PLEASE NOTE: At the end 2020 we have ceased publication of the full length multiple item newsletter due to time constraints both on the part of administration and time taken by our subscribers to read all the items. We have elected to provide more frequent simple up to the moment news items relating to our international LVE organsation. We trust that you will find this more convenient.
October 2020, World Values Day - Issue 68 
- Value of the Month: Happiness
September 2020 - Issue 66 
- Introducing Living Values Education Reflection Points!
July 2020 - Issue 65 
- Editorial
- Parents make the world go round!
- News from our Network around the world
- Indonesia - LVE Workshops for Educators - Ubud, Bali, Indonesia; January and February 2020
- Netherlands - LVE Course for Parents and Grandparents
- Sierra Leone - LVE makes a come-back!
- Hungary - ALIVE Inspires Celebration of World Values Day 2019
- Egypt - Educator Workshops for Government School Teachers and More!
- Values Festival for Youth, July 2019
- LVE Training for 60 Village Youth Volunteers, August 2019
- Three-day Workshop for 50 Youth in Qena Governorate, October 2019
- LVE Educator Training Workshop for 60 government school educators, December 2019
December 2019 - Issue 64 
- Editorial
- Teaching and Learning Resources
- Rainbow Booklet Library - LVE Activities for Schools
- News from our Network around the world
- Asia Regional TTE And Working Meeting of ALIVE Associates
- Europe Regional Working Meeting of ALIVE Associates
- Brazil - Presentation on 'Educating with Values' to 380 attendees!
- Indonesia
- LVE Workshop for Educators - Ubud, Bali
- LVE Workshop for Educators - Ciputat, South Tangerang
- 94 School Educators and six LVE Trainers at Pre-school workshop! Jakarta
- Cameroon - Training of Educators and Youth Leaders - Basilica Yaounde
- Last but not least
July 2019 - Issue 63 
- Editorial
- Forthcoming Events
- Teaching and Learning Resources
- Updated and expanded Living Values Education Activities for Young Adults
- Distance - Home-based Facilitator Training and Lifelong Learning about Values
- News from our Network around the world
- Australia - Distance Facilitator Training (DFT) Launched in May
- Cambodia - Values Workshops for Teachers, Health Workers and Mothers
- Cameroon - Three-year Plan for Teacher Training Workshops Launched!
- Indonesia - Educator Workshops in Bali and Jakarta
- Thailand - LVE Flourishes from North to South!
- Vietnam - Loving Living Values!
- Last but not least
March 2019 - Issue 62 
- Editorial
- Cameroon - Acts of Kindness
- Turkey - Plans for School-wide LVE
- Greece - LVE at Work on Greek Islands
- Indonesia - Values-based College for Financially-challenged Students in Bali
- Indonesia - A safe space to play in Padang
- Thailand - LVE Helps Students Grow and Glow
- USA - Living Values Education in Prison workshops in California
May 2018 - Issue 61 
- Greece: Kindergarten Teachers on Corfu Embrace LVE
- Hong Kong: Two LVE Workshops Generate Wonderful Plans
- Indonesia: LVE's Amazing Expansion Deepens and Continues
- Kuwait: Living Values Festival "” Be the Change
- Kuwait: Live your Life: A skit about the effects of social media
- Turkey: Even Our Four-year-olds Use Values Words to Diffuse Arguments
- United Kingdom: Values in Action: Nurturing 'Values Literacy
January 2018 - Issue 60 
- Cameroon: Hello Kids, Values Balloons and Ubuntu Trees
- Egypt: Making Values the Root of Education and Social Transformation
- Greece: Kindergarten Teachers Embrace LVE on Kefalonia
- Greece: New Materials and Benefical Projects with Children and Refugees
- Indonesia: A Strategic Plan to Further a Culture of Peace
- Venezuela: Children in a Peaceful World Project
September 2017 - Issue 59 
- International: LVE Distance - Materials for adults, families and study groups
- Brazil: Launching Living Values Activities E-books
- China: A Six-day LVE Children's Retreat in Miyun
- China: An LVE Workshop in Changzhou
- Greece: Practical and Enjoyable Experiences in Three Amazing Locations
- Kuwait: Bringing LVE's Theoretical Model to Life in a Practical Way
- Netherlands: Living Values Expands Naturally in Several Directions
- USA: Summertime LVE Workshops and a Children's "Camp"
May 2017 - Issue 58 
- Brazil: An Excellent Article on Education, Values and Teens by Two Leading LVE Educators
- Cameroon: A Gift Results in LVE Workshops at Schools, an Orphanage and a Refugee Camp
- Guinea Conakry: An Official Launch of LVE and an Action Plan
- Hungary: Feeling Cared For after a Caring for Ourselves Workshop
- Indonesia: Braving storms, LVE trainers Conduct 26 Three-day Workshops in Three Months
- Indonesia: The Seed of Kindness Day Benefits Others All Year
- Lebanon: Children Explore Peace, Cooperation and Unity
- Maldives: An LVE-Inspired Preschool and Preventative Programs with Teens on the Atolls
- Spain: An Innovative LVE seminar - Live in Harmony
January 2017 - Issue 57 
- ALIVE: International LVE 20th Anniversary Conference and Celebration in Indonesia
- Australia: Launching an international LVE Self-development Research Study
- Indonesia: The History of LVE in Indonesia - Amazing Partnerships and Growth
- Kuwait: World Values Day
- Lebanon: Saint Coeur School officially adopts LVE after a one-year pilot
- Nepal: Books and Values - Librarians and LVE
- Vietnam: An Outstanding Display at the 20th Anniversary - 18,000 Educators trained to facilitate LVE
- Zimbabwe: Inspirational Teaching - Classroom Management through LVE
September 2016 - Issue 56 
- Australia: Californian Inmates Share Their Experience with a Living Values Study Group
- Australia: Introducing Living Values Distance Programs
- Greece: Values Education on the Island of Zante
- Hungary: The Fifth Anniversary of the Thought Creator Club
- India: Sensitive and Kind, with a Passion to Serve
- Switzerland: Conscious, Committed, Courageous Parenting
- USA: Summertime with LVE
- Vietnam: LVE Activities and Successes in a Wide Variety of Settings
May 2016 - Issue 55 
- El Salvador: Values Help Us Move Toward Harmony and Integration
- Ghana: Love, unity, determination and cooperation help an LVE school clean up after a flood!
