Living Values Education: Distance Online Self-Reflection

Living Values Education Distance Online Courses
Values Activities - Groups - Facilitator - Self-Reflection - Download Materials

LVE Distance Online Self-Reflection invites us to deepen our relationship with each Value through a few simple questions asked during the period of a week... this powerful process has the ability to awaken us to understand why our life is the way it is and best of all, realise that the power to change our experience is uniquely ours!


Peace, Love, Respect, Cooperation, Tolerance, Responsibility, Honesty, Humility, Happiness, Simplicity, Freedom, Unity

Living Values Education Self-Reflection - 12 Week Self-development Course

What people say; "interesting, introspection, fun, challenging, emotional, thought-provoking, changed the way I live my life."

Through 12 consecutive weeks, engaging with one value per week with daily introspection, you cannot but discover deeper insights leading to new positive attitudes and behaviour patterns and consequently, improved relationships and a better and more fulfilling life.

  1. With each question asked, contemplate where does this 'fit' into my life right now? How is it for me? Write down in the space provided what it means to you to remind you later of what you feel about this.

  2. What score would I give myself? What score would I give myself? Ask honestly, "How much am I living in this value right now in my life?" One is the lowest, ten is the highest.

This Self-Reflection programme is structured over 12 weeks, with daily contemplation of each value's qualities and how they appear in your life.  We do recommend one week in each value, although you may linger if the value is engaging you and you are needing more time for your contemplation and evaluation.

No registration - Free download of booklet.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you are considering an application for the LVE Distance Facilitator Training (DFT) you will require a completed Self Reflection booklet to accompany your DFT Application. Please ensure that all values and all questions relating to the values have been addressed. 


Name: Living Values Education Distance Self-Reflection
Level: All
Audience:     Beginners  through to trained Living Values Education Facilitators
Duration: 12 consecutive weeks
Cost: Free


Free Downloads  Free Downloads
The materials for Living Values Education Distance Self-Reflection include:

Distance Self-Reflection 


"We are creating our life in every moment by our attitudes and behaviour. While we can appropriate parental misguidance or cultural inheritance as being responsible for our errors, we have all lived long enough to have those childhood patterns less meaningful in the years of our adulthood.

Thus what we do, what we project, how we behave has really become our choice - and choice is only our responsibility.

Human beings are not victims of an unloving world. This universe brings to us experiences that show us either the need for correction - to look closer at how we miscreate and help us to change, or rewards us with smoothness when we adopt and live in the essence of the Natural Love of Living Values.

To make a different choice first requires awareness of how we are, as this 12-step process has shown, change will only occur with my willingness to live my life differently.

This process done once may open the doorway into recognising I do have a choice, exploring the process more than once will expand my awareness, allow me to measure my own growth and through my life, show me the results of my willingness to allow change."

Thank you for your time and willingness to explore your relationship with the Values in your Life.