Quote of the Month

HARMONY - Being both soft and strong is a combination very few have mastered. Allow yourself to be silent and patient, waiting for truth to reveal itself. It's not…


PEACE - Keeping 'patience' in any scene is the easiest way to experience 'peace'. Your thoughts determine your mood. Thinking peaceful thoughts brings a calming feel to everything and…


LOVE - Love, peace and joy are interconnected. When we express love in the form of care, we feel contented. When we forgive, we experience peace. Consider this: The…


HONESTY - Being honest is more than not lying. It is telling the truth - truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving. It pushes you to be your true…


RESPONSIBILITY - Consider this statement: "At some point in my life, I must recognise that I am not a victim of my circumstance, that I am responsible for my circumstance…


RESPECT - Consider how respect for the self is the seed that gives growth to confidence. Respect is knowing I am unique and valuable. Respect is knowing I am lovable…


HAPPINESS - Every morning, choose to nourish yourself with a helping of HAPPINESS. It can make difficult things easy and heavy things light. Try it for this week and see…


TOLERANCE - Let's all reflect on the value of Tolerance in our life today... How patient are you with others? Do you give space to grow whilst staying supportive…
