LVE Online Training Centre Overview

Online Training Centre mind map - July24


LVE Online Training Centre

For all ALIVE online Courses our Swiss NGO status offers International Certification on completion and evaluation of the assignments.

LVE Online Training Centre (OTC) Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the LVE Online Training Centre is to identify within ALIVE/LVE a specific Training Centre whereby all Living Values resources, workshops, online and physical, provide support for ALIVE Associates, Focal Points, facilitators and trainers, schools and teachers, organisations and individuals working with Values Education in the world.

  • The OTC is continuously building the Living Values library of Resources and the Online program of Living Values components – Distance Facilitator Training - DFT, national and regional Distance Train the Educator - DTTE, and Distance Values-based Atmosphere – DVbA, presentations that deliver practical awareness training to large groups from one or more countries together via Zoom meetings to expand their awareness of LVE. The current ITC participant capacity is 500;
  • Our target audience for Values is everyone, especially teachers and educators for all age groups. Through them, to demonstrate the benefit of inclusion of LVE in the national Department of Educational curriculums for schools, colleges, and universities worldwide.


Recruiting - Administration, Resource and Marketing team members

For those interested in becoming involved in the voluntary global activities of LVE OTC - the expansion of LVE Values-based Atmosphere in education. Open to all. Requirements are online and free Training and Certification in the 12-week LVE Personal Growth (DFT) to Mentor status, and Certification or participation in the online 2-day Train-the-Educator (DTTE) Course and Values-based Atmosphere. Please explore this website before applying. Full details of the voluntary role are available on application.

Inquiries and application: Contact:

The foundation of LVE Online Training Centre is fundamental to LVE Values-Based Atmosphere. Click here for more.

If your University or College is interested in implementing the 'Living Values Approach' the following possibility is open to you. Learn more here or click to download our information sheet.



World Values Day logo

LVE 2024 contribution to World Values Day
Living Values Education Values-based Atmosphere Courses

Values-based Atmosphere Course 1 Flyer Values-based Atmosphere Course 1 Flyer Values-based Atmosphere Course 1 Flyer

2024 Course start dates: 14 September 2024 / 17 October 2024 / 14 December 2024

~ One day Online Course with 14 days to complete
~ No cost participation
~ Available internationally – to all countries
~ Available to all – teachers, educators, parents, business people
~ Living Values Education International Certificate awarded on completion of points-based activities
~ Registrations now open

Click here to find out more

Free Downloads Download Important VbA Online Training Course Participants Information



Distance Facilitator Training - DFT

  • Creating a Values-based Atmosphere in our work, our home and in our personal lives.
  • Undertaken Independently, No Cost. A Personal Journey intrinsic to the Living Values Approach.

This two level 12 consecutive week requirement to do in your own time is an intrinsic aspect of the Living Values Approach and Values bases Atmosphere. By recording your responses to the questions in the booklets provided (as Word doc) you to enter your findings simply and easily creating a record of your experience relative to the Values you interact with. Your interaction with each Value can be as in depth as you would like to go opening to your truth to the questions asked.  

Level Two asks you to explore and discover the extent of educational materials that are offered freely on the website and to better interface with the life-changing Value-based Atmosphere, the more you know about the organisation, the more you have opened yourself to the Values the betters service you can offer.


Distance Train the Educator Course - DTTEC

  • Creating a Values-based Atmosphere in the classroom, our home and in our personal lives.
  • Undertaken in a group online interactive environment, No Cost.

We offer a group LVE two-day online Interactive Living Values Education Course for educators and others. For practical purposes, the Zoom style classroom is held on a regular basis over weekends - Saturday and Sunday (on regional basis in keeping with similar time zones) for classes of max. 20 persons to maximise interaction in the online environment.

AITC administration manages reservations and distribution of pre-course materials, consisting of online DTTE Application, Course Overview and Resource material; Values-based Atmosphere book, LVE Values Activities for 8-14 years.

Our objective is that following DTTEC teachers are confident to bring the Living Values Approach into their classrooms, and a Values-based Atmosphere into their homes and lives. Our Swiss NGO status offers International Certification on participation of the assignments.

Content for the Course is drawn from the LVE Training Guide using LVE Approach materials. The DTTEC will be held in English. All LVE support materials will be provided in English at no cost.



Distance Facilitator Refresh - DFR

  • Certification renewal opportunity for lapsed certificated Living Values educators.
  • Undertaken Independently, No Cost.

We value the energy and enthusiasm with which you have embarked on the Living Values Journey. We would like to ensure that you stay involved with LVE and this Course is a simple refresh and opportunity to update you on the changes taking place while allowing you to recover your lapsed certification.

Just four weeks easy ONLINE refresh, start anytime - designed to support past LVE & DFT accredited Facilitators, Focal Points and Associates with ALIVE you if you have previously been accredited with Certification for one of the LVE training programmes and have not reported your activities for a period of 24 consecutive months or, you have not undertaken any LVE activity for a 24 month period which means that your certification is deemed invalid.

The purpose of this simple NO COST Refresh Course is to reinstate previous LVE and ALIVE certification for a further 2 years. 

The combination of each aspect of the course is designed to ensure that the facilitator at certification is fully equipped to resume the delivery of LVE activities to their previous level of Certification.  We would like to renew your acquaintance with the LVE Approach and organisation and introduce new resources available to you which we feel you will benefit from and to refresh your confidence in delivering Living Values meetings and workshops.



Distance Community Study Group Facilitator - DSG

  • LVE Training and Guidance to deliver Value-based Atmosphere into the community.

For those who have already received their DFT Certification, this training provides the knowledge and ability to take the learnings from the their own DFT experience into the Community, to offer the LVE Approach - Values-based Atmosphere in small groups to parents, children, friends, associates and family.

Full guidance is offered to allow promotion of the community group meeting concept, how to administer and deliver the LVE group activity. The two hour LVE Study Group meetings with four to ten members take place over 12 weeks exploring together one value each week. Based on the DFT the Group engages the same format as originally undertaken by the facilitator. Through the group environment and unwrapping the assignments together the values open us to enjoy discovering common ground, personal introspection and friendship. 

For casual creation of an LVE Study Group in your community, download our 'In-Community Study Group Guidelines' booklet here.


LVE 2023 contribution to World Values Day Living Values 'In-Community' Study Group

It's a free, no experience required, opportunity to make a difference, just a desire to help others and yourself and bring awareness for values into the community. Good for all ages. Make new friends, in a local group, or be bold and create your group online. If you would like our international LVE In-Community Certificate at the end of your 12-week Study Group, please send your Application (which you can find in the Guidelines book) to join. Download our 'In-Community Study Group Guidelines' booklet here.


Living Values Education Model Schools - The Living Values Approach

  • For schools seeking to have students and faculty growing together in a Values-based Atmosphere.
  • Level of Participation negotiable - Level One, Two and Three.

For whole schools who aspire to become a Living Values Education (LVE) Model School, the criteria is engaged to help them adhere to the model. We offer guidelines for schools to implement the Living Values Education Approach most effectively, with maximum benefit to students, teachers, and the school community. Those schools seeking to add a new dimension to both faculty and student body are able to see immediate effects of the LVE Approach when Values Awareness becomes the benchmark for whole school behaviour.

Through AITC, ALIVE provides education training packages for teachers, administrators and LVE educational resources, books, display materials, evaluation and innovative inter-student mentoring programmes.




In this section

Widening the Reach: Reaching and Supporting the Whole Community

Living Values Education recognises that it is completely impractical for most of the world's population to attend workshops and participate in organised Living Values Education activities due to cost, time, and travel requirements. Through this Distance opportunity, Living Values Education encourages and extends Living Values Education Distance Online Courses to individuals, families, and communities.

It is 25 years since Living Values Education birthed a new educational opportunity for people to change their lives. Now a new way of being part of that discovery is open to everyone... allowing all of us to make a difference in our life and the life of all the people around us. Here is a short introduction about what we've been building over several years...

  • Distance Online Courses are stand-alone Living Values Education Courses that can be engaged by anyone, anywhere.
  • Courses do not rely on trained facilitators or workshop attendance.
  • Courses are self-structured with no time conditions (except when engaging the facilitator training).
  • All Level One Distance Online Course materials can be accessed online from this website.
  • Level Two and Level Three Distance Facilitator Training can be accessed from
  • Living Values Education provides the Distance Helpline - Click here to email
  • All materials may be translated for local use.
  • There is no cost to the Distance Courses.
  • For Level Two and Level Three, an LVE Mentor is provided for evaluation for the DFT certification.


Distance Self-Reflection  Distance activities for Groups and Individuals  Distance Personal Journal Distance Facilitator Training Guide, Part 1  How to - Study Group For Hosts


Living Values Education: Distance Online Course is an international program offering four aspects of Values Online activities to anyone, anywhere in the world. All Living Values Online activities can be engaged by children with parents, young adults, and adults - teachers, parents, and community groups. The Distance Facilitator Training Course is available to anyone over 20 who would like to have a certificated facilitator training to help others. All Courses are offered FREE:

  • LVE Self Reflection - an independent 12-week self-development course in personal values.
  • LVE Values Activities - an independent course for all ages. Ideal for engaging in the home environment. Courses 1 and 2 can be combined for those serious about discovering their values.
  • LVE Study Groups - an independent sharing of the above two courses in any group environment. If you would like to start your own values group simply combine units 1 & 2 as your working structure. LVE Study Group Guidelines will explain all you need to do to run a valuable 12 week self-development study course, providing a rewarding experience for yourself and others.
  • Certificated Course - LVE Facilitator Training (DFT) 12 week - mentor supported course for those wanting to join Living Values as a certificated Facilitator. 

