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Living Values reignited in Sierra Leone!

Early days:

Living Values Education was introduced in Sierra Leone in July 2008 by Mr Alpha Abu Kamara, who went on to serve as the focal person for LVE in the country.

Many teachers, and community and religious leaders showed considerable interest, convinced that the concept would help to mould the character of our children and the youth, and create a better future by reversing the steady decline of morality in our society.

A one-day LVE workshop was organized for a group of teachers in August of that year, facilitated by Mr. Alhaji Kamara, Alpha's cousin, who had been trained in The Gambia by Monsieur Mamour Sylla, president of the LVE association in Senegal. 

Workshops were facilitated in ten schools in the city of Freetown - attended by both teachers and school administrators. LVE was also introduced to churches and mosques, whose teaching of moral character aligned well with the LVE approach.

A new beginning:

In 2019, both Alpha and Alhaji were invited to an international gathering of educators in Brittany, France, which included a number of LVE enthusiasts. Unfortunately, due to strict visa rules, neither were able to attend. However, the LVE flame had been reignited!

Later in the year, a group of teachers met Alhaji and shared information about LVE that one of them had come across on the internet. He explained that he and Alpha had wanted to develop LVE in Sierra Leone but had encountered problems in establishing an association. The teachers enthusiastically offered their cooperation and requested Alhaji to organize a training workshop for them.

This was arranged on 7th-8th November, after which an executive committee was formed and its members immediately started planning for the future.

Their first activity was a workshop in November 2019 for 18 teachers from three schools, facilitated by the executive group.  At the end of the day, all felt inspired to put into practice what they had learned and experienced, and were treated to Sierra Leonian cassava leaf soup prepared by Mrs Adama Kamara!

Both workshops were jointly sponsored by the executive committee and the participants.


An association, 'Living Values Education Sierra Leone', was created and registered in January 2020 with the Freetown City Council.

A plan of action was developed, including introducing LVE to primary and secondary schools in Freetown and conducting workshops with staff and with students. Unfortunately, plans had to be put on hold due to the Corona Virus crisis. However, a number of schools had already been contacted and have responded positively.

The association was elected as an associate member of ALIVE at the ALIVE Annual General Assembly in December 2020 and plans to hold its official launching ceremony early in 2021.


Report by Sheka Conteh, Acting Secretary General, and Alhaji Kamara, President /Trainer, with input from Helen Sayers.
