Bringing in the Values of Your Culture

As you take LVE Training and facilitate LVE activities, you will understand the LVE methodology more deeply. At that point, you may wish to add ideas generated from your own experience, creativity, and cultural and educational resources, to help students explore, experience and express values meaningfully.

A group of teachers may want to get together before the introduction of each values unit to share their own material and ideas for students about that value - traditional stories, fiction or non-fiction articles, salient history units, web research projects, news stories, or relevant movies. Insert cultural stories at any time within the units. The students may enjoy acting out the stories. Ask the students to create their own plays and songs. They might even want to do an informal skit where the lines are improvised and are used to dramatize the situation being discussed. Perhaps older adults can tell traditional tales and teach traditional forms of music. Community based service-learning projects help strengthen students' commitment to values, and the understanding that they can make a positive difference. Educators are welcome to contribute the activities they create on the international web site. Kindly send them. Click here to email