Friends and Partners

One of the desires of ALIVE as the representative for so many international Associates and Focal Points is to increase both awareness for Living Values globally and also to build relationships with organisations and individuals with whom with we have a common bond and intent in helping humanity, creating positive change in the world.

Why your Foundation/Organisation might consider joining together with us...

This ready-made organisation is highly respected, effective and established in the field. It reaches into the hearts and minds of people of all ages desperate for a deepening of their understanding of right behaviour and aspire to awaken to humanity's innate generosity. In many countries it is a potential bulwark for the young against dissolution into radicalisation and disintegration of society.

ALIVE has never before entered into partnership, nor sought assistance of any kind.  

It is clear however that to start to build upon and rekindle the flame the Board has to reach out very carefully for relationships that will not seek to receive gain or benefit from the partnership, its activities or, in any way compromise the values inherent in the all the people we represent and teaching we extend rather, to strengthen our mutual impact through unified representation and focus.


If you are in accord with us and would like to discuss how we can assist one another with our mutual visions for a better world or formalise an association ...

Please contact us:
Click here to email