Quote of the Month

We should focus more on our positive qualities. Whenever we use our positive traits in a conscious way, these traits will begin to appear more in our lives. A…


CALMNESS... Are you missing calmness from your life? Being calm is an incredible strength. It is a super power that allows you to remain in control. Just like silence,…


RESPONSIBILITY... A responsible person fulfills the assigned duty by staying true to the aim. Duties are carried out with integrity and a sense of purpose. As a responsible person,…


Consider this: Can you can give someone love even though they're not acting with love? Your values help you judge what is right and what is wrong, good or bad,…


UNITY - Unity inspires stronger personal commitment and greater collective achievement. Unity is sustained by concentrating energy, by accepting and appreciating the value of the array of participants and…


SIMPLICITY - Simplicity is an adventure in creativity"¦ Look at things you do that are complicated and think, "how can this be made simple?" Maybe it can't, but unless…


CLIMATE CHANGE AND VALUES - Climate Change is no longer coming, it is here now. Climate affects food production, extreme weather and temperature, the safety of homes, floods, fires and…


BE OPTIMISTIC - Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories. A good…


HUMILITY - The tendency to impress, dominate or limit the freedom of others in order to prove yourself diminishes the inner experience of worth, dignity and peace of mind. …


FREEDOM - Inner freedom is to be free from confusion and complications within the mind, intellect and heart that arise from negativity. It is experienced when I have positive…
