Guinea Country Report - Africa

Representative to ALIVE: Abdel Yombouno
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December 2020

Like associate partners and ALIVE focal points in other countries in the world, Guinea, through the NGO "Club Avenir des Enfants de Guinée, CAVEG" (Club for the future of the children of Guinea): as an associate, Living Values "‹"‹Guinea wants to carry out at least two or three concrete activities each year, setting as its main objective the promotion of the 12 Living Values - "‹"‹through educational, cultural and sports activities for students and teachers, children in difficult circumstances, adults, and other vulnerable groups.

Guinea today is a country where the greatest concern of the populations is the search for daily food, which often makes it difficult to organise events because of the unreliability of available resources needed to fully play its role as an ALIVE partner.

In spite of this situation, the official national launch of the Living Values "‹"‹Guinea programme in October 2017 at the Blue Zone of Kaloum in Conakry elicited a very positive and enthusiastic reaction towards living values from teachers who would like to participate, the public and private press, and the general public, enthusiasm.

On the wave of this enthusiastic response, the Living Values "‹"‹Guinea team met in March 2018 at the Guinean National Literacy Directorate in Conakry, to develop a schedule of activities to be carried out.

Unfortunately, the 2018-2019 school year was disrupted by an eight-month strike by the teachers' union demanding a rise in salaries. Then, in 2019, Guinea experienced a local election and a referendum characterized by violent clashes, arrests, killings, all this has happening due to a change of officials at the level of the school partners with whom we work and due to reforms, which have caused enormous obstacles to all activities.

According to our planned schedule, a meeting of the LVE team was to be held in April 2019, outside the capital, Conakry, 450 km away, in the prefecture of Pita, and we were to reach out to four primary schools. However, already in March 2019 political campaigns were starting to take place in the country, and since most of the team members are civil society actors, involved in politics, there was no meeting.

It was in March 2020 that all activities in the country were stopped by the COVID19 pandemic - and even today lockdown has not completely ended and the state of emergency still remains.

As part of the response against COVID-19, the Guinean government, through its National Health Security Agency, benefited from several technical and material supports from a number of civil society organizations and partners in the field.

In this context, the Living Values "‹"‹Guinea team, made up of members of national civil society organizations and the press, met on May 20, 2020 at the headquarters of CAVEG in Conakry, with the aim of to be able to implement an activity. Aware that women and children are the most vulnerable groups in crises, and because of violence against women, the team set up the 'Club des Filles et Femmes Living Values' Guinea, (Living Values Guinea Club for Girls and Women') which aims to sensitize populations on the importance of living values "‹"‹before, during and after crises. Because of the post-election violence of 2019-2020, the Club could not function.

Please note that Living Values "‹"‹Guinea is more determined to relaunch itself in 2021 through a new strategy which consists of involving more people and the use of social networks, with innovative reforms, hand in hand with Living Values "‹"‹Africa, while drawing inspiration from the recent speech by the President of ALIVE to all ALIVE associates, focal points and members around the world, concerning his wish for the year 2021, that we salute  with great hope and courage, to be able to meet the challenge that ALIVE sets for itself.

To conclude, we must recognize that the years 2019-2020 have not offered stability and peace to the population, nor to the members of our team. Nevertheless, we remain very motivated and determined to continue promoting the living values of LVE, and we will seek the technical, material and financial support that will allow Living Values Guinea to stand out and occupy a significant place on the national and international level.

Thank you. My sincerest regards.
Yombouno Abdel Tiekoura, Member of Living Values Guinée
President, NGO CAVEG / Associate of ALIVE - Conakry. Guinea, 1 December 2020



An Official Launch of LVE and an Action Plan

Representative of the Minister of Pre-University and Literacy Education respectively. Three activities characterized the day: 1)The presentation of the LVE approach which provoked debate and participation of participants; 2) Signature of a collaboration agreement between CAVEG and the Community Life Association (AVICOM) based in Dubréka in the framework of the implementation of the activities of the Living Values "‹"‹Guinea Program in the Region of Lower Guinea; and 3) Establishment of an expanded Living Values "‹"‹Guinea steering committee, to define the orientations and follow-up of the activities of the living values "‹"‹program Guinea, to ensure transparency.