Certificated Distance Facilitator Training (DFT)


Level One

The purpose of the independent 12 week Self Reflection and Values Activities is to provide participants with a deeper personal experience of the values and ensure commitment to join the international body of Living Values Facilitators. Each week invites Self Reflection of a specific Value using the book provided, complete the questions asked.

You are required to engage your choice of ONLY two values activities and evaluations each week - documented in your Personal Journal. The Personal Journal and Self Reflection booklet are required to accompany your application for the mentor supported certificated Distance Facilitator Training.

Time Commitment: 12 weeks, 30-60 minutes per week based on personal engagement with one value per week.


Part 1: Distance Self-Reflection A 12-week personal evaluation. The booklet (word.docx file) provides us an interactive opportunity to explore and discover the truth about ourselves relative to our relationship with the Values, thus developing a better awareness of the impact of Values in our lives and the opportunity to change how we live our lives. The Course runs for 12 weeks with four to seven simple questions interacting with the dynamic of one Value per week and asks us to contemplate and live in the essence of each value during the course of each week - honest contemplation can be very revealing.

Components: LVE Self-Reflection Online Participation Course via a 40-page word.docx booklet to record of your experience.

Time Commitment: 30 minutes each week.


Part 2: Distance Values Activities for Adults, Families and Groups, "LVE Values Activities" is a colourful 50-page participation book of activities drawn from "Living Values Education for Young Adults" with accompanying audio files and a 90-page Personal Journal.

Components: LVE Values Activity Book, Personal Journal, Audio contemplation files. 

Time Commitment: 60 minutes each week (select and respond to two activities)

Both completed Self Reflection book and Personal Journal are emailed to where they are evaluated by an LVE Mentor for Level Two. Participants receive the Level Two Distance Facilitator Training Course Overview and Schedule - a must read before proceeding with the Distance Facilitator Training Application Form.

Level Two: following acceptance of DFT application 

LVE Distance Facilitator Training allows individuals everywhere to have a role in sharing Living Values Education.


Part 1: LVE Training Guide introduces Living Values Education - the organisation, the international website, the resources available to facilitators, the specific skills required to deliver values education, LVE workshop agenda building, techniques and skills required to feel confident to facilitate activities and workshops using the LVE Approach with community groups, support for teachers, families, etc.


Part 2: The Evaluation of what is explored in Part 1 - There is Zoom interaction available during Level Two between the participant and the mentor/evaluator.

Components: Part 1, Living Values Education Training Guide, Part 2, LVE Evaluation Questions booklet.

Time Commitment: 8 - 24 hours

Level Three: practical facilitation experience

LVE Distance Study Groups provide practical experience in the delivery and engagement of values awareness and to experience creating a Values-Based Atmosphere. DFT participants bring together a small group of friends, family, or work colleagues in a once a week/12-week group environment. Our 'Guidelines for an Effective Group' provide the 'how to', the LVE Self-Reflection and Values Activities form the weekly two and half hour Study Group experience for group activities.

Please Note: Optional - While delivering the 'Living Values Approach' differs significantly from normal classroom teaching, certificated educators with group experience may not be required to take Level Three. However we do encourage this experience to gain practical interaction and build confidence in the sharing of Values Awareness. The LVE Study is identical to the activities in Level One.

Component: LVE Study 'Guidelines for an Effective Group'.

Time Commitment: 2-2.5 hours a week for the 12 consecutive weeks of the Study Group.

DFT Certification

DFT Certification is equal to that of attendance at three, LVE 3-day interactive group workshops (72 hours).

For more detailed information, please request the 'Distance Facilitator Training' Course Schedule from

A four week Distance Refresh Course

The four week Distance Refresh Course is available to past or lapsed (no activity for three years) LVE certificate holders from


One participant said:

Denise Shaw

"I was not expecting this would make a huge difference in my life that it has. The material forced me to look at me, all of me, my hurdles, pain, grief, fears, and blocks. I soon discovered what values were the hardest for me... anything to do with me!!

I completed the course and wanted to help others gain what I had gained and became a facilitator. This was a very valuable experience for me I found so much inside of me I had not healed and by doing so my fears lessened and I grew a new understanding and compassion for myself. Something I previously only had for others.

My fear of being judged was challenged; I won and chains around me were broken. My journey continues every moment."

- Denise Shaw, Queensland, Australia

Living Values Education is for everyone, everywhere; there are no exceptions. Discovering the relationship with our values can become a life-changing experience.