- Greece: New LVE Activities with Kindergarteners
- Guinea Conakry: Two Steps Forward
- Malaysia: Life Is Beautiful
- Seychelles: LVE in Schools, the National Media, the Corporate World and Government Ministries
- Togo: Values-based Education Now in Every School
- USA: Awakening the Spirit of Humanity in Youth in Pittsburg
- Zimbabwe: 25 May Movement
January 2016 - Issue 54 
- Australia: LVE Distance Course - Part of Facilitator Training
- Greece: An Assessment of the Benefits of LVE for Kindergarteners on Skyros
- Kuwait: Educators Take Time Out for Themselves
- Malaysia: A Principal's Commitment to Implementing LVE Creates Exemplary Schools
- Maldives: LVE Outreach with Students, Teachers, Parents and Policemen
- Netherlands: Peace Day 2015, Three More Schools to Implement LVE in The Hague, "ToGether" - A Creative Values-Based Integration Program Brings Dutch Children and Refugees Together
- United Kingdom: Values in the Classroom in Oxfordshire
- Vietnam: Drug Rehab Center Increases Recovery Rates with the Combination of LVE and the 12 Steps, Inspiring Workshops, and Special LVE Sessions with Orphans, Addicts and Parents
September 2015 - Issue 53 
- Egypt: Three Workshops in Cairo Create a Group of LVE Co-Trainers
- El Salvador: LVE Workshops for Parents, Children and to Prevent Gang Entry
- Indonesia: 300 LVE Facilitators Do Peace Education Work with 10,000 Prior to Celebrating World Interfaith Harmony Week in Ambon Integrating LVE into the Curriculum of State's Islamic University in Bandung From Bandung, Peace Education in Asia and Africa
- Lebanon: Two LVE Workshops in September
- Nigeria: National Children's Conference on Character Development, Child Protection and Nation Building
- Oman: LVE Makes Teaching a Successful Process
- USA: Living Values Puppet Shows at Peace in the Park in San Francisco LVE Workshops in New York and California
May 2015 - Issue 52 
- ALIVE / Europe: July 2014 LVE European Conference on the Greek Island of Zakynthos
- Cambodia: LVE and the Department of School Health
- Greece: Some Wonderful LVE Activities with a Kindergarten in Zante
- Hungary: Benefits of the Hungarian LVE Newsletter
- India: LVE Workshops in Bangalore, Gadag and Jaipur
- Kuwait: Living Values Goes Green in Kuwait
- Lebanon: Feedback from Teachers - "Our children adore the living values sessions " It's an opportunity to live in a peaceful and happy world where they dream to be."
- Maldives: Two LVE Model Schools Help Children with Disabilities and Create ALIVE Medicals
- Nepal: Values Support and Sustain the Wealth of Human Kindness and Resilience
- Thailand: Conflict Resolution at Sarasas Schools
- USA: Peace and Students Living Their Values at Mizzentop Day School
- Venezuela: Children for a Peaceful World Project
January 2015 - Issue 51 
- Brazil: LVE at the Culture of Peace, Education and Spiritual Seminar - and in Prisons
- Cambodia: LVE Workshops Create Interest in Values Education Nationally
- Georgia: Tea's Values Stories for Young Children
- Greece: Awareness Seminar in Athens - Open versus Closed Communication
- Hungary: To Transfer Knowledge and Human Values - A peace project for talented students at Kandó Primary School
- Indonesia: Replanting Peace in the Molluccas and a Inspiring TTT in Bali
- Kuwait: Evidence that Modeling Our Values Creates a Better World
- Nepal: LVE Increases Peace, Love and Cooperation with Teachers and Children, LVE Races on in Nepal
- Suriname: The Ministry of Education Will Incorporate Living Values Activities in Its Life Skills Program
- United Arab Emirates: A Workshop on Values-Based Education Fuels Six Values Schools in Sharjah
- United Kingdom: A Poem on Values by CEO Rosemary Dewan
September 2014 - Issue 50 
- Cambodia: Youth Empowerment with Peace, Respect and Love
- Georgia: Teachers and Children Are Happy Doing LVE - Love, Care and Respect Grow
- India: LVE Workshop in Tuticorin Uses Theater of the Oppressed
- Indonesia: An Enjoyable LVE Workshop in Bali
- Kuwait: What LVE Has Meant to the High School Graduating Class at KAS, LVE Grows and Teachers Create Toolkits - What the children need, we need!
- Mexico: In Our School " A Culture of Peace
- Nepal: A Values Tree by Kindergarteners at Learn Hub Montessori School
- Switzerland: A Ubuntu Experience at a Workshop in Lugano, An Onions and Diamonds Workshop for Young People
- USA: A LVE Testimonial Video - Would you like to create one too?, LVE and Face Painting at Peace in the Park in San Francisco
- Vietnam: Students Prefer the LVE Teaching Style " and Research Confirms that Teachers Who Teach LVE Enjoy Teaching More!, LVE Continues to Spread With Many Workshops and Enthusiasm about Implementation
May 2014 - Issue 49 
- Guinea Conakry: Exhibition of 12 Values
- Indonesia: Peace Building with LVE with Islamic Boarding Schools, Universities and NGOs, Educare Teachers Understand and Orphanages Plan: a One-Year LVE Pilot
- Israel: A new book, "The Power to Blossom" - A New LVE Program for Kindergarten
- Nepal: LVE for School Librarians in Nepal
- Netherlands: LVE News from the Netherlands, Immigrant and Dutch Children Cooperate - Expect a DVD of Values Songs in December!
