Living Values Education Human Dignity and Values
Diane Tillman talks about the relationship between human dignity and values.
Articles on Living Values Education
- Parenting for the 21st Century: A Values-Based Approach
by Diane G. Tillman
This paper was presented at UNESCO's Education for the 21st Century Conference for the Asia-Pacific Region in Melbourne, Australia, March, 1998. - Being a School of Excellence: The Role of Reflection
by Neil Hawkes - Being a School of Excellence: The Role of the School Assembly
by Neil Hawkes - Being a School of Excellence: Values-based Education
by Neil Hawkes - Values Education and Human Rights: Living Values Education in Asia
Christopher Drake
Published in Human Rights Education in Asian Schools, Volume Four, March 2001, by Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center, Japan - Values Education and Life-wide Learning: Learning About Values
by Christopher Drake
Paper for the Sixteenth Annual Conference of The Hong Kong Educational Research Association "Exploring New Frontiers in Education", Hong Kong, China, October 1999 - Facilitating Language, Facilitating Learning
by Sue Emery - Evidence of the impact of Values Education
By Dr Neil Hawkes
Based on the research of the University of Newcastle, Australia (2009) - Character Education is for everyone!
by Kathleen A. Shea, Ph.D.
Published in the Miami Herald - February 2002 - The Values Education study was conducted by the University of Newcastle was supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training. The study was designed to:
- enable schools to develop and demonstrate current practice in values education;
- provide an informed basis for promoting improved values education in Australian schools; and
- make recommendations on a set of Principles and a Framework for improved values education in Australian schools.
- The Importance of a Values-based Learning Environment -
by Christopher Drake
This paper was presented at "A Day on Moral Education" at the Institute of Education, in London, on 27th June 2007, for the Journal of Moral Education Trust. - Peace through Schooling and Education: Landscaping Self and Other -
by Tikaram Bhattarai - Classrooms as Value-based Environments for Teaching and Learning -
by Christopher Drake - Values Education: Moving from Rhetoric to Reality -
by Christopher Drake - The Road to Emotional Development - Living Values: An Educational Program -
by Rula Kahil - It's 'digital heroin': How screens turn kids into psychotic junkies -
by Dr. Nicholas Kardaras - Science, Technology and the Teaching of Values -
by Derek Sankey
This paper was presented at the Science and Technology Education Conference 2002, at the Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China, in June 2002. - Making the case for Values/Character Education: A Brief Review of the Literature -
by Kathleen A. Shea, Ph.D. - Developing Values Schematic: The LVEP Method -
by Diane Tillman
This paper explores how children and youth can be encouraged to explore and develop values in today's world. The importance of a values-based atmosphere is shared, and the sequence of activities used in the Living Values Education model are described. - Educating for a Culture of Peace in Refugee Camps -
by Diane Tillman
Published in the 2001 International Focus Issue of Childhood Education, this article describes the approach used in this Living Values program for refugees and children affected by was as well as its implementation in a Karen refugee camp. - Theoretical Background and Support for Living Values: An Educational Program -
by Diane Tillman
This paper, by the primary author of LVEP's Living Values Series of books, shares the theoretical underpinnings of this program along with some of the current research that supports this approach to values education. The rationale for including various types of activities with Living Values Education are delineated.
Nurturing with Love and Wisdom, Disciplining with Peace and Respect: A mindful guide to parenting
by Diane Tillman
A Book for Parents
The qualities of love, peace, respect and wisdom are embedded in this book, in guidelines on encouragement, listening, peace time, Us Time, building positive behavior, developing responsibility and discipline while dealing with practical realities such as homework and how to get the kids to handle squabbles respectfully and independently. Suggestions and activities are shared to help parents help children, from toddlers to teens, use values to handle their challenges as well as to deal with bullying and prevent drug use and sexual abuse. This book is unusual not only for the variety of important topics addressed, but for its mindful approach in building healthy emotional and social skills while strengthening loving family relationships. An enjoyable read that parents will return to as a resource again and again, Diane brings guiding principles to life with stories about children, parents and educators.
Watch three educators, Kurt Krueger, Lorien Eck and Tanya Dennis, react to the book in this video
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UBUNTU! Re-ignite the spirit of humanity!
by Helen Sayers
Rediscover the art of living together in harmony. A resource book and workshop manual for teachers and facilitators working with children, young adults, parents and organisations. Developed in collaboration with an international team of trainers including LVE facilitators.
- Colourful, clear and easy to use, the book contains a wide variety of reflective, creative & interactive activities. Many are based on the Living Values Education approach.
- Facilitators are encouraged to be creative, adapt the activities, design their own workshops
- Ubuntu, an ancient African code of ethics, is used as a framework for exploring the universal values that are essential for living together in harmony and for building bridges across cultures and nations.
- Quotations are given from well-known personalities of different backgrounds who stress the need for Ubuntu values in areas such as conflict resolution, reconciliation, community cohesion & education.
- References to inspiring role models and humanitarian organisations worldwide that demonstrate Ubuntu values, provide examples for reflection.
Nine workshop modules explore themes such as personal and social values, community cohesion, interconnectedness between people and with the environment, conflict prevention and resolution, and implementing Ubuntu values in today's world.
The aim of this resource book and facilitators' guide is to enable the reader / workshop participants to experience the beauty of Ubuntu, find parallels in their own cultures and to re-ignite the spirit of humanity in their lives - to feel the joy of sharing, to develop the courage to forgive someone, to increase our compassion, to recognise that we are all part of one big human family.
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A Quiet Revolution
by Frances Farrer
Encouraging positive values in our children
Honesty - Truthfulness - Respect - Happiness - Peace - Responsibility - Love
These key concepts form part of a remarkable initiative lead by head teacher, Neil Hawkes, at West Kidlington Primary School, Oxford. Here a quiet revolution is in process: teaching children how to deal with complex situations from a position of strength and self-respect, and how to develop a stable inner world.
Publisher Rider - Mind, body, spirit / Publication date: 31/08/2000 - 177 pages 216x137mm - ISBN: 0712605770
Order Information: Phone: U.K. +44 01206 255 800 or Send a cheque for £9.99 to TBS, Colchester Road, Frating Green, Essex, CO7 7DW, U.K.
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