Impact: Success Stories and Testimonials from Educators

A message of sincere gratitude

Hi lovely team,

I had the chance to be part of one of your amazing training years ago. I have bought what this amazing experience awaked in me... and made me realise and still... as keys to keep growing all along my life. It is still vibrating in heart, with me, wherever I followed my work in the UK and France then, and wherever life will bring me now.

I share this present LVE Values-based Atmosphere resource (which is now available in Spanish), for my dear friends in Latin America, where I have been introduced to this amazing work of education and trained in Popular Education. With their amazing network in that approach, from purest heart too, I felt to express you my gratitude, to your team and work for the world. Each time I see your messages, I feel recalled to this purest and encouraged to follow up our missions, even when it can be intense sometimes, but led by love and infinite energy, to come back and follow my own tolerance on our own path.

I learnt so much from your training. Whenever I see your posts or think of this experience training, it always reminds me the lovely network we are all around the world trying and doing it, to connect us back to our purest, for a world of kindness, tolerance, indulgence, compassion, respect, love for the self and others, as being all One family. Caring for each one as part of a family. Each grandmother as a grandmother of humanity, embracing the differences as a lovely rich fact that allow complementarity, to give us hands and allow to shine the best when all together. With the respect of each ones feelings, needs and rhythms, it is so this experience opens an immense door in me.

Thank you, I really felt serenity and liberation of the being in your approach. Thank you for all the amazing lovely work you do

With sincere gratitude, Ley La

Message sent through LVE facebook page 2022

Remarkable changes - A story from England

When Mr. Neil Hawkes was a head teacher at West Kidlington Primary School in Oxford, England, he reported the following changes after implementing Living Values Education classroom activities. In this working class neighbourhood school, students learn to be responsible for their behaviour. They enjoy peaceful, respectful, cooperative relationships with their peers and teachers.

The school enables the students to think carefully about values and to reflect values in their behaviour and attitudes. School assemblies have become a powerful vehicle for teaching values, raising self-esteem, and developing enthusiasm. The school won recognition for its outstanding work in the areas of moral, social, and cultural education. Parents appreciate the changes and are involved in the values education process as relevant assignments are brought home for discussion. Mr. Hawkes notes that when an entire school focuses on values, the impact is greater and more positive on the students. Mr. Hawkes now is an international values education consultant.

More remarks from educators:

"We have implemented Living Values Education as part of our daily curriculum. The children seem to be working with a more loving, peaceful temperament; there has been a noticeable decrease in broken and damaged equipment and toys; the program enhances creativity and imagination; there is a tremendous boost in self-confidence and general cooperation amongst the children; and the children are steadily developing a capability for reasoning and a sense of caring for themselves and others. 

~ Christel Joseph, teacher, Kid-eo Pre-Primary School, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

"There has been so much improvement. My students grew in self-confidence, awareness of the world and ability to relate to each other respectfully. Instead of talking about other students, they began really talking to each other. Living Values Education made the most difference with the marginalized, antagonistic students." 

~ Susan Hustad, 3rd Grade Teacher, Long Beach, California, USA


"I enjoy doing Living Values Education with them. This subject has helped me be nearer my pupils. I am learning so much from them. The use of conflict managers during recess has greatly changed the behaviour of pupils. There has been a drastic fall in the amount of problems I had to face previously. The pupils now enjoy their recess."

~ Rajendrun Murdymootoo, Teacher, Grade 5, Andre Bazerque Government School, Mauritius


"One day, while doing conflict resolving with two five-year olds I asked them how they would solve their problems without being aggressive. After thinking for a while and discussing together they gave me the following response; 'This is a school of peace. We must solve everything by talking and loving each other.' This response was the result of Peace Theme which we have just finished implementing from Living Values' subjects." 

~ Sema Ulcay, Director of the Child Study Center of Robert College, Turkey



Stories from Middle Schools 

Difficult Grade 6 special education students change - A story from Canada

A story from China.

Mr. Peter Williams worked with somewhat older students for several months in a middle school in Beijing, China. When he asked his Chinese colleague, Ms. Ao Wen Ya, why she thought a peace visualization was successful, she said: "It helped the children to find peace by themselves. It helped the children to feel happy and relaxed. It made them really want to be happy and motivated to build a better world and be kind to each other." She additionally noted, "Sometimes the children can be naughty in class; they don't concentrate.

