Living Values Education Newsletter

So much to read these days... LVE has decided that rather than offering the lengthy quarterly LVE Newsletter, it would be more efficient to offer monthly news items - provding a more current update to our LVE family, so please find our most recent or upcoming 'goings-on' under LVE News.

Please note:

  • To all our subscribers and the LVE global organisations: You will automatically receive the LVE News in your mailbox in a timely manner.
  • To all Country LVE Associates and Focal Points: Please send your news direct to to be featured in the next - monthly News mailing. 

Kind Regards, LVE Administration - Communication

News | Living Values Education

In this section


Living Values Education is a global endeavor dedicated to educating hearts as well as minds. LVE provides an approach, and tools, to help people connect with their own values and live them.

The News section brings you up to moment activities and goings on from Living Values activities around the world source from our global membership of Associates and Focal Points in some 40 countries.

  • Free Subscription - Subscribe to our monthly 'quick to know' news and you will be informed every month about our global values activities and events.

  • Current News - Current news on this website are received by subscribers, and ALIVE members as they are made available. The brief headings expand when opened to the full story. For current information on Living Values Education activities in specific countries, please see Country Reports

  • News Archive - All news articles from previous years are stored here. The brief headings expand when opened to the full story. For previous information on Living Values Education activities in specific countries, please see Country Reports: From the Archives

  • Newsletter Archives - Back Issues from April 1999 to October 2021. Success stories, special activities, and personal experiences are now available on the relative country pages.

  • 20th Anniversary Event - The celebration of the 20th anniversary of Living Values Education, from the 19th to 25th of November, 2016, was a labor of love of the Association of Living Values Education International (ALIVE), ALIVE Indonesia, and their partners in Indonesia.

Yes, you can read online, but we recommend a subscription. Please come and join us and find us in your mailbox on a regular basis with with updates of Living Values Education activities around the world.