Current News

WVD 2023 - LVE In-Community Study Group

The organisation for World Values Day (WVD) spends many months preceding World Values Day considering activities and bringing together events that will be extended throughout the world to support the recognition of Values. This year WVD is Thursday 19th October.

Each year Living Values Education aims to bring something different to the WVD 'party'; (see This year Living Values Education are highlighting our 'LVE In-Community Study Group', a free 'distance' project that anyone with the desire and inspiration to bring values into the world can engage. More flexible than a specific event or training, the 'LVE In-Community Values Study Group' concept encourages people with a belief in values to start a community awareness group.

How can you get on board?

Download the 'LVE In-Community Values Study Group Guidebook' booklet here.

This will provide all the information needed to allow anyone to embrace becoming an LVE Study Group facilitator and manage a small community group. All you have to do is send out this booklet with your personal note, inviting them to apply to for the supporting Course materials and register their group. It's a great opportunity to share to all your friends and contacts about Living Values Education and what we offer.
