Living Values Education: Materials for Distance Online Use - Self Help

Living Values Education Distance Online Courses
Values Activities • Groups • Facilitator • Self-Reflection • Download Materials

Materials for Distance Online Courses - Free Downloads Free Downloads

We recognise that people everywhere, in all circumstances of life, age and beliefs live from Values at their core, this section is designed to bring you the 'tools' to discover and to uncover values for yourself. How you choose to use them and extend them is your choice and your imaginative process.

All of the aspects have been created in a way that you can use them independently to suit your needs. They are offered free and can be shared. If you are seeking a CERTIFICATED Course for use in the education sector or where an accreditation is of benefit to you then the three level 12-week structured and mentor evaluated Distance Facilitator Training is for you. Please go to: Distance Facilitator Training.

The individual resources in this section allow you to engage in activities directly yourself, among your family, friends, and colleagues, or even students in the classroom or workplace. Through these activities, we can discover for ourselves the true meaning of Values and the power that Values have to bring positive change into our lives.

This structured Programme is created specifically for those desiring to explore the Self-Reflection, personal development nature of Living Values activities who do not have access to formal Values print resources or access to Living Values Education Associates and Trainers.


Distance Self-Reflection Distance Self-Reflection Distance activities for Groups and Individuals Distance Personal Journal How to - Study Group For Hosts  How to - Study Group For Hosts Distance Facilitator Training Guide, Part 1 Value-based Atmosphere Book

Free Downloads The materials for Living Values Education Distance Self Reflection

  • Living Values Education: Distance Self-Reflection - Your 12 Week Values Personal Development Booklet.

  • Living Values Education: Reflection Points Posters - Displaying reflection points for each value. They are offered to participants seeking to use as daily reminders for values awareness for the various qualities of each value. They can be printed off as A4 colour and easily displayed. Download the Reflection Points Posters for Young Adults.

  • Living Values Education: Activities for Groups and Individuals - For Adults, Families, and Groups this is a colourful 52-page participation Rainbow Booklet of activities drawn from Living Values Education for Young Adults.

  • Living Values Education: Distance Personal Journal - A 97-page book will help you record each of the activities and give you something to look back on.

  • Living Values Education: Values-based Atmosphere Book (desktop & download version) or Values-based Atmosphere Book (phone version) - ALIVE invited contributions from all its Associates, all Focal Points for LVE and LVE practitioners about what a Values-based Atmosphere means for them in their work as educators. There are many questions answered:

    What is it? How can it be created and sustained? Where can it be found? What are its benefits? Why is it important? What impact does it have on my personal life, my attitude and mood in school? How does my personal life affect my work as a values-educator? What is the relationship between a values-based atmosphere and LVE activities? What difference does a values-based atmosphere make to academic performance? How does LVE and values-based atmosphere make a difference in the home, in classroom and school? How can teachers and parents learn to create a values-based atmosphere in workshops and classrooms? 

    Responses from the LVE community have allowed us to just publish a beautiful 52-page book dedicated solely to LVE's approach to a Values-based Atmosphere. The book offers different perspectives from different teachers, trainers, practitioners and parents as they share their thoughts and experiences with LVE. It's a must read for everyone involved with education and also to all of us seeking to improve our own lives!

Living Values Education Distance Study Groups

We highly recommend that anyone interested in starting their own Community Living Values based Study Group undertake the FREE Distance Facilitator Training, a 12-week Self Reflection and Values Activity Course. This is designed to assist with delivery skills and comprehensive understanding of the Living Values Approach. This would ensure a successful outcome. Please go to: Distance Facilitator Training.

If circumstances preclude that opportunity anyone can start a community Study Group, the following materials are all you need. For casual creation of an LVE Study Group in your community, see our In-Community Study Group Guidelines booklet (download file below).


Free Downloads The materials for Living Values Education: Distance Study Groups


Living Values Education Distance Facilitator Training

The 12-week Living Values Education Distance Facilitator Training (DFT) - this is an ALIVE certificated, mentor evaluated Course rather than materials able to be accessed independently we invite you to view the full DFT Course information and schedule, please go to: Distance Facilitator Training.

ALIVE Brochure Values-based Atmosphere Distance Self-Reflection

 15min Values quiz DFT Application Form cover


Free Downloads The materials for Living Values Distance Facilitator Training


    • Living Values Education: ALIVE Brochure - Please download and read the ALIVE brochure for an overview of the organisation, its vision and aims, and how the Living Values Education Approach may be used in a wide variety of settings and ways including in schools, at home, and to support care for the environment. There are also brief introductions to our professional development courses for teachers, workshops, various online offerings, and extensive resource materials, all of which are designed to help nurture humanity's inherent goodness and made available around the world through our network of member organisations and supporting individuals.

    • Living Values Education: Values-based Atmosphere - Responses from the LVE community have allowed us to publish this beautiful 52-page book dedicated solely to LVE's approach to a Values-based Atmosphere.

      The book offers different perspectives from different teachers, trainers, practitioners and parents as they share their thoughts and experiences with LVE over the past years and respond to some of the questions above. It's a must read for everyone involved with children and also to all of us seeking to improve our own lives!

    • Living Values Education: Distance Facilitator Training (DFT) Course Overview and Schedule - A must read before proceeding with.

    • Living Values Education: 15min My Personal Values Quiz - Something you might like to try for yourself and perhaps together with family members? This simple and quick to engage 15 minute "Living Values Awareness Quiz" was requested by our friend Guma from Uganda. Guma was seeking a means to capture the attention of people in his village bringing them to see the important role values play in all our lives. The 'Wheel of Life' can show us where and how our ride is through life, whether smooth or bumpy, and most importantly, highlights where corrections can be made.

    • Living Values Education: Distance Facilitator Training Application Form - Please fill in and return to us by email, together with your completed LVE Self Reflection booklet and Personal Journal showing the values you have chosen to explore during your 12 weeks - two activities each week. We will then connect you to your national Associate or Focal Point or, if not available, you can work directly with us at ALIVE - Living Values Education Distance.

Note: If you have problems with these download materials or need assistance in any way please contact: