Venezuela Country Report - Latin America

Focal Point for Living Values Education: Estela Gavidia
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2024 January - March

Stories with Values

Once or twice a week and on special days, pre-school teachers at the Tulipán Educational Unit in San Diego, Venezuela, lovingly share with their students, stories from the book Living Values Activities for Children Ages 3 to 7, as an activity at the beginning of their class.

The school’s Academic Coordinator tells us about their experience: "The Living Values books have been very helpful and a valuable teaching resource for teaching values to children and their families."

Coffee with Value March 24

Since July 2022 Estela Gavidia, Living Values’s Focal Point in Venezuela, has been holding a workshop called "Coffee with Value." This is an activity that takes place on the third Thursday of each month, as part of the monthly activities of Casa de la Cultura "Aldemaro Romero" located in the municipality of San Diego, state of Carabobo, Venezuela, with an average of 25 participants per workshop, mostly women.

An activity dedicated to exploring, together with the attendees a specific Value and then enjoying a coffee, talking in a relaxed way about how we can give life to that Value in our everyday life.

At the end of the activity, drawings are made, and a list of ACTIONS as well, which they will begin to carry out within their family and as active members of their community.

Coffee with Value March 24

LVE together with the Department of Education and Culture and Tourism, celebrated International Woman’s Day on 8th March, by commemorating women with their "Coffee with Value,” day - a space to exalt women's work and personal growth.

"We are remembered for our values... Not because of our roles."




2023 June - September

In June 2023 Teachers gathered parents and their children for a Father’s Day celebration. “Expressing the values of Love and Joy with their fathers.”

Preschool students

By Preschool Ages 3-5 from Unidad Educativa Tulipán - Municipio San Diego - Venezuela


Marianne Mejia, one of our Certified DFT Trainer, is also a 6th grade teacher at the public school Complejo Educativo Monseñor Luis Eduardo Henriquez.

She shares, "Having had the opportunity to train in the LVE program allowed me to acquire tools to strengthen my pedagogical practice. In September, at the start of the 2023-2024 school year, I designed a learning project which I titled "I Create an Atmosphere of Values," which aimed to strengthen students' skills to create values-based atmospheres, using a strategy called a 'values chart.' The students were inspired and motivated to be able to publish each value learned with this activity."

Some of the students commented, "We can create an atmosphere of values by creating ideal environments for our development, where emotions are generated, and a feeling of trust for our well-being."

"All the values together produce harmony for a healthy coexistence." "Values inspire me to have self-love," "How important it is to feel respected."

Year 6 studentsBy Year 6 Students - Venezuela



A very special project of Senior Highschool students, their mentor teacher, in conjunction with the Mayor's Office of La Azulita, Merida State, Venezuela.

In the Bolivar Square of the town, Living Values together with the Mayor's Office, published on fixed posters, the values that made stand out some very special people’s personalities and their part in the town’s history.

Here are 3 examples:

  • INNOVATION and DEDICATION that has contributed to the progress of our town. ~ Leonida Urdaneta
  • His most beautiful music inspiration came from his COURAGE and PERSEVERANCE. ~ Emiliano Contreras

Senior studentsBy Senior Highschool Students - Venezuela




LVE Everyone, Everywhere

Living Values Education is for everyone, everywhere; there are no exceptions. Discovering the relationship with our values can become a life-changing experience.To rekindle the activities of LVE in Latin America, Belen connected different people from various countries in the region and started the journey with their values through the DFT course. 20 people from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, and Venezuela joined the adventure. Of which 18 have completed the 12-week First Level.


Here are some experiences so far:

This has been very enriching, and I feel that they are qualities that I have discovered in me; and that this potential Living Values facilitates the spiritual endeavor that I committed myself to 12 years ago and to move forward in spiritual service to give others peace and happiness. ~ Irene Artavia, Costa Rica

The experience I have I lived throughout these weeks in the practice of values. The truth is that it has been a process of a lot of reflection, of profound observation of myself, my roles, and my essence. Rediscovering myself is the most rewarding thing I have experienced, also facing my limitations, and seeing opportunities for improvement applicable in my day-to-day life. I consider that the benefit has been for me, my family, and those around me, who can verify that I continue this path of training and awakening of consciousness, in order to make this world (starting with my environment) a better place.  ~ Edwin Balam, Mexico

I feel very fortunate to have been able to participate in this personal journey of Living Values. Being able to live each value for a week, I was able to reaffirm within myself this nature of being. Just this week there were situations where values had to be applied. But above all, their coherence and complement of them have allowed me to flow naturally and with understanding. I saw it when I was redacting a poem and with ease, I wrote. Although I have not applied the group exercises yet, I know that at other times I have participated, and they have helped me to relive pleasant experiences. The time invested was justified in a disciplined manner and I have the satisfaction of having valued this special gift and having your support and warmth with great appreciation. ~ Maria Consuelo Quintero, Colombia

It has really been a new experience from the human point of view.... In all the workshops of personal growth, self-evaluation, and personal development that I have taken... This has been the best because it has made me more aware of who I am, and I am able to see others with more humility, as well as to how to see this human experience in a much simpler and easier way! Observing and enjoying EVERYTHING around me... I also learned that Love is the most powerful feeling and transforms humanity.... Because our source is love.... And if we are ALL well integrating each value into our lives we will make a Better World. A thousand thanks for such a beautiful contribution! Congratulations! ~ Francelina Fuentes, Venezuela

My experience has been that no matter how much you think you know, you will never stop learning and unlearning, each value exercise I chose gave me the opportunity to go deep withinmyself, how I saw or understood the value, one thing is to understand theoretically, but very different, when you confront what you think, say and act. Values are coherent, because you do not learn with only theory, which helps you understand, but the experience leads you to do and that generates a change of attitude, a change of thinking and acting. ~ Luz Marina, Colombia

Values as guidelines or norms of life have always been present in my life. They were like threads to follow or threads that held me: "Respect the elders", "Love your neighbor", "You must forgive". Concepts that were simply there regardless of whether they were understood, learned rules such as good morning or saying thank you. How all words, of course, have their energetic imprint, in addition to the force that is personally applied at the moment you use it. Now I can say that this whole learning process with Living Values drew a heavy curtain and let me see in depth. I now understand that when you experience Values as a way of life from the depths of your being, a door to consciousness opens and you become one with the universal force. There are no conflicts of concepts or correct or incorrect forms, because in you, there are no conflicts, you have understood that you only radiate what is in your being, what you have chosen to be: love, kindness, respect, peace, gratitude, honesty... Thank you for such a wonderful journey to this new being that I now recognize. With all my love. ~ Gloria Tovar, Venezuela

We will be having a Zoom meeting on July 1st 2023 to discuss the next steps, Level 2 to Become Certified as Facilitators of Values for Living Education in their country.




Con éxito, en un ambiente de celebración y agradecimiento se finalizaron las clases para las educadoras de la Escuela Los Tulipanes, realizando un resumen de la experiencia vivida.

Algunos de los comentarios de las Educadora

"Logramos obtener conciencia que al vivir los valores permitimos que la comunidad escolar exprese en libertad su creatividad." Heclysmar Hernandez

"Los valores nos permiten encontrar la belleza en lo simple y así alcanzar lo extraordinario."
Dalicia M. Torres

"La honestidad nos da auto-respeto, aceptar la diversidad y ser mas efectivo en nuestro trabajo con los niños y sus padres."
Andrea Rojas


Se entrego el libro #1 Valores para Vivir Educación Actividades para niños de 3 años a 7 a la Directora Lcda. Angery Yuzti y la Coordinadora Ingrid Gómez de la escuela.

Continuación del Plan de Trabajo

En los próximos días habrán reuniones con los padres y representante para tomar las clases del Programa VpV.

En el próximo mes de Junio 2022 se comenzara con la segunda escuela Complejo Educativo Monseñor Luis Eduardo Henríquez


Introducing the new representative for Venezuela

by Belén Maggiolo R. (past LVE Focal Point for Venzuela)

"I have recently recommended Estela Gavidia to become the Living Values Education Focal Point in Venezuela. I have known Estela for the past 18 years, she has always struck me as a person that has high regard for values, showing in her character integrity, responsibility, love, and caring for people and people's wellbeing. She has always been concerned about helping people reach their highest potential, and she does so by helping them through her work as a professional Life Coach. She has a very big heart and a calm and soothing attitude. For this and much more, I think she is the right person to be LVE's Focal Point for Venezuela."

