Getting Involved: how to become involved with Living Values Education

Are you attracted to join us in our values education and learning activities?  Would you like to help spread awareness of the importance of values in the world today, especially in an educational setting?  If so, we would welcome hearing from you!

Regardless of where we live in the world, our age, gender, religious or cultural relationships, our previous experience in teaching or practical role in life as a parent, businessperson, teacher, politician or policeman, we all have something to offer to others.

Strengthening our awareness of values and the extent to which they underpin all aspects of our daily life, and making a commitment to live by them, is one of the finest contributions we can make to ourselves and the world around us.  When we live from our heart, well-guided by our head, we can touch the hearts of others.

We encourage you to consider joining in Living Values Education activities in one of the 40 or so countries where there is an ALIVE Associate or Focal Point for Living Values Education. If you believe in the importance of values as the foundation of life and society and the special place that they should have in education and would like to take some time out for yourself, or volunteer some time or support for others, then please get in touch!

How to begin:

"The only true gift we have to give is that of ourselves as an example to others."