- Turkey: A Parent Workshop in Turkey
- Venezuela: University Students Appreciate LVE and Will Do Activities with Students in Low-income Suburbs
- Zimbabwe: LVE workshops in Harare schools, A 12-year old Headgirl Shares Her Experience and Values
January 2014 - Issue 48 
- Greece: A Seminar on Values, Morality and Wellbeing
- Greece: Remarkable Improvement in Students' Interpersonal Relations with LVE
- India: LVE Workshop at the Podar International School in Bangalore
- Israel: Five-year olds share their experience with values in a new video, The Power to Blossom
- Kuwait: Healing and Happiness through Art
- Malaysia: LVE Workshops with the Department of National Unity and National Integration
- Romania: LVE in Romania Begins with Good Results in a High School
- United Kingdom: Mindfulness in Oxfordshire
- United States: A cool thing Mrs. Panzer and Mrs. Kellog did over the summer!
September 2013 - Issue 47 
- Hungary: Using LVE during Competitions to Remove Children's Worry and Tension
- India: Joy and Practicality - LVE Workshops in Bangalore and Indore
- Maldives: A New Initiative by the ALIVE Associate - An LVE Preschool
- Netherlands: The First LVE Model School in Holland - De Vrije Ruimte
- Nigeria: Educational Efforts with Street Children, Parents and Educators
- Togo: A New Website in Appreciation of Professor Adetou's LVE Work
- USA: The Milagro Center's "Stars" Explain Humility
- USA: Please like our LVE Facebook page!
May 2013 - Issue 46 
- Brazil: Algumas atividades do Programa Vivendo Valores na Educação
- Greece: LVE in Zante
- Hungary: A Little Girl Reacts to Values Cards
- United Arab Emirates: LVE on TEDTalks
- USA: LVE Reduces Need for Disciplinary Action to Almost Zero
- Venezuela: University Students Discover the Value of LVE during Community Service
January 2013 - Issue 45 
- India: An LVE Workshop in Lucknow Brings Skills, Insights and Happiness
- Jamaica: Living Values Facilitator Shares Bereavement Coping Mechanisms
- Kuwait: Students Respond: What does it mean to be in a Living Values School?
- Nepal: Living Values is taking off in Nepal!
- Paraguay: A Letter to LVE Friends Worldwide as Paraguay Celebrates Ten Years with LVE
- United Kingdom: Silence in the Classroom is Vital
- Venezuela: UBUNTU and Living Green Values Now in Spanish
- Vietman: Children Living in Challenging Circumstances Create Cards of Love
- Zimbabwe: LVE Focal Point Involved in Coaching Students for MUN
August 2012 - Issue 44 
- ALIVE European Conference
- Brazil: 1700 Children in São Paulo to Benefit from LVE for Children in Difficult Situations
- Brazil: Values Initiative "‹"‹in Jardim Angela: Research Shows the Profound Impact of LVE
- Greece: Bullying - Strategies for Reducing Bullying at School
- Hungary: LVE Helps Build Self-Esteem among People Suffering from Mental Illness
- Jamaica: 50th Jubilee Brings Call to Transform Education Programme
- Vietnam: Living Values Simplifies Life
April 2012 - Issue 43 
- ALIVE: A New Educational Resource for Educators and Counselors of At-Risk Youth
- Greece: Values Education's Role in Addressing Teacher Burnout
- Israel: The Power to Blossom "” Parents request training for teachers to ensure continuity of LVE
- Maldives: Living Values Reaches Soccer Players through the Soccer Diplomacy Project
- Oman: New Teachers receive LVE Training before Heading into Classroom for First Time
- Vietnam: LVE Continues Robustly through Enthusiasm, Trainings and Television
December 2011 - Issue 42 
- Cyprus: Flashback of Our Journey with Living Values, September 2010 through June 2011
- Japan: Illustrations for Two LVE Stories for Young Children
- Malaysia: Teachers Share the Impact of LVE on their Lives and Lives of their Students
- Spain: A Values Conference: Courage to Live, Courage to Educate
- UNESCO: Continues as a Source of Inspiration to Create a Culture of Peace
Children and Young Adults Participate
- Brazil: Children Create a Gigantic Values Banner and Celebrate a "Springtime of Values"
- Germany: An Artist Who Believes "Peace Begins Small" Sparks Secondary Students to Create Peace Projects on the Streets of Bremen
- Maldives: Living Values Holiday Camp
Family Values Resource
- South Africa: Worksheet Available for Values Dialogue at Home
August 2011 - Issue 41 
- Australia: Company Embraces the Ethics of Living Values as a Culture Change Program
- Great Britain: Values Activities Strengthen the Family Unit, bringing home and school closer
- Nigeria: Youth Round Table, under the Auspices of LVE, seeks to mobilize the energy of youth to transform government
- Poland: A National Values Art and Poetry Contest, a documentary film about LVE and a plethora of LVE workshops
- Reunion: A new values Resource is launched, en français!
- USA: LVE on YouTube!
- Children Participate: Around the World
April 2011 - Issue 40 
- Australia: Impact Study of Values Education in Schools
- United Kingdom: Living Values Education Leads to Children Recognizing and Valuing Honesty and Helps Raise Academic Standards
- Cameroon: Lives of Youth Change Dramatically after Participating in LVE Training for Street Children
- Paraguay: An LVASC Implementation Study with 685 High-risk Youth results in a 90% reduction in violence
- Germany: LVE Training Inspires Participant to Parent differently and to Envision a Values School / Retreat and Holiday Center
- Australia: Four New Initiatives - LVE Home Study Program, Student-led Mentor Program, LVE for Young Offenders and LVE Culture Change for Organizations
- Indonesia: Implementing LVE in Islamic Boarding Schools, Keu Agents in Advancing Positive Values
- Kuwait: Living Values Invites the Unity of Love
- Maldives: Hand in Hand presents LVE Children's Day Camp
December 2010 - Issue 39 
- ALIVE President's Message Bangladesh: ALIVE and LEEDO Host a Training for Street Children Educators
- Bonaire: LVE Introduced to Holland's Newest
- Municipality Brazil: LVE Cited as a "Humanizing Influence" and for its Positive
- Effects on Students' Personal and Academic Life Cyprus: Reflections on the Needs of Youth and the Importance of Love in Education
- Egypt: Serving a Variety of Schools and Organizations
- Nigeria: Empowering Myself - Empowering
- Others: A workshop for parents and children Paraguay: Positive Results with Children At Risk South Africa: Powerful Stories of Change with High School Students
August 2010 - Issue 38 
- ALIVE President's Message: The LVE International Community Meeting, a new Board of Directors, and exploring the way forward.
