
Peace • Love • Respect • Responsibility • Tolerance • Honesty • Humility • Happiness • Cooperation • Simplicity • Freedom • Unity


Values representation artwork drawn by Aristana from Karuna Bali Media Production department, Ubud, Indonesia.


In addition to illustrating the meaning of values, the Reflection Points offer a values perspective, one of valuing the dignity and worth of each human being.

Age group: 3-7 years

  • Simplicity is natural.
  • Simplicity is learning from the Earth.
  • Simplicity is beautiful.
  • Simplicity is using what we already have and not wasting the Earth's material.

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Age group: 8-14 years

  • Simplicity is natural.  Simplicity is being natural.
  • Simplicity is learning from the earth.
  • Simplicity is beautiful.
  • Simplicity is relaxing.
  • Simplicity helps create sustainable development. 
  • Simplicity is staying in the present and not making things complicated.
  • Simplicity is enjoying a plain mind and intellect.
  • Simplicity teaches us economy - how to use our resources wisely, keeping future generations in mind.
  • Simplicity is giving patience, friendship, and encouragement.
  • Simplicity is appreciating the small things in life.
  • Simplicity is freedom from material desires and emotional desires - permission to simply "be."
  • Simplicity avoids waste, teaches economy, avoids value clashes complicated by greed, fear, peer pressure, and a false sense of identity.
  • From simplicity grows generosity and sharing.
  • Simplicity is putting others first with kindness, openness, pure intentions - without expectations and conditions.

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Age group: Young Adults

  • Simplicity is natural.
  • Simplicity is learning from the Earth.
  • Simplicity is beautiful.
  • Simplicity is relaxing.
  • Simplicity is being natural.
  • Simplicity is staying in the present and not making things complicated.
  • Simplicity is learning from the wisdom of native cultures.
  • Simplicity is giving patience, friendship and encouragement.
  • Simplicity is appreciating the small things in life.
  • Simplicity is enjoying a plain mind and intellect.
  • Simplicity calls on instinct, intuition and insight to create empathetic thoughts and feelings.
  • Simplicity is appreciating inner beauty and recognizing the values of all actors, even the poorest and worse off.
  • Simplicity is the precursor to sustainable development.
  • Simplicity teaches us economy, how to use our resources wisely, keeping future generations in mind.
  • Simplicity calls upon people to rethink their values.
  • Simplicity asks whether we are being induced to purchase unnecessary products. Psychological enticements create artificial needs. Desire stimulated by wanting unnecessary things result in value clashes complicated by greed fear, peer pressure and a false sense of identity. Once fulfillment of basics necessities allows for a comfortable lifestyle, extremes and excesses invite over indulgence and waste.
  • Simplicity helps decrease the gap between the "have's" and the "have not's" by demonstrating the logic of true economics to earn, save, invest, and share the sacrifices and prosperity so that there can be a better quality of life for all people regardless of where they were born.

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