Now they are more engaged in their subjects because they are interested. They are motivated to learn because they are valued as people ... They are now calmer and not as naughty. The quality and standards of work are higher. They are willing to take risks to express themselves well with more confidence." Mr. Williams added, "The lessons REALLY DID something.

Their attitude is more positive, and they are better organized both individually and as a group. An observer from the Chinese Academy of Sciences commented that the motivation of the children had been greatly enhanced, and it transferred to other lessons.

More remarks from educators:

"With Living Values Education they (children) changed so quickly that you can notice which value worked well. Parents also notice the difference in schools dealing with Living Values Education Program. There is no fighting at school. Teacher-pupil relationship is good. Polite language at school. Parent-teacher relationship is good. Children miss being at school all the time for there is love, peace, freedom and unity."

~ Catherine Kanyi, Teacher, Skeats Junior School, Nairobi, Kenya

Stories from Secondary Schools

A Living Values Education Testimonial Video

Lórien Eck created a video and shared the following about implementing Living Values Education in the classroom: "I taught in the Los Angeles Unified School District for 10 years total, 5 years at both the middle school and high school levels. I implemented Living Values Education (LVE) into my classroom environment and curriculum throughout the 10 years that I taught in the public schools. We experienced immense success and amazing results with nearly no disciplinary referrals year after year from my classroom. I taught over 2,000 students and seriously, the data speaks for itself, .0002% disciplinary referrals!

I taught more than 200+ students/day on average and it was a pure pleasure teaching and learning with my students day in and day out. Living Values and the Values-Based Atmosphere served as an invaluable resource in my teaching practice. I also served as a teacher trainer and conducted Living Values Education professional development workshops for over 8 years to over 120 teachers, counselors, deans and administrators during that time.

In 2001, I was fortunate to be able to travel to a refugee camp at the Burmese-Thailand border to facilitate an educator training for 2 weeks. This experience provided me with the power of experience of seeing how powerfully transformative Living Values Education Program can be.

I highly recommend this simple, yet potent and effective values program to all educators worldwide." 

~ Lórien Eck, M.Ed., NBCT


Would you like to create a video about Living Values Education? Share your experiences and create the opportunity for students to share their inspirations, art, songs and service-learning projects. We'll post them on!

Three stories by teens in South Africa
Story One: Not Working for an Escort Agency Anymore
Story Two: From Hijacking Cars to Being a Living Values Education Peer Educator 
Story Three: From Drugs to Feeling and Acting Valued!

A testimonial from Jacqueline Stein
an educator at Alia Secondary College, Melbourne Victoria

Comments from Ms. Stein's students

They believed in themselves - A story from Zimbabwe.

In Zimbabwe, Ms. Natasha Ncube used Living Values Educational materials with her class at Prince Edward Boys High School in Harare. She felt the reflection activities helped improve discipline; the storytelling and discussions allowed her to learn individual opinions of the students; and the group work developed unity, cooperation, patience and tolerance in students.

Her comments: "Discipline has improved. I noticed the development of self-confidence in many students, appreciation, recognition of values in others, as well as in the self. The students became more open-minded, not only confident, and also fearless in expression of their own opinion." She also noted that many students began doing their work on time because they had developed more conscientiousness: "They believed in themselves." She noted some did their work before because of fear of academic detention or corporal punishment.

Ms. Natasha Ncube's remarks about the change in her own teaching was interesting. She wrote: "I became more patient and tolerant with my students. I feel our relationships have improved. There is no more urge to send them for corporal punishment to the Head. (It is still very popular in Zimbabwe.) I can solve all the problems peacefully with my boys."


More positive in every way - A story from Bolivia.

In La Paz, Bolivia, 3000 students from 3 to 18 years in age, engaged in Living Values Education values activities at the German School. Cecilia Levy noted that discriminatory behaviour in this class-conscious society have dramatically decreased, and unity has grown. She stated, "Students have become more positive in every way - in their tone of voice and manner when they interact with others".