- Australia: Living Values - A Baby Boomer's Dream Come True?
- Australia: The Man in the Mirror - A Parent's Perspective
- Paraguay: New Partnerships Allows LVE to Reach More Children, Parents and Communities at Risk
- Saudi Arabia: LVE Introduced to Leaders in Education Field
- Vietnam: LVE Teams with World Vision - A Role-Play of Children at Camp in Hai Phong
- Vietnam: LVE To Be Integrated Into Secondary Schools in 63 Provinces of Vietnam
April 2010 - Issue 37 
- Research: Evidence of the Impact of Values Education - Based on University of Newcastle Research
- Brazil: Comprehensive Implementation and Research Plan in a Challenging Neighborhood
- Indonesia: LVE Provides Strength for Teachers and Joy for Students in a Rural Educare Outreach Program
- Indonesia: Peace Education Grows through Different Organizations - LVE Trainers Reflect
- Kuwait: Fathers Find Their Voice with Active Parenting
- Nigeria: LVE Participates in the "Right to Dialogue Forum" - Fostering Mutual Respect and Peace, Preventing Extremism and Intolerance
- Paraguay: LVE and the Ministry of Education Partner to Serve Children at Risk
- United Kingdom: Refugee Parents Break through Misunderstandings Using LVE
- USA: From Scientific Evidence to Personal Experience - A Mother's Testimonial
December 2009 - Issue 36 
- ALIVE: President's Message:
- ALIVE Website: Download Songs from the LVAC 3-7 Book Free!
- Angola: The Plight of Witch-Accused Children
- Brazil: A New Book Featuring LVE Research and Educational Practices in Schools
- Dominican Republic: Street Children Organizations, Public School Teachers and Ministry of Education Officials Attend LVE Workshops
- Germany: Teens Win a "No Chance for Hatred" Prize!
- Haiti: Collaborative Effort Brings LVE to Port-au-Prince
- Malaysia: LVE Country-wide for Preschool Teachers at Unity Kindergartens
- Mauritius: Early Childhood and Parenting Workshops in Mauritius
- Thailand: LVE Used to Enhance Emotional Intelligence Development
- United Kingdom: Listen to an Australian ABC National Radio interview with the U.K.'s Dr. Neil Hawkes
- Feature Article: Leadership and Living Values, Part III, by Peter Williams Raising Learning Potential and the Value of Forgiveness Time for Me
August 2009 - Issue 35 
- ALIVE President's Message: Reflections on the ALIVE International Meeting in the United Kingdom
- Byron Bay, Australia: Community Members React to LVE
- Gold Coast: Facilitators and Participants Discover Beauty and Ease of LVE Structure
- Brazil: University Peace Pilgrims Project Utilizes LVE
- Gambia: LVE Team and Students from the Living Values Club do a workshop at Kunkujang School
- Japan: Are we having success? Absolutely! LVE at Aoba-Japanese International School
- Thailand: Burmese Refugees Explore Their Personal Values at Light School
- USA: Children Make the World Go Around - they really do!
February to March 2009 - Issue 34 
- Australia: Living Values in Bryon Bay - Tears of love and laughter were our company
- Greece: Cultivating Values in School and in Life
- Hungary: Light and Loving Parent / Teacher Club Attracts Media Attention
- Italy: LVE Helps Those Who Act Aggressive or Shy - And is best when parents are involved
- Mauritius: Values Education throughout the Island
- Pakistan: Living Values is Adopted by Educators Who Care
- Paraguay: Third National LVE Educators Forum, "For A Country of Values"
- Sierra Leone: Three Young Men with a Passion for Peace and Human Rights
- Sri Lanka: First Ever LVE Training - and Hope for a Better Future
- Thailand: University Funds LVE Workshops and Books for Hundreds of Teachers
- U.S.A.: International Peace Day - Children really get it when it comes to Peace!
- Vietnam: Further Positive Feedback on LVE's Program for Drug Rehabilitation
October 2008 - Issue 33 
- ALIVE: New Materials for Young People at Risk: Living Values Activities for Young Offenders
- Cambodia: Multi-Cultural Cooperation Leads to Living Values Training in Siem Reap
- Gambia: Enthusiasm and Cooperation via Senegal!
- Kuwait: Leadership and LVE, an article by Peter Williams
- New Zealand: Living Values To Be Key Component in Brand New School
- Reunion: Living Values Spreading to Islands of Indian Ocean
- Southern Africa: A Bevy of Activities, Including Emotional First Aid Using Values
- Zimbabwe: Prefects at an All-Girl School Learn Leadership Through Living Values and Shared Vision
May 2008 - Issue 32 
- Brazil: Wonderful Results with Street Children with Living Values Education
- Greece: LVE on the Island of Chios
- Israel: When Values Become the Path - a Program for Entire Communities
- Kuwait: LVE Grade 5 Students Draw Conclusions After Testing the Effects of Positivity on Plants
- Mauritius: Indian Ocean Islands Unite through Silence
- Suriname: Living Values for Everyone from the Concierge to Professors
- United States: Living Values Education for 20,000 Children in Florida
- Venezuela: The Magic of Living Values
- Vietnam: Living Values Telecasts Nationwide
- Vietnam: LVE Program for Drug Rehabilitation the Most Effective in the Country
December 2007 - Issue 31 
- Brazil: Marvellous Results with Street Children
- Cameroon: LVE Meets with an Enthusiastic Response!
