
Distance Facilitator Training - Level 1 - Self-Reflection

Level One: Living Values Self-Reflection

Option 1: This 12-week personal evaluation provides an interactive opportunity to explore and discover the truth about ourselves relative to our relationship with Values, to help us develop a better awareness of the impact of Values in our life. Our purpose is to consciously experience living in the dynamic of a specific value for a week, getting to know ourselves relative to that value.

Option 2: The Distance Facilitation Training programme runs for 12 consecutive weeks with four to seven simple questions each week to enable us to engage with each value's dynamic. For simplicity, we base the questions on the original 12 key values - Peace, Love, Respect, Tolerance, Responsibility, Honesty, Humility, Happiness, Cooperation, Simplicity and Caring for the Earth and Her Oceans, Freedom, and Unity. Please use Self Reflection Booklet