The teachers involved have noted changes in their own attitudes, and how that affects the atmosphere in the classroom." One hundred and twenty parents took part in the Parent Values Classes. The parents felt the classes were very beneficial. An unexpected result was more understanding and cooperation between parents and teachers. 


From violent to attentive - A story from France.

In Chateauraoux, France, a high school teacher, Sarah Ferrand, was amazed at the changes in some of her students. Instead of slamming doors, two of her most violent students become very attentive students: "It was amazing. They matured and discovered that they were intelligent".

More remarks from educators:

"Our girls love doing the Living Values Activities and are enriched by them. The counselors, mentors, and teachers not only enjoyed the Living Values Education Educator Training but became more effective with the students." 

~ Nellie Caudillo Kaniski, Counselor, Santa Ana College, President of MANA of Orange County, a National Latina Organization

Women of Substance, a documentary about Living Values Education at Arundel School in Zimbabwe

February-May 2009: Women of substance (documentary about living values education at Arundel School, Zimbabwe, directed, edited and produced by our Living Values Education coordinator Natalie Ncube and presented at alive AGM on 14 May 2009)


"There are many band-aids in the market today; Living Values Education is a program of integrity and self-reflection for the whole child."

~ Cristina Casanova, Former Citywide Coordinator for Professional Staff Development, New York Board of Education, New York, USA


"Living Values Education, easily adaptable to any cultural context, is an essential and integral part of our Early Years curriculum. The user friendly program offers very practical teaching strategies that respectfully helps children to learn, to grow and to shape their characters. We have built our school community on Living Values and have been rewarded with a very happy school atmosphere, well behaved children, young minds capable of making informed choices, a purposeful work ethic, higher quality academic performance and, in our hearts, the promise of a better future."

~ Peter Williams, Principal, Kuwait American School, Kuwait


"Living Values Activities for Children Ages 8-14 is a book that has the capacity to help schools be centres of excellence. This has been the very positive effect that Living Values: An Educational Programme has had on West Kidlington School in Oxfordshire, UK. Through its influence the school has become an international model of good practice by working with Living Values to underpin the school's life and work. Values education has both raised standards and enabled pupils to develop as well balanced citizens.

~ Neil Hawkes, formerly Oxfordshire's Senior Adviser for the Development of a Values Based Approach to Teaching and Learning, Oxford, UK


"This book is an essential tool to implement values teaching. It creates positive change for children and educators. No school should be without it."

~ Penny Morris, Kindergarten Teacher, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, USA 


"The students used to anger quickly, be cruel to each other, be slow to forgive and fight frequently. Now they do not anger quickly, they are not cruel, they forgive quickly and they do not fight."

~ Paw Mu Kha, Teacher of students ages 16 to 20, Karen Refugee Camp, Thailand


"When we do the Living Values Education activities, the atmosphere in the classroom changes. The feeling of appreciation for each other grows."

~ Jim Crowell, 5th Grade Teacher, California, USA


"Children showed less aggression in class and in the playground. Children were very motivated in class and concentrated more on their work."

~ Lina Nehme, Teacher of students ages 4 to 5, Brummana High School, Lebanon


Reports, Evaluations and Research

Educator evaluations collected from teachers implementing Living Values Education in countries around the world frequently note positive changes in teacher-student relationships and in student-student relationships both inside and outside the classroom. Educators note an increase in respect, caring, cooperation, motivation, concentration, and the ability to solve peer conflicts on the part of the students. Within a matter of months, educators note that students spontaneously begin to discuss challenges in the language of values, become aware of the effects of values on the self, others and the community, and strive to live their values by making positive socially-conscious choices. Bullying and violence decline as positive social and emotional skills increase. Research also notes academic gains. Living Values Education helps educators co-create with students safe, caring, values-based atmospheres for quality learning.


Results - A Few Observations and Stories

From Kenya: Catherine Kanyi noted, "With Living Values Education the children changed so quickly you could notice which value worked well. Parents also notice the difference in schools implementing Living Values Education. There is no fighting at school. The teacher-pupil relationship is good; there is polite language at school. The parent- teacher relationship is good. Children miss being at school all the time for there is love, peace, freedom and unity."