- Kuwait: Launch of Arabic Edition of Living Values Education Books
- Paraguay: Third International Conference on LVE Attracts 600 Participants
- Saudi Arabia: Youngsters in Riyadh Focus on Love, Simplicity and Responsibility
- Singapore: Young Offenders Appreciate Peace and Respect
- South Africa: International Research Consortium on Values Education
- Venezuela: High School Students Study the Effectiveness of Living Values with Their Peers
April 2007 - Issue 30 
- Cameroon: An Exploratory Visit Yields Enthusiasm and Future Plans
- Ghana: Training Trainers and Support from the Vice Chancellor for ECE Teachers
- India: A School of Excellence and the Gift of Values
- Japan: Students Put Their Values and Skills into Action!
- Lebanon: "This I Believe"
- Mauritius: A Launch by the President and the Birth of "Tales of Wisdom"
- Mozambique: A Wave of Happiness and New Realizations for Street Educators
- The Netherlands: Launch of the Dutch Edition of the Living Values Books
- Nigeria: A Ray of Hope with LVE and an Opportunity to Help
- Switzerland: Experiencing the Beauty of the Self During a LVE Theatre Workshop
- Thailand: ALIVE at Tenth UNESCO-APEID International Conference on Education
- USA: Community Leaders are Inspired by International Values Educator
- Vietnam: LVEP Students Demonstrate Resisting Peer Pressure on Television
December 2006 - Issue 29 
- Canada: Values-based Atmosphere brings about Change in Relationships with Children
- Ghana: Values in the Classroom Replace the Cane with Dignity and Discipline
- Hungary: Parents Group Explores Values while Teens Write Poems on Peace
- Paraguay: Second Annual National LVE Conference
- Singapore: Students Create "Peace Idol"
- Spain: Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Living Values Education in Spain
- Togo: Values Education Grows and Hope for Forgiveness and Unity Blossoms
- UK: ALIVE International Conference on Living Values Education
- USA: We Can Change the World - One Child, One Family, One School and One Community at a Time
August 2006 - Issue 28 
- Armenia: An Excellent Reception by Principals
- Ghana: Values That Make You Proud to be Ghanaian
- India: Living Values Creates Bright Beginning for Pre-schoolers and Toddlers
- Jamaica: Bringing Hope to Jamaica's Teachers and Principals
- South Africa: Values Awareness and Diversity Management Create Harmony
- Spain: A Message from Federico Mayor Zaragoza for the Occasion of LVE's Tenth Anniversary
- Thailand: An LVE School Wins the Royal Award for the Second Year in a Row
February to March 2006 - Issue 27 
- Bermuda: Three Primary Schools Achieve an Eighty Percent Drop in Student Office Referrals
- Brazil: A Poem from a Youth Involved with Living Values Activities for Street Children
- Cambodia: Working with Educators, Monks, Youth and Former Khmer Rouge Soldiers
- Estonia: Values-based Thinking helps Stimulate Motivation for Change
- Jamaica: 1,600 Students Explore Values in Montego Bay
- Malaysia: Living Values with Teachers and Parents in Seremban
- Mozambique: A Wonderful Beginning with the LVE Street Children Coordinator from Brazil
- Paraguay: UNESCO and the Ministry Help LVE Provide Training to 3,000 Teachers
- South Africa: A Multitude of LVEP Projects - for the Girl Child, Youth Leaders, Educators, and Street Children - and a Foray into Lesotho
- Vietnam: Good Results with Living Values Activities for Drug Rehabilitation and New Developments
November 2005 - Issue 26 
- Brazil: Experiences of Change with Street Children
- Central Africa: Teacher-training in Values-based Education in Central Africa
- Hungary: Enjoying Living Values at Summer Camp
- Jamaica: Launch of Annual Values and Attitudes Competition
- Kuwait: Measurable Transformational Changes
- Lebanon: LVEP on TV ? and at Balamand University
- Mauritius: Regional Conference and Training on ?Values Education for a Global Culture?
- Philippines: ALIVE and ACTIVE in Cebu
- Poland: Sincere Intentions in Education
- Switzerland: "Being" and Values-based Education
- Thailand: Recipient of the Annual Royal Award from the Ministry of Education
- Vietnam: Parents and Caregivers Enjoy Gaining New Skills
August 2005 - Issue 25 
- Africa: Implementation of Values-based Education in West and Central Africa
- Burkina Faso: People of Integrity Live their Values
- Burundi: Sustaining Positive Cultural Values
- Canada: Connections and Enthusiasm Abound!
- Crete: Parents Deepen their Exploration of Values
- Ecuador: Successful Seminar on ?Living Values: an Education for Life?
- France: Values and Positive Change in Reunion Island
- Jamaica: Students Appreciate Parents and Join in Healing Jamaica with Love
- Kuwait: Values make Schools Attractive
- Romania: LVEP at every school level in Techirghiol
- Rwanda: Exploratory Seminar draws Support of Ministry of Education
- South Africa: LVEP and Caring replace Corporal Punishment in Rural Schools
- Togo: Peace-loving People Strive to Preserve Values
- Vietnam: LVE Continues to Flourish in Hanoi and Ho Chin Minh City
September 2004 - Issue 24 
- Bahrain: New Beginnings
- China: Living Values reaches out
- Egypt: Good Feedback from American University Summer Programme
- France: Parents love Respect!
- Italy: Bologna becomes a City of Values
- Jamaica: Fashionable Values steal the show at Ministry training
- Morocco: Living Values gets underway in Casablanca
- Pakistan: Child Care Resource Centre takes up the challenge
- Philippines: Teachers get ACTIVE!
- Senegal: UNESCO-BREDA co-hosts Regional Workshop on Values Education
- Seychelles: The first school Living Values Club!
