
Peace • Love • Respect • Responsibility • Tolerance • Honesty • Humility • Happiness • Cooperation • Simplicity • Freedom • Unity


Values representation artwork drawn by Aristana from Karuna Bali Media Production department, Ubud, Indonesia.


In addition to illustrating the meaning of values, the Reflection Points offer a values perspective, one of valuing the dignity and worth of each human being.

Age group: 3-7 years

  • Unity is harmony in the group.
  • Unity is doing something together at the same time.
  • Unity is working together with a shared goal.
  • Unity makes big tasks seem easy.
  • Unity is fun and makes us feel like a family.

Age group: 8-14 years

  • Unity is harmony with and among individuals in the group.
  • Unity continues by accepting and appreciating each person and his or her contribution.
  • Unity is built upon a shared goal, hope or vision.
  • Unity makes big tasks seem easy.
  • The greatness of unity is that everyone is respected.
  • One note of disrespect can cause unity to be broken.
  • Unity creates the experience of cooperation, increases enthusiasm for the task and makes the atmosphere empowering.
  • Unity creates a sense of belonging and increases well-being for all.

Age group: Young Adults

  • Unity is harmony within and among individuals in the group.
  • Unity is built from a shared vision, hope, an altruistic aim or a cause for the common good.
  • Unity makes big tasks seem easy.
  • The stability of unity comes from the spirit of equality and oneness. The greatness of unity is that everyone is respected.
  • Unity creates the experience of cooperation, increases enthusiasm for the task and makes the atmosphere empowering.
  • When the individual is in harmony, it is possible to stay stable and work more effectively with the group.
  • Unity is sustained by concentrating energy, by accepting and appreciating the value of the array of participants and the unique contribution each can make and by remaining loyal not only to one another but also to the task.
  • Unity inspires stronger personal commitment and greater collective achievement.
  • One note of disrespect can cause unity to be broken. Interrupting others giving unconstructive and prolonged criticism, keeping watch over some or control over others are all strident chords which strike harshly at relationships.
  • Unity creates a sense of belonging and increases well-being for all.
  • Humanity has not been able to sustain unity against the common enemies of civil war, ethnic conflict, poverty, hunger and violation of human rights.
  • Creating unity in the world requires individuals to see all of humanity as their family and concentrate on positive directions and values.