Estela shares...

"When I was very young I dreamed of a 'Better World'. Time went by and in 1999 I went to live in New York; there I came to know about Living Values, a Guide by the Brahma Kumaris. Together with them, I learned to live my values and to value spirituality. Values have allowed me to create a happy life, filled with great personal and professional satisfaction. I am committed to representing Living Values Education as Focal Point for Venezuela."


Venezuela: Children in a Peaceful World Project

"On October 9th through 11th, 28 university students took part in an LVE training to prepare themselves to work with children in different schools in areas of scarce resources around the city of Caracas," wrote Estela Gavidia Hernandez, the LVE Facilitator who currently coordinates LVE activities in Venezuela. "These young adults will do values activities with children for six weeks as part of the Children in a World of Peace Project. This program is sponsored by Chair Luis Dolan of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies for Peace and the URI Circle of Cooperation for Dialogue at Universidad Central de Venezuela is currently coordinated by Dr. Enoé Texier. A service project is a mandatory requirement to apply for a university degree at the Central University of Venezuela with the faculty of economic and social sciences (FACES). In the October LVE Seminar, three students of the Andres Bello Catholic University also attended as special guests."

Estela Gavidia Hernandez continued: "We shared the basic components of an Living Values Education workshop, sharing the philosophy and methodology of LVE through the tools of videos, dialogues, mental maps, dramatizations, drawings, reflections and mindfulness exercises. I explained and we practiced techniques of facilitation, public speaking, shared experiences, cleared concerns and generated confidence among the young adult participants. The students made a hierarchy of the group's three most important values in relationship to carrying out the Children in a World of Peace project. The values they chose "‹"‹were respect, love and trust.


Some of the students' comments:

'This seminar has been the most enriching experience. Congratulations for the great work.'
 Jiubisay Lodera

'I loved everything. With this training, I feel I chose the right project. It is a challenge, and I hope to make the most of it.'
Karen Salas

'In each breathe we carry a world that makes us happy....'

'An experience worth living. A moment to find ourselves.'

'Excellent course, very motivating, opens the mind a lot and helps me understand many aspects of life and see these from other perspectives.'
Christian Aure

'What I enjoyed most were the dynamics that led to group integration and empathy. When there is determination, the human being can become the most beautiful thing that exists in the world.'
Oriana Brito

'What I enjoyed most was the unexpectedness of the course / training, because I never expected it to be so remarkably dedicated to the personal growth of each participant. I understood the personal effort that is necessary to inspire people.'
Fabia Frangie Doumat

'I enjoyed getting great knowledge and feeling how with the passing of the hours that I recharged like a cell phone. I met generous, talented, special people"¦.'
Tibisay Yanez

'And the disciple asked the teacher: 'Master, what do you expect from life?' 'Whatever happens!'

'Values "‹"‹prepare us to enjoy LIFE.'"

Estela's personal comment about her experience: "Young Venezuelans are going through challenges that defy their convictions, their confidence and their values. At first, I felt they were incredulous, perhaps thinking that this was another speech full of impractical illusions, but as they experienced the real and useful value of values, they "‹"‹were more lively and interested in learning more. This experience made me more committed as a person, as a professional, and as a citizen of the world, especially of Venezuela."

Venezuela: UBUNTU and Living Green Values Now in Spanish

See Living Green Values

(2013) LVE in Venezuela is currently translating more LVE Resources into Spanish, UBUNTU by Helen Sayers and the Living Green Values books by Diane Tillman.  A million thanks to Belén Romero, Focal Point for LVE in Venezuela, from the ALIVE team for all her efforts. Belén has graciously translated many LVE resources, including the LVE series for street children and young offenders.

Mrs. Romero shared, "We have had many setbacks due to the political and economic situation in our country, especially related to the importing of books in Spanish. I am looking forward to being able to have my dream of a registered association come true this new year!"


