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Values-based Atmosphere Online Course Extension

Happy Holiday season from the team at Living Values Education. We hope that you have been enjoying the course and congratulations to those of you that have completed and earned your certificate. 

For those of you that may have gotten distracted during this busy time of the year we would like to offer you an extension through to January 5th. Our goal is to have as many people as possible receive their certification and are here to help you succeed. 

We would like to offer you a further insight into the Living Values resources available to you at no cost or effort.  

If you are a teacher working with children, or young adults of any age you might be looking to bring the concept of a Values-based Atmosphere into your classroom.
Feeling Loved, Valued, Respected, Understood, and Safe - the foundation needs of a child.

As values must be 'caught' and 'taught', the adults involved are integral to the success of the LVE Approach, for all people learn best by example and are most receptive when what is shared is experienced. The establishment of a values-based atmosphere is essential for optimal exploration and development. Such an environment naturally enhances learning, as relationships based on trust, caring, and respect positively affect motivation, creativity, and affective and cognitive development.
Why were these five feelings of 'loved, valued, respected, understood, and safe' chosen for the LVE Theoretical model?

Love is rarely spoken about in educational seminars. Yet, isn't it love and respect that we all want as human beings? Who doesn't want to be valued, understood, respected, and safe? When any of these elements is missing in ourselves, we use a facade or ego-based response, and in so doing, we lose connection to our participants who feel the missing element even if they cannot identify it physically. As children, we all have these needs as fundamental to our growth; sadly, they were seldom a prerequisite of our parental upbringing, yet still, as adults, we crave, need, and deserve these qualities. In Living Values, we ensure that these elements are present in us. This is the fundamental difference in LVE, compared to other workshops and educational practices.
Our website has a special section – please check it out and download any files you will might change or enhance your classroom. You can see an example for Respect here.

Reflection Points for three age groups: 3-7, 8-14, and Young Adults. Here you will find Values Cards and Display posters of the Reflection Points for each of the twelve values for each age group. These are designed to provide the first introduction of values to these three age groups, the beginning of the creation of your Values-based Atmosphere.
A great way to start the classroom day. 

Please ensure you have watched Belen Maggiolo's training video here and check out where to find all the resources with Roger Miles in his training here.


Thank you for being on this journey with us, we wish you all the best in bringing these values to life for yourself, those around you and your students. And as always if you need any support please reach out to us at at anytime. 


Kind regards,


Roger Miles and the team at Living Values Education. 
