At Risk Youth | Living Values Education Special Interest Programmes

Living Values Education is a global endeavour dedicated to nurturing and educating hearts as well as minds. Living Values Education provides an approach, and tools, to help people connect with their own values and live them.

In this section

Many of our Associates and Focal Points in some 40 countries are working in very diverse areas with people of all ages affected by natural disasters, areas with conflict, personal hardship circumstances, incarceration and rehabilitation.

Living Values Education is not bound by culture, religion, ethnic groups or geographical boundaries, it can and is at home no matter where people, particularly where children are suffering. The Living Values Education approach with its values-based atmosphere and activities support and can be applied to all circumstances.

Some of the materials include:

  • Living Values Education: Activities for Drug Rehabilitation
  • Living Values Education: Activities for Refugees and Children Affected by War - Ages 3-7, Ages 8-14
  • Living Values Education: Activities for Street Children - Ages 3-6, Ages 7-10, Ages 11-14
  • Living Values Education: Activities for At-Risk Youth
  • Living Values Education: Activities for Young Offenders
  • Living Values Education Supplement: Helping Young People Process Difficult Events

These materials are restricted, made available only to educators or facilitators who undergo Living Values Education training for these particular modules. The ability to create a values-based atmosphere, and use active listening and validation skills are a very important part of the process. 

The at-risk trainings vary in length. For example, street children agencies who wish their educators and facilitators to use the materials may request the six-day LVE At-Risk Training for Street Education at their location.  Refugee camps who wish their educators to be able to assist the children in the camp in this healing and empowering process can request a two-week training at their camp. LVE trainers will work with the requesting organization to help them develop a self-sustaining training program. For example, refugees who are themselves working in the camps as educators can become LVE Trainers to deliver the program to their own people. LVE At Risk Trainers would come in after the program has been implemented for several months or a year, access needs, evaluate the results, and then conduct another two-week program with a new group of refugee educators and several refugee teachers who have been previously trained and wish to become trainers. After three trainings, they would be able to conduct the trainings independently.

The programmes for those who wish to use LVE's materials for drug rehabilitation and at-risk youth are usually shorter and are often facilitated by experienced drug rehabilitation counsellors or accredited educators. These trainings are typically three or four days, depending on the level of experience of the applicants.

These programmes are delivered by specially trained and accredited Living Values Education At-Risk Trainers skilled in the particular area of expertise.

In addition, other Special Interest programmes are provided for Parents and Green Values - relating to our environment.

How Can I Contact A Living Values Education Trainer?

Refer to the Contact Us page to contact the Living Values Education Associate or Living Values Educaion Focal Point of a nearby country or send an email. Click here to email

Living Values Education international success stories spanning 20 years of activity make inspiring reading.