Extent and Variety of Use - some of LVE's partners in different countries

The Living Values Education approach and materials are producing positive results in more than 50 countries at thousands of sites. While most implementation settings are schools, others are day-care centers, boarding schools, community centers, centers and informal settings for children in difficult circumstances, drug rehab facilities, centers, camps, homes, and prisons. The number of people doing LVE at each site varies considerably; some involve a few people with one teacher or facilitator while other sites have involved 3,000 students.

In some countries LVE is implemented by a small number of dedicated educators who feel values education is important for the wellbeing of students, the community and the world. In other countries, ALIVE Associates have expanded into several areas while other ALIVE Associates have found partners to implement LVE widely, serving local and country-wide needs. There are many examples of collaborative partnerships. A few examples are below:

Vietnam - LVE has been disseminated widely, to more than 18,000 educators, through partnerships with the Hanoi Psychological Association, PLAN International, World Vision International, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, Drug Rehabilitation Department and VTV2 Education Channel, a television station in Vietnam.

Israel - the ALIVE Associate works with the Informal Education Department within the Ministry of Education, AMEN - Youth Volunteering City, and JOINT Israel. They have jointly developed a project to implement values in schools and in the communities and reinforce the values base of volunteering as a way of life.

Brazil - The Brazilian ALIVE Associate has provided training to thousands of teachers, including street educators and youth detention authorities. Many large networks of regular schools or NGOs that work with children in difficult circumstances have received LVE training through these collective programs: São Sebastião, São José dos Campos, Itápolis, São Bernardo do Campo, Campinas, Valinhos, Guarujá, Araraquara, Limeira in the state of São Paulo, Três Corações, in the state of Minas Gerais, Recife, in the state of Pernambuco, and the social networks: Nossas Crianças, Rede Fiandeiras, Rede Oeste, Bompar - Centro Social Nossa Senhora do Bom Parto in the city of São Paulo. Also trainings have been held in São Paulo for the Young Offenders agency and the CASA Foundation. These educators from numerous outside agencies and private and public schools have facilitated the exploration and development of values with more than 500,000 young people in normal schools and 75,000 street children. The Itau Foundation, Santos Martires Society and the public regular schools Boa Esperança, Peccioli and Josefina have given tremendous assistance to children, young adults and the community through a LVE project in an especially vulnerable neighborhood in Sao Paulo.

Indonesia - The ALIVE Associate, Karuna Bali Foundation, works with a number of organizations in line with the LVE vision, one of which is The Asia Foundation with its implementing partners in Jakarta, Paramadina Foundation, Paramadina University, PPIM UIN Jakarta and LSAF, in Yogyakarta, LKiS, Mata Pena and Puskadiabuma UIN Yogyakarta, and in Ambon, ARMC IAIN Ambon and the Parakletos Foundation. Another cooperating organization is Jesuit Refugee Service which works with internally displaced people, refugees and asylum seekers in several nodes of Indonesia.

From 2009, The Asia Foundation and its partners have actively supported LVE development through its Pendidikan Menghidupkan Nilai program, with LVE workshops for teachers and lecturers of madrasah, Islamic boarding schools, schools, and universities. Now in 50 Islamic boarding schools, one of the program's goals is mainstreaming high quality values-based education where values can be implemented directly in daily life. Great attention is given to character based education by integrating the approach in all subjects.

During the program, at least 10,119 teachers and 1,423 lecturers from schools and universities all over Indonesia were involved. The evaluation of this program was published in a book format titled Success Stories by TAF in the Indonesian language. Parallel to TAF programs, JRS since 2009 also intensively used LVE methods in its work with post disaster and post conflict communities in Aceh province. From 2012, the Peace Education program in Ambon, a collaboration of The Asia Foundation, State's Islamic Institute of Ambon, and Parakletos Foundation, has been working hard to sow the seeds of peace in the land broken up with strife. More than 300 facilitators of LVE and Peace Education have been trained, and more than 10,000 students, teachers, and members of communities have been involved in peace education activities.

Karuna Bali Foundation also implements LVE in its program, especially with Campuhan College, a one-year program for high school graduates who wish higher education, a lot of lessons have been learned, especially the need for educators to live their values before facilitating values awareness in students. There are many requests for training from schools and institutions from all over Indonesia. In 2015, there were 48 LVE workshops, from the eastern most point of Palembang to the western most point of Ambon. In 2016, there were 41 workshops involving 1055 people. This only counts three-day LVE Educator Workshop. There are many more one-day seminars and professional development courses.