Venezuela: Children for a Peaceful World Project


A training of university students at Universidad Central de Venezuela took place April 13th through 15th, 2015, as part of the Children for a Peaceful World Project of the Department of Social Service of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. Eighteen students participated in the Living Values Education workshop. These students are currently finishing their undergraduate program in different careers: Anthropology, Economics, International Studies and Management Administration, from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (FACES) at Universidad Central de Venezuela. LVE Workshops for university students are also supported by Chair Luis Dolan of Interreligious and Intercultural Studies for Peace URI Circle of Cooperation for Dialogue and Enoé Texier, Department Head.

Belen Romero, the Focal Point for LVE in Venezuela, reported: "During the training, the students focused on reflecting, through different activities like drawing, discussing, sketching, on the difference and impact that the presence and lack of values like Freedom, Respect, Love, Simplicity, Tolerance and Peace have in our lives, and especially in the children's lives, particularly in those children who live in less than satisfactory conditions. They were also very creative making some poems about different values, and benefit a lot from the Active Listening and Conflict Resolution sessions as well."

Some of the student's comments registered on the Evaluation Sheet:

"It is an excellent and gratifying experience. It is nice to know that there are programs such as this, which provide to all involved with invaluable tools for a better quality of life... forever grateful."
Ruben Ortiz

"I feel all university students will benefit greatly if this program could be an optional subject in every career."
Clara Vasquez

"This program, more than teaches how to work with values with children. It brings enormous benefits at a personal level. I think from now on I will be more attentive to what I learned in this training and start applying it, it will certainly make me a better person and help me contribute with a more harmonious atmosphere."

Maria Laura Digregorio

El grupo que fue entrenado junto con la facilitadora de VpVE (6ta de izquierda a derecho), la Directora del Departamento Profesora Dra. Enoé Texier (2da de derecho a izquierda) y la Asistente Administrativa del Departamento de Servicio Comunitario de la facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales (FACES), Universidad Central de Venezuela - 15 de abril de 2015

English | Spanish

Departamento de Servicio Comunitario
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales (FACES),
Universidad Central de Venezuela
Directora del Departamento: Profesora Dra. Enoé Texier


Del 13 al 15 de abril de 2015, se entrenó a un grupo de 18 estudiantes en el Programa Educativo Valores para Vivir. Estos estudiantes están actualmente culminando sus estudios de pre-grado en carreras como: Antropología, Economía, Estudios Internacionales y Administración y Contaduría, en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales (FACES) de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Durante el entrenamiento los estudiantes se concentraron en la reflexión, por medio de actividades prácticas como dibujos, discusiones, dramatizaciones y otros, sobre la diferencia e impacto que la presencia o ausencia de valores como Libertad, Respeto, Amor, Sencillez, Tolerancia y Paz tienen en nuestras vidas, y especialmente en las vidas de los niños, en particular en las de aquellos niños que viven en condiciones menos que satisfactorias. Así mismo fueron muy creativos en la producción de poemas sobre diferentes valores e igualmente se beneficiaron de las sesiones de Escucha Activa y Resolución de Conflictos.

Comentarios de algunos estudiantes registrados en la Hoja de Evaluación:

"Es una experiencia excelente y gratificante. Es Bueno saber que hay programas como este, que proporcional a todos los involucrados con herramientas invaluables para tener una mejor calidad de vida"¦estoy por siempre agradecido."

"Siento que los estudiantes universitarios se beneficiarían inmensamente si este programa fuse una materia opcional en cada carrera."

"Este programa, más que enseñar cómo trabajar valores con los niños, brinda enormes beneficios a nivel personal. Pienso que de ahora en adelante estaré más atenta sobre lo que he aprendido en este entrenamiento y comenzará a aplicarlo, con seguridad me hará una mejor persona y me ayudará a contribuir con la creación de una atmósfera más armoniosa."

Algunas fotos tomadas durante el entrenamiento:


Students from Universidad Central de Venezuela with Belen Romero, the Focal Point for LVE, and Jeimy Henriquez, the Assistant Manager of the Community Service Department of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences - May 19, 2014

English Spanish


Los días 13, 16 y 19 de mayo de 2014, se entrenaron en el curso de Valores para Vivir para Educadores un grupo de estudiantes de diferentes carreras en la Universidad central de Venezuela: Antropología, Sociología, Estudios Internacionales y Administración y Contaduría. Una de las exigencias que tienen los estudiantes universitarios en Venezuela, como requisito para poder optar por su título como profesionales, es el de realizar un Servicio Comunitario programado por el departamento de Servicios Comunitarios de cada Universidad. En la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales (FACES), el Departamento de Servicio Comunitario ofrece 60 programas diferentes y en esta ocasión 30 de los futuros profesionales eligieron entrenarse en el Programa "Niños en un Mundo de Paz", el cual contempla el entrenamiento en el Programa Educativo Valores para Vivir. De esta manera los jóvenes se prepararon para ir a trabajar Valores, durante 6 semanas, con niños en diversas escuelas en zonas de escasos recursos, alrededor de la ciudad de Caracas.

En esta ocasión, además de entrenarse en los Componentes Básicos de VpVE, se enfocaron en reflexionar, por medio de diferentes actividades que incluyeron dibujos, canciones y dramatizaciones, sobre la diferencia y el impacto que tiene en nuestras vidas y especialmente en la vida de los más pequeños, valores como Paz, Tolerancia, Humildad, Amor, Responsabilidad y Libertad y la ausencia de ellos.

Finalizado el entrenamiento algunos de sus comentarios en la hoja de evaluación fueron:

"Para mí, como estudiante de Estudios Internacionales, este entrenamiento ha sido como la suma de todo lo que necesitamos en nuestra preparación para promover formas de construir puentes entre personas y culturas... tenemos que tocar nuestros valores primero, tenemos que sentirnos pacíficos internamente, si vamos a traer paz a este mundo." DENISE LOVERA FUCHS.

"Este programa no solo nos forma como tutores para nuestro proyecto comunitarios, sino que también nos ayuda a ser mejores hijos, mejores hermanos, mejores padres"¦etc."  JOEL PERALTA

"El entrenamiento en el programa cambió significativamente mi manera de ver y de percibir mi entorno y la forma de asumir nuevos retos. Entré en momentos de relajación." MARVILYN SÁNCHEZ

"Sigan así, este tipo de información que se ofrece es de gran ayuda para la convivencia, tanto familiar como dentro del"

Some of the artwork created during the training:

HUMILITY: I feel happy with what I am and have.
What is within defines me.
Lack of Humility: I live out of looks, the external defines me.

Students' chosen concept of values after a vote!
"Values are the necessary tools to grow and develop in a better world, they are the perfect element that can help us build a better society."

"If it is so easy to love just by watching the blue sea...
God, why it is so difficult for us to be tolerant with our fellow humans?"

"Peace starts and ends here
Within the being and now.
The sky is blue, the night is dark.
Peace, river that flows, water that softens the rock.
Pure energy in nature.
River that never stops."

English | Spanish

University Students Appreciate LVE and Will Do Activities with Students in Low-income Suburbs

Students at Universidad Central de Venezuela currently finishing their undergraduate program in different careers, Anthropology, Sociology, International Studies and Management Administration from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (FACES), took an LVE Educator Training for three days in May. All university students in Venezuela are required to do Community Service for six weeks prior to graduation. They attend a training for the program of their choosing. FACES at Universidad Central de Venezuela in Caracas, offers 60 different programs and in this occasion 19 of these future professionals chose to be trained in the program called "Children in a World of Peace" which includes in its syllabus a training with LVE. These students were trained on the 13th, 16th and 19th of May to do their community service in Values, with children of different schools in low income suburbs around the city of Caracas. During the training, the students focused on reflecting through different activities like drawing, discussing and sketching on the difference and impact that the presence and lack of Peace, Tolerance, Humility, Love, Responsibility and Freedom have in our lives, and especially in the children's lives, particularly in those children who live in less than satisfactory conditions. Belen Romero, the Focal Point of LVE for Venezuela, led the LVE workshop. She shared some of the students' comments from the evaluation forms:

"To me, as an International Relations student, this training has been like the sum of all we need in preparing ourselves for promoting ways to build bridges amongst people and cultures... we have to touch our values first, we have to feel peaceful inside first, if we are to bring peace to this world..."

"I think everything was excellent. This program not only forms us as tutors for our community project, but also helps us to be better children to our parents, better brothers, better parents, and better human beings."

