Myanmar Country Report - Asia


Contact Person: Hnin Hnin Htwe
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My name is Hnin Hnin Htwe. I work as a teacher trainer at the Studer Trust Teacher Training Centre in Myanmar. I wish to share my journey with Living Values Education (LVE) and its profound influence on our educational community.

In May 2023, I had the privilege of attending the three-day LVE Professional Development Workshop for Educators (or TTE) in Sri Lanka organised and hosted by the Association for Living Values Education International (ALIVE) with the help of the ALIVE Associate in Sri Lanka. This workshop provided invaluable insights into teaching moral values such as kindness, respect and empathy. When I returned to Myanmar, I shared these lessons with my teachers because LVE is essential, especially during challenging times in Myanmar.

In three different teacher training sessions for a total of 75 in-service teachers, I introduced LVE and how we could use it to create a better learning environment for our school students. According to the results, 96% of teachers expressed positive feedback about the LVE sessions that I ran and they all took what they learned back to their schools and used it to benefit their community.

During one training session, I faced a challenging situation where two teachers were unable to communicate with each other due to a dispute. Using the techniques I learned to solve conflicts at the LVE workshop, I helped the two teachers talk to each other. This made them friends again and made their relationship stronger.

This journey has not only enhanced our teaching practices but has also fostered personal growth. Through reflection and practice, I have gained a deeper understanding of my own values and communication skills.

I want to thank the ALIVE family and donors from the bottom of my heart for giving a chance to improve ourselves and make a good impact on our community.

A colourful blast of values


Sharing is Caring. Caring is Loving


A Journey through LVE together


Sharing Values and Creating Memories