Reaching and Supporting the Wider Community
Download Rainbow Booklets Library Overview
Adding a new dimension to Values Awareness is the Living Values Education Rainbow Library providing activities and aids for everyone - School Teachers, Care Givers, Parents, Facilitators, Individuals, Special Interest Areas; Living Values for Self And Community Development, personal Self-Development.
The 40 plus booklets that comprise the Rainbow Booklet Library are FREE LIVING VALUES EDUCATION RESOURCES offered for download and designed to facilitate SELF PRINTING and provide EASY TO USE values materials activities.
Created specifically for those desiring to share Living Values Education activities and who do not have access to our formal values print resources or access to Living Values Education Associates and Trainers.
These simple booklets, most with between 48-56 pages, can be photocopied for classroom or home use in "booklet" A5 form - i.e. regular A4 folded (to half size) and stapled. "Living Values Education Activities for Individuals and Groups" and accompanying "Personal Journal" booklets are more than 80-100 pages and required to be copied as A4 (full page) on both sides.
Each booklet is created with activities for the age or community group and/or the values information that it features.
This series will be continually expanded to meet needs.
Values Activity Series
For Parents, Principals and Teachers Everywhere:
Living Values Education Criteria For LVE Model Schools - For Principals and Teachers Everywhere
For whole schools who aspire to become a Living Values Education (LVE) Model School, the following criteria are outlined to help them adhere to the model. To measure the effects of change, a program needs to be implemented in the fullness of the manner intended.
We offer the following guidelines for schools to implement the Living Values Education Approach most effectively, with maximum benefit to students, teachers, and the school community. Those schools seeking to add a new dimension to both faculty and student body are able to see immediate effects of the LVE Approach when Values Awareness becomes the benchmark for whole school behaviour.
Making Values Education in Your School a Practical Reality - An Overview for Principals and Teachers Everywhere
The Living Values School Experience - Understanding Implementation in Model Schools. Living Values Education Criteria, Kuwait and Bali
Values Activities for Children Ages 3-7, 8-14 and Young Adults
Recognising the many challenges faced by teachers today with all ages of young people we have created a Library of Values Activity booklets which are essential 'classroom aids' providing ideas, using activities to assist in dealing with specific classroom issues, capturing student imagination, participation and discussion, perhaps bringing our young people to a different; more caring and responsible space.
Each value activities booklet of approx. 40-56 pages is easily printed on school printer as A5 booklet/pocketbook size, landscape, 2 up, colour cover and b/w inside. If you have a machine that staples great, if not a long-nose stapler will do the trick. Alternatively, you could download the files and order your choice of booklets from your local photocopy shop (one colour) for about $3 each.
Children Ages 3-7
Rainbow Library Activities Booklets for Children Ages 3-7, Book 1
Activities in these booklets are adapted from Living Values Education Activities for Children Ages 3-7, Book 1
Introduction and Overview
Unit 1 Peace
Unit 2 Respect
Unit 3 Love and Caring
Unit 4 Tolerance
Unit 5 Honesty
Unit 6 Happiness
Unit 7 Responsibility
Unit 8 Simplicity and Caring for the Earth and her Oceans
Part B Appendix
Download the full set of Rainbow Booklets for Children Ages 3-7, Book 1 here »
Children Ages 8-14
Rainbow Library Activities Booklets for Children 8-14, Book 1
Activities in these booklets are adapted from Living Values Education Activities for Children Age 8-14, Book 1
Introduction and Overview
Unit 1 Peace
Unit 2 Respect
Unit 3 Love and Caring
Unit 4 Tolerance
Unit 5 Simplicity and Caring for the Earth and Her Oceans Part A
Unit 5 Simplicity and Caring for the Earth and Her Oceans Part B
Unit 6 Honesty
Unit 7 Happiness
Unit 8 Responsibility
Download the full set of Rainbow Booklets for Children Ages 8-14, Book 1 here »
Young Adults
Rainbow Library Activities Booklets for Young Adults, Book 1
Activities in these booklets are adapted from Living Values Education Activities for Young Adults, Book 1
Introduction and Overview
Unit 1 Peace
Unit 2 Respect
Unit 3 Love and Caring
Unit 4 Tolerance
Unit 5 Simplicity and Caring for the Earth and Her Oceans Part A
Unit 5 Simplicity and Caring for the Earth and Her Oceans Part B
Unit 6 Honesty
Unit 7 Happiness
Unit 8 Responsibility
Download the full set of Rainbow Booklets for Young Adults, Book 1 here »
Materials for Businesses - Free Downloads 
Free Download - eBook download for reading online or self-print option and copying. Provide Activities For Special Interest Areas, Living Values for Self and Community Development.
In today's business world, no matter whether a mum and pop corner store or a large corporate, the essential ingredient for success is Values. We must build a Values Based Atmosphere in our workplace. The source of all this is based on your organisation's dedication to your business at all levels; management, workforce, and customers must be one intrinsically linked unit with defined and lived-in Values that guarantee a happy and efficient environment, a quality product, and most important, service satisfaction. In this small booklet, discover the simplest ingredient. the one value that will bring success to your business.
- Living Values in Business - For Associates, Focal Points and Facilitators
The purpose to this 52-page book is to bring to the attention of LVE facilitators the opportunity of assisting business of all types and size to the importance of values in business, to provide support information and how the material can be used. - Living Values in Business - For All Aspects of Business
Of all the Values one would assume are important in the business environment perhaps the Value of Happiness would not be the first that comes to mind, yet as the booklet demonstrates the value of happiness is intrinsic to the wellbeing of very organisation from the mom and pop corner grocery store to the large corporate environment - without happiness in the workplace, employees and management, a multitude of dangerous potentialities emerge to destroy the customer and workmate relationship. - Living Values in Business - For Owners, Managers & Employees
As a guide of where and what to look for in a business where you might be seeking employment and for owners and managers in business, we encourage you to review our Living Values In Business booklet.The Living Values Rainbow booklet, Living Values in Business with it's focus on Happiness through creating a Values-based Atmosphere provides guidance for those seeking employment and also a new perspective for business managers looking for employees with the right attitude. This booklet also offers an insight to school leavers seeking their first employment to help better prepare students, the prospective new employees, to have a better understanding of what type of business they should be seeking employment with and where their contribution might be best appreciated and rewarded. - Implementation of Living Values in Business
We are pleased you and your Organization are exploring interest implementing the Living Values Education Approach. The impact of values in our lives, and on our business, community, country and the world cannot be overstated. Download to see how to integrate the LVE Values-based Atmosphere throughout your organization or campus.