Yombouno Abdel Tiekoura, the President of CAVEG, sent a report with a proposal for a three-year action plan. Should you be interested in materially contributing to making values education available at schools, for children, educators and parents in Guinea Conakry, please let Mr. Yombouno know. Below, you will find further information contained within his report.

Context and Justification

In today's Africa, struck by crime, armed conflict, common diseases, Ebola, AIDS, and poverty, education for values "‹"‹will become one of the most powerful weapons to help people regain their pride, dignity and the art of living together again.

In Guinea, the need for values-based education is felt at a time when more and more children, teachers and parents are seeing the rise of incivility and violence. Without being necessarily prepared, teachers are confronted, in the exercise of their functions, with the consequences of a certain disintegration of the family or social unit.

Human values "‹"‹such as tolerance, respect, freedom, honesty, peace, love, humility, cooperation, simplicity, freedom, unity and happiness constitute, in their expression the most universal, the foundation of social peace and progress.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, values "‹"‹can be a source of hope by offering children and adults new perspectives, both personal and social.

It is in this situation that the Living Values "‹"‹Educational (LVE) Program, in partnership with the Education Department, will put a Teaching / Learning process at the disposal of teachers.

In order to enable the actors to appropriate values "‹"‹and integrate them into teaching / learning practices in Guinea, it is essential to equip teachers with methods enabling them to apply practices in line with these values. It is in this logic that this first workshop must be held so that we can lay the foundations for a process of learning and exercising the values "‹"‹promoted by LVE.

To promote the integration of the values "‹"‹promoted by Living Values "‹"‹Education into the teaching and learning system of the Educational System of Guinea for Quality Education.

A strategic action plan, resulting from the meeting of the steering committee and CAVEG held in Conakry from 2 to 4 December 2016, has been finalized and validated by both parties. Each activity is subordinated to the development of a reference term for budgeting.


  1. Integrate the teaching of values "‹"‹in the Guinean school system;
  2. Establish a system of in-service training of teacher educators Living Values;
  3. Edit manuals and teaching materials for Living Values "‹"‹for the Guinean school system.

Specifically, they would like to proceed with:

  1. Education Awareness Campaign for the LVE Approach in four regions;
  2. Training of trainers on the approach to LVE;
  3. World Education Campaign;
  4. Equipment in tools, materials and teaching aids for the popularization of the LVE approach in four regions;
  5. Choice and identification of experimental LVE Schools;
  6. Strengthening the institutional and organizational capacities of the associated NGOs and the local steering committee with the LVE A"‹approach;
  7. Teacher training for LVE and teaching values;
  8. Local training of educators and parents in the Living Values "‹"‹Approach Education;
  9. Finalization of reading books on Values, Primary in Guinea CAVEG Conakry;
  10. Monitoring and evaluation of the activities carried out by CAVEG ALIVE Conakry in the regions.


Rapport Du Lancement Officiel Du Programme Living Values Education Internatioanale.

Please download - Rapport Du Lancement Officiel Du Programme Living Values Education Internatioanale - docx Format

Two Steps Forward

Club Avenir des Enfants de Guinee has an ambitious proposal to establish and/or support ongoing community schools throughout Guinea, where LVE would be integrated in the teacher training and curriculum. As Abdel Yombouno, the President of this ALIVE Associate, noted, "The country's instability, lack of political will, financial and logistical resources and reliable communication are challenges. He and the LVE team are proceeding with workshops for colleagues, and strategies to involve partners. They wish to begin by creating a local school for early learning in Forécariah, 100 km from the capital. They have submitted LVE manuals to National Education which are adapting to the Guinean realities. These have been approved by National Education. Abdel and his colleagues are very committed to positively affecting young people and adults.


