Israel Country Report - Middle East - English


Representative to ALIVE: Esther Khavous
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* The following information can be translated into Hebrew using the Goggle Translate website. Note: This translation will not have been proof read.



Five-year olds share their experience with values in a new video, The Power to Blossom

The Living Values Association, Israel, recently created a film in which kindergarten children share their feelings and experiences doing activities based on concepts of LVE. Esther reported: "The success and change of the atmosphere of the kindergarten is very unique, as well as the involvement of the team and parents. I especially noticed the positive change of attitude and behavior of the children and the staff - constant joy seemed the new norm!"

On 7 January 2014, LVE Israel held a conference for educators, inspectors, trainers and kindergarten teachers to expose them to our new program and present our short film, "The Power to Blossom". They were witness to the amazing answers of the children to the interview questions. We received excellent feedback from the participants. Many expressed an interest in our training program for their area. At the moment, we are in the middle of our first 30-hour training program in the city of Rosh Haim, which includes 20 kindergarten teachers from different areas. Soon we will be sharing the schedule of our new training program in the Central Region of Israel.



The Power to Blossom "” Parents request training for teachers to ensure continuity of LVE

Esther Khavous, the President of the ALIVE Associate in Israel reported that they are currently running a twelve-session training for teachers of Grades One to Three for a primary school in Givat Shmuel. The name of the training is "The Power to Blossom" and is a continuation of an LVE training done with Kindergarten teachers from the same municipality. The new training is the result of a request from parents to continue the LVE lessons their children received in Kindergarten. The new training began in November 2011 and will continue until May 2012. "The word is spreading as we have been asked to hold a training in the nearby municipality of Kiriat Uno for kindergarten teachers."


2001 - 28th May

LVE in Israeli began in November 1999 with a presentation by Pilar Quera from Spain to twenty professionals in the field of early childhood education. As a result, the National Director of Early Childhood at the Ministry of Education approved a plan to bring Living Values to the kindergartens of the city of Ramla as a pilot project.

A one and a half day Living Values Train-the-Educator programme was then organized for a total of 140 kindergarten teachers, their assistants, members of the Ministry of Education and the City Hall of Ramla. A handful of professionals from other districts were also present, as we deliberately included guests from other areas so they would eventually promote the project in their home-towns. We learned that a one and a half day programme is not enough. Sharona Stillerman, in collaboration with Pilar Quera of Spain, subsequently developed a 25-hour training programme comprised of 8 sessions.

A core team of 16 participants was then created, for the purpose of modeling the ideals of the project and seeing to its implementation in Ramla and surrounding areas. The participants, a group which included the supervisor of the Ministry of Education in the area, kindergarten instructors, a parent leader and the Supervisor of the Ministry of Health, were the first to complete the training programme. They also attended the TTT at Oxford in April 2000.

There is a noticeable difference in the way this group now works together and, according to many personal accounts, in the way they are leading their lives. There is a stated recognition of the need for positive thinking and the need to research and incorporate values in daily life, however little might be the support for this model in one's surroundings or circumstances. Meetings are a joy and the group is working as a team in the truest sense of the word. We feel that there has been success in creating a core group of people who, as a foundation for LVE in Israel, are not only clear about the concepts, but are enthusiastic and committed to modeling them.

Although a few teachers, under the tutelage of members of this core team, have begun experimenting with Living Values Activities in their classrooms, with quite wondrous tales to tell, the implementation of the Programme directly through the teachers in the classrooms has not yet been officially organized. This, together with the consensus to bring parents into a parallel training programme, is the aim of our next phase. In the next step, the vision is to implement regional training programmes that will reach out to 3 spirals of participants: kindergarten teachers, children aged 5-6 and their parents. The core team will be responsible for working directly with the first of these three.

National Level
In August 2000, LVE will be presented at a National Congress in Jerusalem. The Congress, which is in celebration of the centenary of the first kindergarten in Israel, will be an excellent opportunity to introduce LVE to the media, educators, government representatives and decision-makers. A short video of one of the kindergarten classes implementing Living Values will be shown.

Regional Level
Starting in September 2000, the city of Natania will be hosting the next training session initiated by the Ministry of Health Central Region, Early Childhood Division. A select group of 20 nurses and community workers, parents and instructors from Natania, as well as four representatives from the Ministry of Health of the surrounding four Regional Councils, will be trained. These four have already committed to implementing the Programme in the near future in their respective areas.

Local Level
Beginning in September 2000, a training programme for nurses working exclusively in Israel's Family Health Centres (in the city of Ramla) will start as part of an initiative to improve relationships between nurses and clients (parents and toddlers aged 0-3)

Number of Sites Using Living Values Education 
Total number of sites 5