From Malaysia: Shahida Abdul-Samad, the Focal Point for Living Values Education in Malaysia, wrote about an educator's reaction to an Living Values Education workshop she and Diane Tillman facilitated in 2002. Shahida wrote: "I remember vividly Rahimah's comments after the Living Values Education training ended. She said, "Shahida, I promise you I will try and implement what I have learnt from you and Diane and see if it works. I will do that. If I see results, I will let you know. That's my commitment to you."

Every school Rahimah Sura headed she implemented Living Values Education school wide. From inner city schools with major disciplinary problems, to rural schools with drug addiction problems, to the best boarding schools with teachers challenging her positive teaching strategies, she was able in every instance to turnaround each and every school to become the best schools in Malaysia attaining national awards. Children who were drug abusers became actively involved in drama and dance and won competitions locally and nationwide. Teenagers who used to destroy toilets and common facilities changed over a new leaf and took responsibility for the cleanliness of their toilets. They took pride in what they did. Destruction and vandalism dwindled down to zero.

Today these schools are the Exemplary schools. They are rated highest amongst school rankings. From being in the worst band, they moved to the highest band, i.e., from D to A. Not only did this positive environment impact the school and its inhabitants, the positive energy overflowed to their homes and communities, bringing parents, community leaders together - all lending their support to further Rahimah's effort in the 'magic' she created. It wasn't easy for her in the beginning. As usual there was resistance to change. She persisted in the belief that this was the way forward - to bring about change using Living Values Education's Theoretical Model as her compass.

The use of canes was thrown out; students were given the freedom to move from classroom to classroom without being monitored; teachers who refused to follow the Living Values Education approach were counselled and encouraged to use the techniques and activities from the Living Values Education activity books.

With Rahimah's skill set and experience in implementing Living Values Education through PBB, values activities and setting clear guidelines that everyone adhered to, the teachers' hearts and minds began to change. Rahimah once again proved that Living Values Education wasn't just magic or something that happened by chance, it was actually a systematic and well-designed program that brings out the best that is in all of us - our innate values. Rahimah went on to be honoured and recognized by the Ministry of Education and was awarded the highest award a civil servant can achieve due to her untiring efforts to bring about positive change through Living Values Education."

From Egypt: A teacher in El-Menia explained that one day she had to leave her class of primary level children unattended for some time. As she was walking back to the class she expected to hear a lot of noise, but to her surprise there was no sound coming from the class. When she reached the class, she found that one of the students was standing and conducting an Living Values Education guided relaxation/ focusing exercise for the rest of the class while all the other students were quiet and calm and enjoying the experience!

Another teacher reported that a girl in her class who used to have the highest record of absences in previous years, recorded the highest rate of attendance after using Living Values Education activities with the children. Another student who was on the verge of leaving the school due to his poor educational performance, became attentive in class and scored better academic results after implementing the Living Values Education program.

From Canada: Lisa Jenkins, a grade 6 teacher from Canada wrote. "I went to my first Living Values Education workshop a few days before the most challenging school year I have ever faced, began. I knew the history of the class I was to have. There were eight students who were very challenging. The behaviour of this group had been a concern since grade one. They were routinely in the hall, or office, and many of the class members had been suspended on a regular basis. The many and varied discipline initiatives were done to them and had become a meaningless joke to the students. The other children in the school were unsafe and staff, parents and the members of the community were frustrated.

Every day, I see evidence all around our school and community that the anti-bullying programs are not effective. The kids realize it is the next bandwagon and go through the motions but don't put it into practice. After the workshop I felt hope. I began the year with the unit on respect and it took us almost five months to explore it fully. The changes were dramatic but came slowly. The language the children used to speak to each other was the biggest change I witnessed. Instead of 'put downs', foul language and words of hate, they progressed to passionate debate. "I'm not attacking you, but I don't agree with you..." became regular conversation. The discussions we had were awe- inspiring. By naming violence, exclusion, etc. and talking about these kinds of behaviours in reference to respecting self and others, I think we are having more success with students.

Walking the Talk: They see us living what we speak and seeing that peace can be attained, and that there are alternatives to aggressive behaviour. When we treat children with respect, listen to them and ensure they have a loving and safe environment and actively name these things they may not be familiar with, we have more chance of reaching them and seeing them explore their own values and asking the difficult questions of themselves and others.

A lot of time was spent on discussing how our playground/school/ community was unsafe. Eventually the realization hit that many of them were the cause of this. They began to explore their behaviour choices in a whole new light and they initiated a peer helper program that spring. Our administration team noticed a significant drop in the number of visits these children were making to the office. There was only one suspension all year. Other staff members commented that 'something big' had changed the atmosphere of the school. The hallways, bathrooms, playground, bus stops and community hangouts were not seeing the violence and aggression they once had. These were the gauges I used to measure success.

The journey was a long one but well worth the effort. Every child had increased self-worth and self-respect when the year ended. They were not perfect. They were more aware of how they affected the world around them and wanted that to be more positive than it had been. I wish that we could have stayed together another year. The Living Values Education workshop I attended changed my attitude toward how the year was going to go and the Living Values Education activities we did together changed all of us for the better.

The personal changes are major for me. They are a huge part of why I continue using the program. I know the difference it has made in my own life and the lives of my family. I am much more peaceful, and calm. I use the language of values and talk about them in daily life with my children and students. Through working with the Living Values Education program I am more in tune with my own weaknesses and am practicing simplicity to balance things."


Evaluations and Research Results

From Paraguay: Educators rated 3243 students from 4- to 22-years of age who were engaged in Living Values Education. Despite being from many different schools with a variance in adherence to the Living Values Education Model, the educators found that 86% of the students improved in the conflict resolution skills and the ability to concentrate, 87% improved in responsibility, 89% improved in respect shown to peers and honesty, 92% improved in their ability to relate socially in a positive way, 94% showed an improvement in motivation and more interest in school, 95% showed more respect for adults, and 100% had more self-confidence and cooperated more with others.

From Vietnam: Axis Research Company conducted an evaluation on the effects of implementing Living Values Education on teachers and students three months and one year after an Living Values Education training. The summary showed:

  • 100% students have more self-confidence, respect toward teachers/ adults, honesty, interest in school, and a safe feeling physically/emotionally.

  • Considerable improvement in respect toward peers, ability to resolve conflict, ability to cooperate, responsibility, ability to concentrate in class, and ability to share/give opinion. Students are more united and care for each other.

  • 90% of teachers see positive improvement in themselves, from better to much better. They can control emotions, feel more peaceful, lighter, and happier.

From Kuwait: Results from a school that has implemented Living Values Education for 18 years: Peter Williams, the Head Teacher of Kuwait American School (KAS) and a former President of the Association of Living Values Education International submitted the following report.

"The K-12 Kuwait American School was founded on the Living Values Education Program in 1999 with the fundamental aim of helping to heal the trauma in the hearts and minds of children after the Gulf War. After 18 continuous years of implementing Living Values Education, the school's vision and mission to 'Build Minds, Characters and Futures' within an international context of 'Learning without Borders' has gone from strength to strength.

In addition to delivering a fully accredited and rigorous academic curriculum, the Living Values Education Program with its vision, creativity, clarity, guidance and practicalities has enabled the school to identify and nurture three key principles.

  1. The Loving Presence of the Educator in a Values-Based Atmosphere who models and lives their values with Kindness.

  2. The Importance of Enabling a Community of Trust and a Family of Learners especially with parents in the promotion of well-being, care and high quality education for their children.

  3. The nurturing and education of the Healing Strength of Living Values Education for all through the education of the heart.

As the years progressed and as the school went deeper into the benefits of Living Values Education, we all began to wonder if Living Values could truly deliver what it set out to achieve. According to our Family of Learners, the answer was "Yes".

Some of the evidence indicating the benefits of Living Values Education include:

  • The school has grown to be a family - a community of learners.

  • There is a strong feeling of welcome, joy and acceptance.

  • There is a powerful and peaceful values-based learning atmosphere.

  • The students express their values using their own moral compass

  • The students became ambassadors of how to live their values.

  • There are virtually no referrals for any form of physical violence.

  • Peace Time and Mindfulness are widely practiced.

  • The academic standards are higher.

  • Living Values Education lessons are supported by unique Etiquette, Public Speaking and Life Skills programs that are "taught" each week.

  • The school's student and teacher assemblies provide an essential focus for the Living Value of the Month.

  • Values-based learning is incorporated into the Middle and High School years.

  • For everyone, the school is a happy and hard-working place to be.

Living Values Education has helped the school to grow to a population of 600+ representing 33 nationalities who speak with one language - the language of values.

A recent visitor from the Ministry of Youth commented: Why are these students so happy and learning so well? We responded: "It's a Living Values School."

The school is very grateful to the Living Values Education program for its vision, clarity, guidance and practicalities. It's a great invitational model to explore, experience and express. Living Values Education invites in learning without borders and learning from the heart."

From Brazil: Hundreds of organizations in Brazil have implemented Living Values Education over a 14-year period. Paulo Sérgio Barros, one of the leaders of the ALIVE Associate in Brazil, shares some of the results in the article Atmosfera de Valores: O Princípio do Programa Vivendo Valores na Educação (Values Atmosphere: The Principle of Living Values Education). A few excerpts from his article follow; further excerpts are on the Research page of the Living Values Education international website. The full article in Portuguese is available on the Brazil Country Report page, as are other research articles.

"The educational institutions that have effectively inserted Living Values Education methodology into their classes have been surprised at the positive effect on the personal and academic life of students. There are many successful experiences in schools developed from the partnership with Living Values Education recorded in surveys and reports, in reports submitted to the coordinators of the program, or in educator reports during our Living Values Education events in various parts of the country.

After activities with values at the Center for International Education (CEICOC) in Sao Luis, students/boosted their solidarity, cooperation, respect and love and started volunteer activities in the school's project of Action and Social Responsibility. They organized exhibitions on values, produced peace manifestos, etc., and became involved with other activities such as values classes, round-tables on ethics, collective meditation and art events. Motivated by these activities and by the much more humane awareness of their children, many parents were attracted to the school and stressed the importance of an education based on values for the formation of children and youth.

The PH3 Educational Parnamirim Center in RN inserted into its pedagogical program for employees, teachers, students and the community in general the implementation of Living Values Education activities, training courses and seminars. The constant and effective practice of values in the school environment, the subject of academic research (ALVES, 2005; HENRY & ALVES, 2008), has provided clear changes in the ethos of PH3. Deeper experiences and higher level sharing of values has enabled a dynamic school atmosphere that is more positive and involves everyone who participates in the school. In addition there has been an increase in concentration, interest, and consequently the students' academic performance and more involvement of parents, etc.

Also noteworthy are the examples of Maria José Medeiros and John Germano schools, both in Fortaleza. The latter is a good example of holistic education that met in Living Values Education a partner to strengthen current projects, inspire others, and systematize the school's educational policy on values that relied on: teacher training, the implementation of Living Values Education activities in the classroom, daily collective moments to strengthen the atmosphere, mediation of everyday conflicts between children, ethos meetings to keep the link alive between the teachers, and the school and community, and various projects within the school and community. Among these projects are: a Values Fair, a human values bank, a loving school honesty bar and a child disarmament campaign. This group of experiments and the support of Living Values Education have proven effective in the development of values for students, and vital for maintaining the direction of the educational policy of the Institution, established in a region with high social exclusion and marked by great violence.

At the School Maria José Medeiros, a group of educators has been devoted to the implementation of Living Values Education activities with some classes. Pereira (2006) and Barros (2008) reported the positive effect of activities on behavioural change for many students. They noted progress in students' cognitive skills. They developed a better aesthetic sense in their assignments when they were able to express their ideas and feelings, their creativity in individual and collective activities their skills in intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships, and interest in issues like human rights and sustainability associated with collective projects at school. The authors concluded that students care about their values and develop them when they have opportunities. Their way of living, their experiences, their individual transformation, their work/products and the student evaluations at the end of academic year, led us to infer that students have developed many skills such as: deeper concentration, greater self-esteem, more harmonious living, an understanding and practice of greater peace, tolerance and respect, and knowing how to contribute to a better world.

A researcher from the Department of Foundations of Education, Federal University of Ceará, Dr. Kelma Matos, in a recent publication (MATOS, BIRTH, JR NONATO, 2008) recorded some experiments and inferences about the Living Values Education proposal in some schools in Fortaleza, citing it as: "a new way to tune the school into a more welcoming and humanizing environment, where the aspect of emotion is the mediator in knowledge construction and the building of human relationships (BIRTH & Matos, 2008, p. 75), and as a way to recover the meaning of life," which is "the challenge for any education in values, and the act of driving students to regain their confidence and hope and sense of sacredness of life" (Mendoca, 2008, p.199). Scholars of educational practices weave the web of "peace culture" in schools, and a significant number of the articles that make up the book, point out that Living Values Education is an effective program for the process of both individual and social transformation."

"The experiments reported here illustrate a little of what has happened in hundreds of institutions where Living Values Education is, or has been implemented in its 14 years in Brazil." The program is a live and effective magic for those who have worked with it.

Living Values Education weaves a network of a 'culture of peace' for those who believe that sowing these seeds in education is essential if we are to harvest the changes that will create a better world. Living Values Education has inspired schools and educators to continue to open doors and hearts of students with a humanizing education which focuses on an atmosphere of peace, cooperation, understanding, dialogue and sharing. It is an invitation to the macro-structure of the education system to continue revising the curricula for the training of our children and youth; it is not focused exclusively on the rational, the "analytical thinking", but is in balance with emotion, intuition, spirituality - with all dimensions of our limitless human capacity."

Results in a Refugee Camp and with Street Children

There are also wonderful stories from educators in special circumstances. In Thailand, one year after implementing Living Values Education in a Karen Tribe refugee camp, nine out of 24 refugee-camp teachers working with children and youth, reported 100- percent improvement in violent behavior; the others cited an 80-percent reduction in aggressiveness. Within two years of initiating the program, the high frequency fights between young people from different sections of the camp had completely ceased. In its place was spontaneous play, creative play, caring, happiness and cooperation.

The Living Values Education program for street children is bringing in very positive reports. In Brazil, incarcerated youth that had been so violent that they were housed separately were able to return to the regular setting after three months of the Living Values Activities for Street Children materials. They were much more peaceful and compliant with authority. Other street children who were attending a government educational facility were able to obtain a regular job; others were able to learn to care for their children in a nurturing way.

In Vietnam, educators reported considerable decreases in aggression and at- risk behaviors. They noted about the young people: "Now they are confident and friendly with adults and their peers. There is almost no conflict in the classes and they now do not get into trouble after school either. The students have also developed many skits on how to keep safe from dangerous adults and really enjoy performing them. Now when they are on the streets and see children that are new to the streets they give support and advice to the new children and invite them to meet their teacher and join their classes."

Results with Living Value Education's Drug Rehabilitation Program

Living Values Activities for Drug Rehabilitation are used in many government drug rehab centers in Vietnam. The Ministry of Labour reported in March of 2008 that Living Values Education's program for drug rehabilitation was the most successful program in government drug rehabilitation clinics. They had been using it for three years.

A story from Vietnam: "Visitors to Binh Minh Village Drug Rehab Center in HCMC are amazed to see patients reading in a relaxed manner and walking around with smiles on their faces. They feel the secret lies in the Living Values Education program which has been applied at PLV since 2006. This year (written in 2015) Binh Minh Village's English name is Peace and Light Village, or as they also call it, People and Living Values (PLV).

PLV is a private rehab center established in May 15, 2002. Using education as the key approach, the management here considers 80% of the success of the treatment process to be due to 'mental therapy'. Based on the results achieved since its inception, PLV now applies two education programs simultaneously to change the behaviour of drug addicts: the 12-step program and the Living Values Education's program for drug rehabilitation. They have observed that these two programs together produce the best rehabilitation effect for even long-time drug users, especially during the two final stages of the rehab process: building a new life style, new behaviours, and helping peers. The Living Values Education program has very practical skills which can be applied in reality.

The founders of PLV had attended Living Values Education workshops conducted by Trish Summerfield since 2000. At that time, they found Living Values Education a simple but scientific, highly educative method, which could fit quite well with Vietnamese culture, especially for drug addicts. Living Values Activities for Drug Rehabilitation was created in 2005. They began implementing it in 2006. By the end of 2008, the positive results had won their hearts and infused them with inspiration. They then assigned a board member to focus on Living Values Education to become PLV's trainer of Living Values Education."

For More Research Results and Success Stories

For research studies on Living Values Education, and more success stories, kindly refer to those pages on this Living Values Education international website: