
PeaceLove • Respect • Responsibility • Tolerance • Honesty • Humility • Happiness • Cooperation • Simplicity • Freedom • Unity


Values representation artwork drawn by Aristana from Karuna Bali Media Production department, Ubud, Indonesia.


In addition to illustrating the meaning of values, the Reflection Points offer a values perspective, one of valuing the dignity and worth of each human being.

Age group: 3-7 years

  • When I have love and peace inside, happiness just comes.
  • Happiness is having fun with my friends.
  • Happiness is knowing I am loved.
  • When I do good things, I am happy with myself.
  • Good wishes for everyone make me happy inside.
  • I can give happiness to everyone with my good wishes.
  • I can give happiness to others with words that are like flowers, not thorns.
  • I can give happiness to others by sharing.

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Age group: 8-14 years

  • When I have love and peace inside, happiness just comes.
  • Happiness is a state of peace in which there is no upheaval or violence.
  • Give happiness and take happiness.
  • When there is a feeling of hope, there is happiness.
  • Good wishes for everyone gives happiness inside.
  • Happiness naturally comes with pure and selfless actions.
  • Lasting happiness is a state of contentment within.
  • When one is content with the self, happiness comes automatically.
  • When my words "give flowers instead of thorns," I create a happier world.
  • Happiness follows giving happiness, sorrow follows giving sorrow.

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Age group: Young Adults

  • Give happiness and take happiness.
  • When there is love and peace inside, happiness automatically grows.
  • When there is a feeling of hope and purpose, there is happiness inside.
  • Happiness cannot be bought, sold or bargained for.
  • Happiness is earned through pure and selfless attitudes and actions.
  • Happiness of mind is a state of peace in which there is no upheaval or violence.
  • Kind and constructive words create a happier world.
  • When one is content with oneself, happiness comes automatically.
  • Happiness follows happiness, sorrow follows giving sorrow.
  • Lasting happiness is a state of contentment within.
  • When all resources are focused on socioeconomic infrastructure at the expense of the development of the character then priorities in life are misrepresented and there is a gradual erosion of happiness.
  • Values help people assess priorities and allow for active and preventive measure to take place at opportune moments.

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