"The content of this program changed significantly the way I see and perceive the world around me, and the way to approach new challenges in my life."

English | Spanish



Entre el 25 y el 29 de enero de 2013, se entrenaron en el curso de Valores para Vivir para Educadores un grupo de estudiantes de diferentes carreras en la Universidad central de Venezuela: Antropología, Sociología, Informática, Estudios Internacionales y Matemáticas. Una de las exigencias que tienen los estudiantes universitarios en Venezuela, como requisito para poder optar por su título como profesionales, es el de realizar un Servicio Comunitario programado por el departamento de Servicios Comunitarios de cada Universidad. En la Universidad Central de Venezuela el Departamento de Servicio Comunitario ofrece 60 programas diferentes y en esta ocasión 30 de los futuros profesionales eligieron entrenarse en el Programa Niños en un Mundo de Paz, el cual contempla el entrenamiento en el Programa Educativo Valores para Vivir. De esta manera los jóvenes se prepararon para ir a trabajar Valores, durante 6 semanas, con niños en diversas escuelas en zonas de escasos recursos, alrededor de la ciudad de Caracas.

En esta ocasión, además de entrenarse en los Componentes Básicos de VpVE, se enfocaron en reflexionar, por medio de diferentes actividades que incluyeron dibujos, canciones y dramatizaciones, sobre la diferencia y el impacto que tiene en nuestras vidas y especialmente en la vida de los más pequeños, valores como Paz, Felicidad, Tolerancia, Libertad y la ausencia de ellos.

Finalizado el entrenamiento algunos de sus comentarios en la hoja de evaluación fueron:

"El taller me pareció sumamente enriquecedor y entretenido, además nos permite de alguna u otra manera reencontrarnos con nuestro niño interno y también a replantearnos muchas de las acciones que tenemos en nuestra vida"

"Seguir entrenando a más jóvenes, incluso sería muy bueno que este programa llegue a todas las Universidades Públicos y Privadas"
"Me gustaría que este tipo de talleres se dictaran de forma continua en la universidad, porque ayuda mucho a los estudiantes y profesores"

Algunas fotografías durante el entrenamiento:

Un Poema para la Libertad
A Poem on Freedom: "Freedom and Happiness", May your sweat of nectar be on a petal, to fly on the beak of a bird and give light to the souls that beat with life.

Como ven la Tolerancia
"I am white, black, Asiatic, fat and happy. Everyone accepts me...TOLERANCE!

Un Poema sobre la Paz
As a plane on the sky, as a ship on the ocean, and the feet on the ground, such is my PEACE.

Así ven la Felicidad "¦
This is how the see Happiness...

"¦ y así la Libertad!
"¦and Freedom!

Grupo de jóvenes Universitarios de la UCV - Venezuela - Enero 29, 2013

Spanish | English

University Students Discover the Value of LVE during Community Servicep - JANUARY 2013

Between the 25th and 29th of January 2013, a group of students were trained of Living Values Educational Program Educators Training. These students are currently finishing their undergraduate program in different careers: Anthropology, Sociology, IT, International Studies and Math.

One of the requisites that university students in Venezuela have, to be able to graduate, is to do Community Service for a set period of 6 weeks, for which they have to be trained in the program of their choosing between the programs being offered by the Community Service Department of their Alma Mater.

The Community Service Department at Universidad Central de Venezuela in Caracas, offers 60 different Programs and in this occasion 30 of these future professionals chose to be trained in the program called Children in a World of Peace, which includes training with LVEP. Thus, these students were trained to go and do their community service in Values, with children of different schools in low income suburbs around the city of Caracas.

During the training, the students focused on reflecting, through different activities like drawing, discussing, sketching, on the difference and impact that the presence and lack of values like Peace, Happiness, Tolerance and Freedom have in our lives, and especially in the children's lives.

Some of the students comments registered don the Evaluation Sheet:

"To me this training was highly enriching and entertained, besides it allows us to somewhat re-encounter with our inner child and also helps us re-think many of our actions and behavior in life."

"Please continue training more youth, it would even be very good if this program will reach all the public and private universities in this country."
"I would very much like this type of training to be in an ongoing basis at the university, because it really would help a lot students and professors alike."

Some pictures taken during the training, above: