," he said during the final sharing process. He gained a great deal of knowledge from the workshop and now knows that the five basic needs of children are to feel loved, safe, valued, appreciated and understood.
Although the workshop was short, the values will remain in the hearts of the participants. We hope that all of them will continue to share these values with the people around them, and help create a better world.
Karuna Bali Team
Peace Building with LVE with Islamic Boarding Schools, Universities and NGOs
On March 5th, 2014, The Asia Foundation launched a very special book in Jakarta titled "Pendidikan Karakter: Pendidikan Menghidupkan Nilai untuk Pesantren, Madrasah, dan Sekolah". In English, the title would be translated as "Character Education: Living Values Education for Islamic Boarding Schools, Madrasah, and Schools". This book is the fruit of four years of hard work by many educators involved in The Asia Foundation's LVE program. Paramadina University in Jakarta, which hosted the launch, was one of the partners that coordinated this effort.
The editor, Mr. Budhy Munawar-Rahman, explained the reason for this book's existence: "Most of our LVE implementation was in Islamic boarding schools. In Indonesian these are known as "pesantren". This is a very unique sub-culture in Indonesia. Pesantrens have their own jargon and philosophy. In order to be easily used daily in this setting, LVE activities must be explained with those unique terms. This book was written and compiled by educators who grew up in the pesantren setting, so they were the best group to adapt it to their culture."
The Asia Foundation planned to print 1000 copies of this book for distribution among its implementation partners that are spread in Jakarta, Bogor, Garut, Jogjakarta and Ambon. Some of the implementation partners are universities, some are NGOs that work in peace building using LVE methods, and some are Islamic boarding schools. Besides print distribution, the book will also be available through http://www.inspirasi.co public library.
Photos: Dropbox
Educare Teachers Understand and Orphanages Plan: a One-Year LVE Pilot
For three days in April, 22 participants were involved in a fun-filled LVE Educator Workshop at Campuhan College in Ubud, Bali, with Philip Yusenda as lead trainer. Some of the participants were teachers from local schools that are beneficiaries of Karuna Bali Foundation's Educare program, which gives local schools a gift of implementing LVE for four months in their schools. The other participants were from NGOs that use LVE in their daily work in orphanages and child centers.
One of the teachers, Ms Ni Kadek Yutik, said, "This is very different workshop. Usually all I need to do is sit tight, yawn, and probably listen to the speaker. Here I can move around, draw, make presentations, dance and sing! It's fun! Now I understand the thinking behind the methods used in the Educare program in my school."
Mr Sani Ramdani, of Rumah Yatim Foundation, an NGO that manage orphanages in 14 provinces in Indonesia, has a different take: "It's fun, and at the same time daunting. Being a value role model mean you really have to live the values 24 hours 7 days a week! This is especially true in an orphanage setting, where you really live with the kids all the time." Rumah Yatim Foundation plans to start a one-year pilot program to use LVE as their fostering method in June 2014.
Photos: Dropbox
Living Values Education was first introduced in Indonesia on the year of 2002.
The growth of Living Values Education in Indonesia then being initiated by the early generation of Indonesian LVE trainers and volunteers.
After working in initiative phase for 6 years, on 1st December 2008, Karuna Bali Foundation is approved as The Association for Living Values Education Indonesia.
A Sharing from Indonesia - Train The Trainer Workshop
November 2009
Having been involved with Living Values Education activities has motivated 18 educators and LVE Indonesia NGO Partner's personnel from several cities in Indonesia to commit more to service. To accommodate that, the first LVE Indonesian Train The Trainer Workshop was conducted on 20-25 November 2009, at Yogyakarta, Central Java. Shahida Abdul Samad, Focal Point for LVE in Malaysia was invited to lead the TTT in collaboration with Taka Gani, Irma Makarim and Fidelis Waruwu of Indonesia.
The training has not only accommodated participants with knowledge and skill to facilitate LVE activities, but also gave them opportunities to share challenges on their roles as LVE Trainers.
Saefuddin Amsa, educator from Central Java who had been working with the Muslim Community in Aceh said. "I think, as a trainer, we need to know how to communicate unfamiliar phrases such as reflection activity, or the new paradigm of not to teach but to explore values. The second is, we also need to contextualize some concept in LVEP with conditions and traditions in the community. Some concepts may already exist and by contextualizing it, we can help the community to have better comprehension and acceptance."
Beside being culturally sensitive, becoming an LVE Trainer is also rewarding. There are some challenges on personal Level. Clare Harvey, Program Officer from The Asia Foundation said, "As an LVE trainer, you are encouraged to really emulate the values. However, this is not an easy thing to do. It's a challenge to stay peaceful when you get back to your daily routine and are in a rush for a meeting."
Matias Endar, working for the Catechetic Commission in Bandung Diocese also shared, "To grow a value in community means we have to live it first. People are moved not by our words, but by our actions. Only by living the value and starting to share it, can change then happen in the community."
As the sharing continued, the workshop became a melting pot of old and new generations of Indonesian LVE trainers.
Irma Makarim, a senior LVE Trainer in Indonesia shared her experience, "At first I didn't want to become a Trainer, because the 'burden' is too heavy. But then I realized, the core of this program is all about me. I have to change first, before the world changes. When I come to trainings, I see my self as a blank page. I have no expectations and come with an open heart. And I think, humility is the key."
Taka Gani also emphasized in her sharing, "The first time I became a trainer, I was not convinced that I was ready to carry the title. As a values trainer, you are expected to be as good as what you say. But then I realized, I will grow along with the process and the most important thing is just to be my self."
After the Workshop, participants, who were mostly personnel from LVE Indonesia's partner Organization will start assisting LVE implementation in their program.
The Jesuit Refugee Service will continue implementing LVEP with their Peace Education Program at schools in Tapaktuan, Aceh. The Asia Foundation who has done school assessment in 2009 will start to implement LVEP in several Pesantren (Islamic Boarding Schools) in Java Area in 2010. Karuna Bali Foundation will continue implementing LVEP in their school program in Bali. Oher participants who are educators with professional backgrounds in counseling and lecturing will also support LVE activities in their home city or region.
2009 - Living Values Education Activities
Karuna BALI Bulletin PDF format
Date |
Event |
Attendance |
12-14 January |
Educator Workshop |
17 participants |
13-15 March |
Educator Workshop |
30 participants |
17-19 April |
Educator Workshop for Teacher Training Program at Yayasan Karuna Bali, Ubud |
17 teachers from Ubud area |
12-14 June |
Educator Workshop |
43 participants, some were the workshop participants at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta |
24-26 June |
ESQ Through Living Values Education Approach Workshop for Semarang Police Academy, Bandung. Conducted by The Asia Foundation |
28 participants |
26-28 June |
Educator Workshop for Teacher Training Program at Yayasan Karuna Bali, Ubud. |
17 teachers from Bali and Java area |
28-29 June |
Professional Development Seminar and Workshop at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Led by Christopher Drake. |
More than 100 participants. |
29 June-2 July |
Educator Workshop for School Teachers at Tapaktuan, Aceh. Conducted by Jesuit Refugee Service Indonesia. |
38 teachers/ educators |
15-17 August |
Educator Workshop for Teacher Training Program |
17 teacher |
2002-2008 - Living Values Education Activities in Indonesia
In total there are more than 30 Educator Workshop, Professional Development Workshop, Presentation and Seminar conducted in several cities in Indonesia, such as Banda Aceh, Tapaktuan, Jakarta, Subang, Sukabumi, Yogyakarta, Salatiga, Solo, Tabanan, Singaraja, Ambon and Ternate; attended by more than 700 participants.