- Thailand: Schools, Teacher-Training Colleges and Universities join trainings
May 2004 - Issue 23 
- Argentina: Puppets Bring Values to Life
- China: 100 Schools Use LVE in Beijing
- France: Reflection Time Helps Improve Student Behaviour
- Hungary: Teachers Are Inspired by LVEP Training
- Indonesia: LVEP Books Launched in Seminar at British Council
- Mexico: Educators Report Enhanced Creativity and Self-Respect in Youth
- Pakistan and UK: Living Values Links Two Primary Schools
- USA: LVE Cooperates With TEN to Help Youth Communicate About Values
October to December 2003 - Issue 22 
- Argentina & Brazil: Street Educator Trainings held in Buenos Aires and Belo Horizonte
- Australia: Government Values Education Study comments on LVEP Schools
- China: Regional Symposium on Giving Value to Values Education
- Lebanon: Research Study indicates broad Positive Effects of LVEP
- Malaysia: Living Values Students become more Respectful and Caring
- Mauritius: Teacher Training Programmes with LVEP yield Excellent Results
- Senegal: Working with UNESCO on Strategy for Living Values in West Africa
- Seychelles: Walking the Values Talk into all Homes
- South Africa: Living Values with Street Educators and Street Children
- Switzerland: Living Values at the U.N. World Summit on the Information Society
- Turkey: Living Values Training for Educators of Street Children
- USA: Charter School adopts LVEP as a major part of Curriculum
April to September 2003 - Issue 21 
- Argentina: LVEP Holds Strong Interest Nationally
- Costa Rica: Local Municipality Initiates a Commission for the Renewal of Values
- Indonesia: Children Dress as a Value and Share 12 Living Values at School Exhibition
- Paraguay: Ministry of Education Commits to a National Programme on Values
- Philippines: LVEP Facilitates Better Community Relations
- Romania: Trainings and Translations Progress at Fast Pace ? and That Makes 33 Languages!
- Thailand: LVEP Activities Win the Hearts of Educators
- Turkey: LVEP Books Are Translated to Turkish
- United Kingdom: Seventh Annual International TTT Draws Record Attendance
January to March 2003 - Issue 20 
- China: LVEP is Integrated in Traditional Subjects in Beijing Schools
- Egypt: Maintaining Children?s Well-Being the Focus of One-Year Educator Training
- Indonesia: Non-Teaching Staff Touched by "Unforgettable and Remarkable" LVEP Training on Values in Daily Life
- Indonesia: LVEP Training for 13 Street Children Agencies Empowers and Uplifts Participants
- Jamaica: Discussions Underway with Asst. Minister of Education About Developing Mentoring Project
- Jordan: Minister of Education Endorses LVEP Pilot Programme in Two Schools
- Pakistan: LVEP Effectively Modified to Local Culture at 104 Educational Centres
- Romania: Coordinators Begin Effort to Develop LVEP
- Serbia and Montenegro: Educators Re-emerge Their Own Values and Take Interest in Conflict Resolution
- Singapore: Seng Kang Teachers Transform Classrooms into Learning Centers
- South Africa: LVEP Joins With African Traditions of Values-Based Living
- Spain: Commitment to Integrate Values in Educational Work the Outcome of International Congress on Education and Society
- Thailand: Enthusiasm for Living Values Leads to Planning of "LV Club"
- USA: Chinese School Principals Highlight LVEP as a Practical Teaching Model for Moral Education
November to December 2002- Issue 19 
- Argentina: LVEP School?s children receive award in UNESCO?s ?Draw Me Peace? contest
- Canada: LVEP reaches diverse groups
- Israel: LVEP children receive special award in UNESCO?s ?Draw Me Peace?
- Romania: Educators and schools open doors to Living Values
- Seychelles: LV Educator Seminar and National Conference
- South Africa: Living Values by candlelight
- Vietnam: Street Educators try the new street children activities
May to September 2002 - Issue 18 
- Indonesia: Training for Street Children Agencies
- Indonesia: Three-day Educator Workshop
- Indonesia: Two-day Educator Workshop
- Lebanon: Trainings for Teachers
- Romania: LVEP Educator Trainings
- South America: Workshops for Educators and the Wider Community
- Vietnam: Training for Street Children Agencies
- International: Living Values Activities Books for Street Children now available!
- Indonesia: LVEP gets underway in Jakarta
- Switzerland: Roundtables on Quality Education and Human Rights highlight LVEP
- International: Appeal for "Ubuntu" and other stories
- Albania: Training for educators
- Guyana: Living Values in the community
- Nigeria: LVEP Educator Training as part of Early Childhood Convention
- Malaysia: A week of LVEP Workshops and Presentations
- France: Living Values Association formed in La Reunion
- Thailand: LVEP helps improve teaching performance
- Italy: Practising respect and love in the classroom in Sardinia
- Zimbabwe: Headmasters hear the message of values
- Iceland and Brasil: news of LVEP achievements reaches Canada!
- Lebanon: LVEP Seminars have big impact on parents
- Focus on Responsibility - in our next issue
- Report on more LVEP activities in China
March to April 2002 - Issue 17 
- International: New! Living Values Activities for Street Children
- China: Living Values in Beijing classrooms
- South Africa: Translation into Zulu - and that makes 26 languages!
- Seychelles: Living Values gets off to a flying start!
- International: Teachers' Experiences of LVE with Children Ages 3-7
- Brasil: Children Draw Peace
- Thailand: Successful training at University in Bangkok
January to February 2002 - Issue 16 
- Worldwide: Living Values, UNESCO and the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace
- Cambodia: Educators, Social Workers and the Khmer Rouge
- Costa Rica: Values Support Groups now formed
- USA: Training co-sponsored by Miami-Dade County Public School System
- Kenya: More Success Stories!
- China: Moral education in a happy atmosphere!
- India: Two trainings in Rajasthan
November to December 2001 - Issue 15 
- Australia : Weekend Training Retreat for Parents
- Australia: LVEP Train-the-Trainer
- Cambodia: Three-day educator training
- Nigeria: LVEP Educator Training
- Nigeria: LVEP Trainer Training
- USA: LVEP Educator Workshop; Three-day Training for Educators
- USA: LVEP Educator Seminar
- USA: Fourth Annual Educators Retreat / Training
- Vietnam: Three-day educator training
- Mauritius: African Regional Conference on Values Education
- South Africa: Living Values and Ubuntu
- USA: Building a Community of Learning at a Montessori Charter School
- Nigeria: Values: 1; Disobedience and Caning: 0
- Vietnam: Living Values reaches out, meeting people's needs
- Laos: Seminar generates interest in training
- China: Thirteen Beijing schools start LVEP!
- Egypt: Success Stories!
- Focus on Humility - in our next issue
September to October 2001 - Issue 14 
- Australia: Weekend Training for Teachers
- Australia: LVEP Train-the-Trainer
- Mauritius: African Regional Conference on Values Education
- USA: LVEP Books receive Teachers' Choice Award
- USA: In the midst of tragedy .... a moment of peace
- Botswana: Peace and Love come to two Primary schools
- Vietnam: Training for the physically-challenged
- Netherlands Antilles: Living Values gets going - and that makes Country 67!
- France: Worldwide survey launched on young children's favourite stories
- Australia: LVEP and UNESCO-APNIEVE collaboration; Educator training
- China: Living Values team visits Guangdong
- Chile: Magic in the air
- Malaysia: Translation into Bahasa Malaysia
- A new home page and a new logo for LVEP!
- Report on Living Values at 14 schools in Beijing, China
- Focus on Honesty - in our next issue
- Report on LVEP in the Arab Region
July to August 2001 - Issue 13 
- Australia: Weekend Training Retreat for Teachers/Educators
- China: Values Seminars for Teachers and Parents
- Lebanon: Training for Teachers
- Malaysia: LVEP Educator Training
- Mauritius: African Regional Experts Conference
- Netherlands Antilles: LVEP Educator Training
- Trinidad: LVEP Educator Training
- USA: Educator Training
- Vietnam: Two-day LVEP Trainings
- UK: LVEP Country Coordinators' Meeting and International Train-the-Trainer
- Cambodia: Training for 55 teachers, co-organized with UNESCO
- Senegal: LVEP represented at UNESCO's Experts' Meeting on Primary Education
- Japan: Publication of article on LVEP in Human Rights Education book
- Australia: Report on implementation of LVEP in NSW Primary School
- Australia: Educator Training; Research project to evaluate LVEP
- China: Five-day seminar and training in Beijing
- Vietnam: LVEP at work in Drug Rehabilitation Centre
- On-line ordering of LVEP Activities books
- Coming soon to Living Values e-News
- Report on Living Values in the Arab Region
- Focus on: Tolerance - in our next issue
May 2001 - Issue 12 
- Australia: Values Education Programme for Teachers
- China: Seminar and Training
- Lebanon: Training for Teachers of Children affected by war
- Nigeria: UNESCO to host LVEP Training
- UK: Fifth Annual International LVEP Train-the-Trainer
- USA: Third Annual LVEP Educators' Retreat
- Vietnam: Training for Educators and Trainers
- Turkey: Living Values continues to Delight
- Japan: The Sun of Living Values Continues to Rise
- Thailand: Two Years of LVEP in a Karen Refugee Camp - Educating for a Culture of Peace
- South Africa: Trainings, Translation and a new Syllabus
- Israel: Good News from many Corners
- China: Localization of Materials
- Mauritius: Workshop opened by the President of Mauritius
- South Korea: Another Success Story!
- Over 100,000 hits recorded in June 2001
- LVEP website in Arabic, Portuguese and Japanese - on the way!
- Report on Living Values in the Arab Region
- Focus on: Love - in our next issue
March to April 2001 - Issue 11 
- Australia: Values Education Programme for Teachers
- Brasil: Living Values National Forum
- Cambodia: Living Values Train-the-Trainer
- India: Train-the-Trainers sessions for 400 teachers
- Japan: Three-day Training Seminar
- UK: Fifth Annual LVEP Train-the-Trainer
- USA: Third Annual LVEP Educators' Retreat
- HCI publishes LVEP's Living Values Activities Books!
- Release of Framework for Action on Values Education in Early Childhood
- El Salvador: Disaster leads to special Living Values Earthquake Supplement
- Turkey: Successful first training in Turkish
- Vietnam: CamboKids get a taste of Peace Cake
- Lebanon: Training and Implementation stride ahead
- Values Education in Early Childhood - a Framework for Action
- Link to On-line ordering of LVEP books
- Report on Living Values in the Arab Region
- Focus on: RESPECT - in our next issue
January to February 2001 - Issue 10 
- Mexico: Educators' Training
- Vietnam: LVEP Training for High School Teachers
- Singapore: Educators' Training
- USA: Educators' Training
- Vietnam: LVEP included in National Civic Education Programme
- Hong Kong, China: Good initial reports from Piloting
- Cambodia: A Flood of Activity
- Mexico: Real changes in Tijuana School
- Kenya: Two years of Living Values in a Primary School
- Singapore: Successful Educators' Training, again!
November to December 2000 - Issue 9 
- Lebanon: Training for Teachers
- France: Early Childhood Education Workshop with UNESCO
- Philippines: Training goes down south to Mindanao
- Mauritius: Values are alive and well!
- Lebanon: A Personal Experience
- Turkey: Young Turks Discovering Values
- India: Buds start to bloom in Surat
- Singapore: Living Values wins at Raffles!
August to October - Issue 8 
- Living Values website now in four languages!
- Thailand: Living Values in a Refugee Camp
- Brasil: Partnership with Rural Federal University
- Hong Kong, China: Piloting Underway
- USA: Educators' Training and Board Meeting
- Egypt: Broad-based interest continues to grow
- Panama: A first activity
- United Arab Emirates: Programme at Ras Al-Khaimah School
- Italy: Activities Book translated
- Lebanon: TTT for Refugee Camp workers
- Vietnam: Ministry of Education helps with training
- Japan: First Japanese-language TTT successfully held!
