Living Values Education has a particular unique aspect not found in many other modalities. It is the concept that for anything to be effective an emotional component must come first before understanding connecting with the mind can be engaged.
This is what LVE define as 'A Values-based Atmosphere' (VbA).
That it is only from this environment can any long lasting change be effective. It could be considered as the place from which Cause can be addressed, not just a mind dealing with Effect.
To build a solid definition of what is a 'VbA' we have to ask ourselves some very deep questions;
- Where is it found?
- How does it work?
- What is it for?
- How we connect to it?
- How do I engage it?
- How can it change my life?
- Can it be extended?
Introducing the Living Values Education Values-based Atmosphere 52-page Book
ALIVE invited contributions from all its Associates, all Focal Points for LVE and LVE practitioners about what a Values-based Atmosphere means for them in their work as educators.
How does my personal life affect my work as a values educator? What is the relationship between a values-based atmosphere and LVE activities? What difference does a values-based atmosphere make to academic performance? How does LVE and values-based atmosphere make a difference in the home, in the classroom and in the school? How can teachers and parents learn to create a values-based atmosphere in workshops and classrooms?
Responses from the LVE community have allowed us to publish this beautiful 52-page book dedicated solely to LVE's approach to a Values-based Atmosphere. The VbA book offers different perspectives from different teachers, trainers, practitioners and parents as they share their thoughts and experiences with LVE over the past years and respond to some of the questions above. It's a must read for everyone involved with children and also to all of us seeking to improve our own lives!
Download your FREE copy of the LVE Values-based Atmosphere Book:
- Values-based Atmosphere Book (desktop & download pdf file)
- Values-based Atmosphere Book - single page version (pdf file to read on phone)
Introducing the New 2025 Living Values Education Values-based Atmosphere Online Course
At the heart of Living Values Education is the concept of building a values-based environment - Values-based Atomsphere (VbA).
The multi-facet aspects of the video based 2025 online VbA Course are now available to individual participants and group students and educators in Universities, Colleges and Schools.
LVE presents one Course every two months throughout the year.
2025 VbA Course Commence Dates:
14th February
14th April
14th June
14th August
14th October
14th December
All courses to be completed by: 28th of each month
The Course assignments can take 6-8 hours to engage, or through breaking down the fourteen, 30-minute training assignments by some of the world's leading people in Values Education, can be stretched as the teacher/school and time dictate. For individual participants, each Course duration is open for 14 days.
Click here for more information. Registration dates to be advised.
In addition to the Course, Living Values Education, also supports the Course with a wide range of Values educational materials for classroom visual presentation, and values activity development books.
For the teacher and the Uni, College or School, there is no admin or pre- and post-communication required for the Living Values Education Values-based Atmosphere Course. This is a stand-alone certificated educational programme for any headmaster teacher, trainer, or facilitator who wants to awaken the concept and ownership of values in their classroom(s).
To demonstrate the depth of this Course and the diversity of aspects it offers, we have created a special 5-minute online video that explains how to use the LVE - Values-based Atmosphere, which can be customised for YOUR University, College or School. Please enjoy this short video [click here to view].
Download this free information on the LVE Values-based Atmosphere Online Courses and pass onto family, friends and colleagues.
Download the LVE Values-based Atmosphere Online Course Brochure:
- VbA Course Brochure (pdf file, A4, 4 pages)
Download the LVE Values-based Atmosphere Online Course Flyer
The Living Values Education VbA Course is available on demand anywhere. Trial participation is invited. Click here to find out more.
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Here is how Megha in India, LVE Facilitator answered the questions about a Values-based Atmosphere:
VbA is an environment that we first create within ourselves by adapting our way of life to live by the LIVING VALUES. Once we are able to do that, we can help others create it too by setting ourselves as an example and also providing them an atmosphere of love, respect, value, understanding and safety.
It is only from this environment can any long-lasting change be effective. It could be considered as the place from which Cause can be addressed, not just a mind dealing with Effect.
- Where is it found?
It is found with us after we become aware, nurture and live by the 12 values. When we are able to sufficiently develop these values within us, we are able to inspire others to make these values their way of life too.
- How does it work?
Once we are able to find these value within ourselves, nurture these values and then by living through these values every day, we become the living example that holds the dynamics to attract to us those who would from the same place, like to share in this Living Values as a 'Way of Life'.
We have to actually become the 'Values-based Atmosphere' we are seeking to create!
- What is it for?
It is for nurturing an environment within us by making these values as our way of life and to ultimately inspiring others to do the same.
- How we connect to it?
By creating an environment based on love, respect, being valued, being understood and feeling safe around us.
- How do I engage it?
By first becoming aware of the values, understanding them, nurturing them within ourselves with the aim of making them our way of life. Some tools for creating a value-based atmosphere include: active listening; collaborative rule making; quiet signals that create silence, focus, feelings of peace or respect; conflict resolution; and values-based discipline.
- How can it change my life?
If we make these values our way of life, our life will change in every possible way. Within ourselves, we'll respect ourselves more, love ourselves more and hence believe in ourselves more. Our mind body and soul will be at peace and therefore we will become better at decision making, by leading a simple life not only we'll enhance the quality of our life but of our planet's.
And once we become the vessel of VbA, just by being ourselves, we can change others lives just like how ours changed.
- Can it be extended?
Of course. That's the whole aim. The beauty is that once we are able to create the Values-based Atmosphere within ourselves, we can extend it just by being ourselves.
Looking ino 2025 ALIVE is seeking to rekindle the LVE dream, recreate the LVE magic that attracts and engages people with a desire to be of loving service to others. It is from the deeper understanding of the truth that lies within 'VbA' that this must occur.
Our purpose is to bring us understanding, emotional and material experiences of the elusive 'VbA' dynamic that we might better engage that within ourselves and when sufficiently developed, to be felt by others when they meet with us. Is this the attraction dynamic between people? One where minds open and the heart is nurtured?
Living Values Education is not about just holding a meeting telling people about Values, it is not about workshops of engaging activities, it is certainly not about giving values awareness to 'those people over there'. It must be about first finding it within ourselves and though that becoming the living example that holds the dynamic to attract to us those who would from the same place, like to share in this Living Values as a 'Way of Life'.
Is it for each of us individually, to actually become the 'Values-based Atmosphere' we are seeking to create?