Exhibition of 12 Values

The ALIVE Associate in Guinea Conakry organized an exhibition of 12 values for the new members of the NGO in March 2013. The photos were taken in the offices of the NGO, CAVEG in Conakry. Regarding activities, we are exploring funding with hopes of training teachers in the LVE methodology soon.


Rapport d'activité

Suite à la lette/ N° 0697/MEPU-EC/ CAB du 03 juillet 2013 , relative à l'accord de partenariat signé entre l'ONG « club avenir des enfants de guinée » CAVEG point focal de Living Values Education et le Ministère de l'Enseignement Pré Universitaire et de l'Education civique deux responsable de l'ONG ont été reçu le lundi 08 juillet 2013 PAR Madame la Directrice Nationale de l'Education Civique pour une prise de contact au sujet du programme living values (valeur pour vivre)

A cette rencontre, il a été question de se concerter avec les cadres du DNEC pour identifier ensemble les domaines de nos compétences respectives, c'est ainsi qu'immédiatement, madame la directrice à mis à la disposition de l'ONG les cadres de sont service pour des travaux techniques préalables a faire. L'équipe constituée pour la circonstance a jugée nécessaire de faire un calendrier de travail autours des sujets sur lesquels les deux parties doivent discutée.

Le Mardi 09/ 07/ 2013 les travaux ont débuté par une présentation générale de living values Education Internationale et la présentation Afrique francophone living values en power point par le président de l'ONG CAVEG point focal de living values en guinée, pour faciliter la compréhension aux autres membres de l'équipe.

  • Après les deux présentions des questions de précisions ont été posées à savoir :
  • Y a-t-il une relation entre living values Guinée et les autres pays ?
  • Quelle approche ou stratégie pour explorer les différentes valeurs aux apprenants ?
  • Quelles sont les activités déjà menées par living values Guinée ?
  • Comment le comité technique de coordination LV Guinée sera composé ?
  • Comment trouver les ressources financières pour la mise en Å“uvre des activités ?

Dans les débats, toutes ces questions ont trouver des réponses satisfaisantes, dans la mesure où les objectifs du programme living values sont en adéquation avec ceux de la Direction Nationale de l'Education Civique, la compréhension a été facile car pour les cadres du département, l'Education aux valeurs n'est pas nouveaux dans l'enseignement apprentissage en Guinée, Il est néanmoins très pertinent pour l'équipe de rechercher de nouvelles approches et stratégies novatrices pour l'Education aux valeurs dans notre système éducatif guinéen.

En commun accord, les prochains travaux vont consister à :

  • L'élaboration du document de convention de partenariat
  • L'élaboration d'un plan d'action,
  • Le plan de mobilisation des ressources et
  • La mise en place d'un comité technique de coordination LV Guinée.

Pour la clôture des travaux de la journée, les deux parties se sont remerciés et félicités pour la qualité des travaux.

Etaient présents à la rencontre:

N Prénoms et Noms Fonction
1 Ibrahima Sory Diallo Chef de Division Programme et formation
2 Sekou Oumar N'diaye Chef de Division promotion suivi et évaluation
3 Mamadou Camara Chef de section Appui aux ONG et Associations
4 Alassane Damba Chef de Section Education à la citoyenneté
5 Bachir Keita Chargé d'Etude
7 Abdel Tiékoura Yombouno Président du CAVEG
8 Issiaga Camara Responssable financier du CAVEG

Conakry le 09/07/2013
Le rapporteur
Yombouno Abdel Tiékoura

The ALIVE Associate in Guinea Conakry, Club Avenir des Enfants de Guinee (CAVEG), has finalized a three-year convention/agreement of collaboration/partnership with the Ministry of Education to train educators and implement Living Values Education. The Ministry will offer considerable support for CAVEG's activities in the field of education. Abdel Yombouno, the President of CAVEG, which translates roughly into "Club for the Future of the Children of Guinee", is pictured with some of his LVE colleagues in these photographs. We look forward to hearing about the implementation!

Should you wish more information, please contact Mr. Yombouno, click here to email

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