June to July 2000 - Issue 7 
- Germany: LVEP Educator Trainings
- United Kingdom: International LVEP TTT
- USA: Second Annual Teacher Training Session
- Vietnam: Training for Teachers
- Lebanon: Arab Region Seminar on Quality-based Education
- UK: European Train-the-Trainer Course
- Israel: Pilot project to start in September
- USA: Living Values Educational Retreat
- Vietnam: Training arranged at Ministry of Education
- Cambodia: First Steps
- Turkey: Cooperation is the Way!
- Italy: Living Values to start in Florence and Perugia
- Hong Kong, China: Whole-school piloting is planned
- Thailand: First training in Thai
- United Arab Emirates: Conference for Teachers, Parents and Students
- China: Living Values website now in Chinese!
April to May 2000 - Issue 6 
- Israel: Pilot Project and Ministry Approval
- Kuwait: Qualitative study of Values with Grade 3 students
- Hong Kong, China: Living Values at In-service Teacher Training
- Egypt: Living Values overwhelms!
- Mexico: Congress on Values for Educators
- Italy: Four-city tour!
- Australia: Living Values taken up by whole school
February to March 2000 - Issue 5 
- Australia: Eight schools participate in Newcastle
- Spain: "Living our values: a sign of hope for the future"
- Israel: Values come to Ramla kindergarten
- Holland: Building respect at the design academy of Eindhoven
- Hungary: Ministry of education gives approval
- Egypt: Timeless values in a timeless land
- Greece: Nursing values in Athens
- Turkey: Training seminars in Ankara and Izmir
- Hong Kong, China: Values and the school curriculum
- Malaysia: Mining for real gold!
- India: Living Values launched in Gujarat school
- Greece: Sundays 2nd April and 7th May, Living Values Parenting Group Workshops
- Greece: Saturday 16th April, 2000, Living Values Teacher Development Seminars in Piraeus, Athens, Communication Skills: Active Listening and Conflict Resolution
- Greece: Saturday 20th and 21st May, 2000, Educator Training in Values-Based Education
- Seal Beach, California, U.S.A.: April 8-9, 2000, LVEP Two Day Educator Training
- Oxford, United Kingdom: April 27-30, 2000, LVEP Training
January 2000 - Issue 4 
- Kuwait welcomes Living Values!
- Germany: Successful first steps
- Singapore loves Parents
- LVEP in Australia
- The Philippines gives the warmest welcome!
- Cambodia: Peace in the Curriculum
- Vietnam: Magic in the Air
- Hong Kong, China: Waving the flag of Values
- Thailand: Living Values at the UNESCO-ACEID Conference
- Germany: January 2000, Teacher Training in Living Values for educators
- Hong Kong, China: 15th January 2000, Workshop for Teachers
- Alexandria, Egypt: January 13-18, 2000, LVEP Training for secondary teachers
- Ramla, Israel: January 13-18, 2000, LVEP Training for public kindergarten classes
November to December 1999 - Issue 3 
- Mexico: International Forum of the Americas
- Barbados: Virtues and values do grow on trees!
- Greece: A future for education
- Brasil: Living Values reaches 640 sites!
- India: International and National Training by the Seven Stars
- Colombia: Inauguration of Living Values' office in Bogota
- United Kingdom: Empowering young people in the 21st century
- Thailand: Seminar for educational psychologists
October 1999 - Issue 2 
- India: Pilot Program
- Kenya: Strategy for Ministry of Education
- Costa Rica: Livin' La Vida Values
- USA: Living Values comes home!
- Hong Kong: Teacher Training and more
- Mount Abu, India: 25th to 27th October 1999, Training for Educators
- Mount Abu, India: India, 1st to 6th November 1999, LVEP Train-the-Trainer
- London, UK: 2nd November 1999, Living Values: Young People, Citizenship& Communities for the 21st Century
- Athens, Greece: November 12-14, 1999, Living Values: A Future for Education
- Tlaxcala, Mexico: November 15-19, 1999, The Forum of the Americas, living our values: the spirit of education for the 21st century
September 1999 - Issue 1 
- Living Values Monthly Newsletter - now available by email
- Spain: The Spirit of Education Forum
- UK: International Living Values Meeting and Training
- Athens, Greece:- November 12-14, 1999 Living Values: A Future for Education
- Tlaxcala, Mexico: November 15-19, 1999, living our values: the spirit of education for the 21st century
August 1999 
- A New Web Site
- Greece: A Future for Education
- Nairobi, Kenya: August 15-22, 1999, Train-the-Trainer: Living Values: An Educational Program
- New York, USA: August 26-29, 1999, USA Educators' Retreat
- Athens, Greece: November 12-14, 1999, Living Values: A Future for Education
- Tlaxcala, Mexico: November 15-19, 1999, living our values: the spirit of education for the 21st century
July 1999 
- Living Values: An Educational Program
- United Kingdom
- China
- Zimbabwe
- Bolivia
- India
- Guyana
- Reunion Island
- Barcelona, Spain: July 22-25, 1999, FORUM EUROPEO: Living our Values - The Spirit of Education in the 21st Century
- Oxford, UK: July 28 - August 4, 1999, International Train-the-Trainer 99: Living Values: An Educational Program
- Nairobi, Kenya: August 15-22, 1999, Train-the-Trainer: Living Values: An Educational Program
- New York, USA: August 26-29, 1999, USA Educators' Retreat
- Mexico City, Mexico: November 16-20, 1999, Living Values Forum
June 1999 
- USA: Service Learning - Honesty is the best policy
May 1999 
- Thailand: Refugee teachers in Northern Thai mountains are determined to make values grow
- LVEP in Vietnam
April 1999 
- Malaysia: Quality in Education: A Values-Based Approach